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liquid wind

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Everything posted by liquid wind

  1. the piano roll rescaling always annoys me and it always goes back to the ABC format after a while so I have to keep changing it :/ but yeah other than that no reason not to use FL10, so try that
  2. around...my computer died last week so I haven't been here the past few days. I think you've already heard an earlier version of it but it's a lot better now


  3. too bad nintendo considers games like fortune street and mystery case files more important to the american market than this, fucking brilliant, NoA
  4. it's part of the end credits which people have remixed http://www.ailsean.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=26 also
  5. loving the flood of metroid music recently, only just a little into this but great stuff I'm hearing so far *dead* if by some chance this was serious it's great news as well, I happen to be playing MM right now, favorite game in that series
  6. beautiful remix, maridia was always one of the most haunting areas of SM for me and this expands on it very nicely without losing that feeling. the mixing is a little jarring in places but it is impressive how dense this is while still feeling very intimate and lonely. a fitting tribute both to metroid's anniversary and to avien's tragedy, happy birthday and rest in peace respectively
  7. yeah at least they did do this for it, not many games come with such a nice metal case
  8. happy berfday metroid! I doubt nintendo will do anything fun for it after the train wreck that was other m unfortunately, but I still consider this to be one of the most important franchises in gaming. I'll have to speed run super metroid today
  9. hope it's a tour, I will definitely be in attendance if they do a concert in the northeast but I'm not traveling as far as LA for it
  10. alt + ctrl + g lets you change the background color for the piano roll and playlist, you can change the wallpaper too from the view menu. I had some really nice skins for FL9 but I haven't bothered with any for FL10 yet and idk where to find them, I found all my FL9 skins on IL's forums but haven't seen them there recently...
  11. what scares me is people talking about the death of console gaming and the rise of general purpose devices like these in their stead I don't want to play video games exclusively on a touch screen or a shitty keypad or something this is the whole reason spirit tracks was awful when it should have been good! I definitely like something clean with less detail rather than a lot of badly drawn detail, but I guess we have to agree to disagree on that I still don't see how you can see the N64 as their biggest blunder though, from a financial perspective the gamecube sold half as much and from a critical perspective the wii is pretty terrible
  12. you had me until you started talking mario sports games strictly in terms of game library though, the N64 was a much better system than the wii is the jaggies made most anything remotely complex look like garbage, FFVII has more aesthetically pleasing character models than FFIX and that just shouldn't happen. the more detail added, the more mess created by the jaggyness N64 might have lower res textures and often had to go a more simple route but I prefer a cleaner look regardless. I don't see how you can say objects were difficult to differentiate in N64 games by comparison, most of what's on screen at least retains its proper shape where zidanes face here looks like missingno
  13. psx's in game graphics were typically much worse, the only thing that made it more impressive were pre-renders both systems look pretty terrible when you take a step back from that era of course
  14. the sad thing is that the 3DS still doesn't interest me at all. as for the apple comment...it would make sense, when you look at how they've rebranded themselves over the past 5-6 years it does scream "we want to be apple" the N64 itself was good though, the playstation line was nintendo's blunder because it was supposed to be an SNES add on but they got greedy and backed out of the deal because they thought sony was getting too much
  15. how does one go about using a wii remote as a controller in a DAW o_O
  16. this is good advice. a little compression on the master is necessary if you want something competitive in the "loudness wars", but most of getting your song to sound good is the equalization and compression done on the individual tracks, anything you do to the master track should be minimalist don't use maximus so I don't have anything specific to say about that but in general when people have problems with master compression it usually has more to do with the fact that they're trying to do too much to the master to begin with
  17. it says in the doc that he just used some SNES soundfonts, and some SNES games did sample FM synths... liking what I've heard so far, some of it more than TP's actual soundtrack! something about TP's sound always seemed wrong to me, I prefer the N64 games over it in that regard even though they use blatantly terrible samples
  18. I heard we were talking about vocaloid and mediocre guitar samples in this topic now
  19. there is no good free guitar VST. voxengo boogex is a pretty good amp sim at least and there's a free version of amplitude, but for the actual instrument you'll have to pay if you want anything remotely believable drum samples are everywhere and it really depends on what style you're talking about...
  20. one theory I've heard on this is that because of the longer development cycles for HD games, they need the help more now that they're making a powerful console. either way everything about the U is inconsistent, they also want to convince long time gamers that this system is for them when they're allowing the wii to die in such a disgraceful way. at least being from north america it's very difficult to buy into what they're selling here.
  21. I like this I'm not totally against the idea wii fit but it shouldn't be so family oriented(ie boring), if anything needs this kind of visceral savagery it's an exercise game
  22. yeah I plan to make my next computer a total beast so I can just run nearly anything anyway back on FL advice, I've recently started actually using the plugin picker, I used to ignore it because it bombards you with a ton of stuff at first and doesn't seem as fast but it's really useful if you go in and customize it. FL Studio 10 > Data > Patches > Plugin Database, delete everything you don't use often, then in FL you can add things to it by selecting the database in the browser and there's an option to add the current plugin to the selected folder in the plugin wrapper. then you can insert any of your go-to plugins just by hitting ctrl F8 or right clicking the FX slots in the mixer(wish there was a way to just bring up generators like this...). you can also take most of your sample based stuff like slicex, sf2 player, granulator etc out because you can just open those from the browser with the desired samples another thing I didn't know about the picker is that when you add plugin to database it saves its state and will load that, so if you want to change the default of something(eew sytrus strings...), just delete it, change the settings, and re-add it.
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