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liquid wind

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Everything posted by liquid wind

  1. http://tindeck.com/listen/fosn second version! changed the B melody some, swapped the guitar sample for a different one and changed the drums a little original song:
  2. I actually just found out about it after wandering onto IRC for the first time in like a year :/
  3. missed it last night but I'll definitely try to make this frequently, I was just thinking I need to get back into OHC but I'm busy on thursdays
  4. I think a lot of people would just for sentimental reasons. I know Rare isn't the same group they were in the 90s and they aren't making classic after classic anymore, but it would still make me sad, another piece of my childhood officially dying
  5. This. People love to say that they suddenly got worse when MS bought them but it was a few years before that, Rare's last game for a Nintendo console wasn't very good either. Nintendo knew they had damaged goods and unloaded it, that's all.
  6. "Product Features Platform: PC | Edition: Balls of steel Collectible bust of Duke Nukem 100-page hardcover book: History, Legacy & Legend: Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault Duke Nukem Forever collectable comic book Duke Nukem Forever radioactive emblem dice Duke Nukem Forever postcard series" Balls of Steel edition doesn't come with actual steel balls, I am disapppointed
  7. if everyone had elemental associations, I would be water/wind most people assume it's a wet fart joke though :/
  8. sytrus it sounds good and is versatile, I also like how you can select the oversampling mode where a lot of synths just default oversample, this is good for me because I do a lot of stuff with intentional aliasing the envelopes can be a pain at times though, I kind of wish they'd make like a "sytrus light" or something, a stripped down version of it with the same filters but just simple ADSR knobs(yes sytrus technically has these, their default mapping is horrid though, like you can turn the attack knob all the way up and it's still relatively fast) and one page interface
  9. speaking of art I've already posted a few places that I love the music but the artwork is nice too, using one of the wallpapers that came with it : )
  10. I wasn't specifically reminded of it but I could see it. I was really reminded of relics of the chozo here, although it doesn't go as far as to fade in/out tracks, it's stylistic consistency creates a similar sense of being a single entity rather than a random collection of remixes, very nice.
  11. oh snap OCR's duke nukem forever actually came out DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE j/k I love this so far, good shit everyone. happy to see zelda finally get a finished OCR project
  12. no modplug, IT, FT, buzz, psycle etc. either, I'd think there should at least be a general "trackers" option seeing as they are so different from anything else and there are a number of people that use them around don't have renoise but from messing with the demo I love the browser, maybe better than FL's. coming from modplug/psycle it's fast tracker lineage confuses me, I'm sure I could get it if I spent more time with it but I'm too poor to justify buying more music programs atm...I've been saying that for like a year :/
  13. I've noticed that too and I greatly dislike it, the mechanics of the game kill any sense of speed and fluidity, can't roll quickly, you lose momentum on landing etc. but the controls are still somewhat unresponsive too. also annoying is that it seems to respond to certain types of movement more than others like holding the wii remote straight up and lashing it forward works well but holding it in a more relaxed position and swinging it up doesn't work as much, the game encourages/forces you to hold the controller in a different position than you may want to
  14. it's kinda funny sometimes when you randomly notice the voices being the same like, goku is in f-zero GX!?!?
  15. it can go either way, some anime or games I'd prefer dubbed and some I'd rather watch the sub. I usually watch a few episodes of an anime in both languages before deciding which to watch the rest of it in. but I think the english versions do tend to be worse overall, there's more stuff on the final fantasy X or naruto side of the spectrum of horrible voice acting and translation than metal gear solid or death note
  16. yeah the way the background and foreground interact and how you transition between them is definitely a nice touch brilliant game except for the unneeded use of motion controls IMO, I really want to find the retard who stood up during a board meeting and proclaimed "roll should be mapped to waggle!" soundtrack is pretty nice too, I thought it would be more awkward than it is having kenji yamamoto do donkey kong but it works, although some parts definitely seem like "Donkey Kong Country: Metroid Prime Edition", though as expected the most standout tracks are remixes of DKC1 music
  17. I don't have idea's, I just mess around until it sounds less awful lol
  18. I think a lot of that is that the art direction is clearly very different...it...reminds me more of a mario game than a donkey kong country game tbh looking forward to this either way, first wii game I've had any hype for in a long time
  19. I'd disagree, Super Metroid and Metroid Prime could easily both be in my top 5 games ever but I didn't buy this seeing the general direction it was going in after reading a lot of reviews and watching someone livestream it for 3 hours. it's unfortunate if the low sales cause nintendo to stop making metroid games, but it would be just as bad to me if the game had sold very well and they continued bastardizing the series, sometimes you're better off leaving it alone(hey there, FFVII spinoffs)
  20. can't speak for kinect or move but I've never really liked the wii controls, it's always seemed inferior to standard controllers. brawl is really the only wii game I play much
  21. the idea of wii motion control is great, but it's too inaccurate and wonky for me most of the time. even with all the customization possible in the conduit I never got it to a point where it was very good, much rather use an actual controller
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