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liquid wind

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Everything posted by liquid wind

  1. he doesn't literally use one sample lol but yeah, most artists have their own niche and you can recognize their work by some repeated elements, that's really not unusual
  2. baselessassumptionbaselessassumptionbaselessassumption
  3. that's a blind assumption anyway, it doesn't matter. and I had pretty high hopes for the game until a few days before it's release and I watched a livestream of someone playing it for a few hours + the reviews
  4. OCR/VGMix is actually probably most of why I got into music, OCR's influence on me was huge
  5. he said since prime, I don't think he was dissing prime and I'd agree, super metroid and metroid prime's soundtracks are two of my favorites, every one since then has been very meh
  6. people don't like it when their expectations are betrayed pretty much. you buy a game that's part of a franchise and you expect it to be consistent with other games in that franchise. TDK joker's "all part of the plan" speech here rofl that being said I'm still waiting until I buy this to pass judgement on the cutscenes even though I've already seen a lot of them, just saying, when you do what's perceived by most as a 180 it's going to upset some people
  7. about as expected, the biggest problem with it seemed to be that they took a massive dump on what samus' character was presumed to be going to either rent or buy this used soon, don't want to encourage nintendo with new game sales on this
  8. I think the voice acting itself is fine, the dialogue, particularly samus' inner monologue, is just badly written
  9. entirely debatable, DKC is still a classic (personally I do prefer SM though, prolly in my top 3 games ever)
  10. the dialogue seems very cheesy and there's supposed to be a lot of it, additionally, this uses sideways wii remote other M is almost a lock to be the most disappointing game in the series and yet samus doing CQC remains awesome...
  11. don't see it so much, I think if you wanted to attack the wii for anything stylistically it would be emulating apple
  12. PS3 also does rip offs itself! (this image predates playstation move by like 2-3 years too lmao)
  13. eh, I looked at it in audacity really quickly and it looked like around 9 seconds, upon further review there's more on the right but not on the left this is a retarded thing to start an argument over wtf
  14. it's 9 seconds actually I didn't say it was a huge thing either, that's just the only real criticism I have for it, love it otherwise
  15. very nice, wish this didn't have the silence at the end I keep looping it
  16. seen this months ago, but it was totally worth rewatching anyway
  17. How important is it to you that the internet is generally the same experience, no matter what broadband provider you use to access it? a) Very important How would it affect your overall internet experience if, depending on your broadband provider, certain content and applications performed better/quicker, and others performed worse/slower? a) Very negatively How would it affect your overall internet experience if, depending on your broadband provider, certain content and applications were totally inaccessible, and others performed MUCH better? a) Very negatively How competitive are broadband prices in your area? d) Not competitive How many broadband providers can you choose from for home computer access? Two Think of the fastest broadband available to your home. How many other broadband providers offer similar speeds to your residence? One Which practices do you think to-the-home ISPs should not be allowed to engage in? Choose all that apply. a) Prioritizing selected low-latency apps such as voice, video, or games Selling content- and application-providers higher priority access c) De-prioritizing applications and content that don't pay a fee d) Blocking applications and content of their choice On privacy grounds, what do you think of ISPs classifying and prioritizing the types of internet content you send and receive? d) Stop peeking into my packets! Which best describes your relationship with computers in general? d) Eager enthusiast How familiar are you with the technical workings of the internet? c) I can ping a server!
  18. sad for historical and sentimental reasons, but not really significant as it has been pretty much dead for years anyway. still, rest in peace vgmix
  19. there's no way this title wasn't intentional lmao
  20. programming the sounds yourself is all the fun, there's no point buying a synth for presets IMO
  21. it is good but I do have 2 problems with it 1. much of the better music is locked onto bad stages that few people ever want to play on. zelda music is pretty awesome, too bad none of the zelda stages are very well liked. if you could play any song on any stage, I'd like it a lot more 2. I play brawl a looooot, I go to tournaments a few times a month, go to smashfests every other week, play wifi etc. no matter how much I like it, it's going to get old eventually, I think custom soundtracks should be a standard feature for any game that isn't just a story mode
  22. that's actually good because the links were dead anyway, so updated original post with that, thanks kax! too lazy to reupload cognitive dissonance and it wasn't as likeable for most people anyway so I just deleted mention of it lol
  23. this, I don't use any gameplay affecting hacks normally, but it's great to have custom textures and music, and replays over 3 minutes. textures you couldn't really expect but the latter two is just fixing the developers mistakes as far as I'm concerned, so it's still kind of pathetic
  24. there's actually no legal issue as of now, nintendo lost a court case over this. however, if you do the nintendo system updates, they will remove the homebrew channel and potentially brick your wii in the process...actually on rare occasion the nintendo wii updates have been known to brick peoples wii's even if they don't have HBC, it's unwise to do them period. but you are correct that the wii shop channel won't work if you don't have the lastest update I think there's a hacked version of shop channel that works but idk, cave story is the only game on wii shop I'm interested in as I don't feel like paying for games that I already own, would like to throw pixel a few dollars for one of the most brilliant games I've ever played though anyway, good thread, I use music/texture hacks at all times myself, makes the game so much better. no requests but please post these to the music hub! http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=245410
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