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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. Hello! lets start.. If you dig jazz in any sort of the fashion, Grab this now. I wish i was familiar with the original so i could here the similarities, im sure it'd be even better. Either way, Totally Jazzy, and totally kick ass.

    0:01 - Mm.. Coool intro..don't quite know what to expect at this point..cool work though..

    0:35 - Hellloo Jazz. Do you know Jazz theory? Certainly sounds like it. the backround sounds Very good..

    1:03 - Sweet work man. The Drumbeat is almost too good.

    1:29 - Love those Slides...Sweet work.

    1:50 - Helllooo Jazz.. once again..VERY jazz.

    2:11 - Cool Work..Increadibly Jazzy, Which i adore. not many could pull this off.

    2:39 - The beat is constantly changing aswell, its also worth to note the backround sounds provide such clean harmony its almost impossible to deny the goodness.

    3:14 - Also of note is the backround work, right here it SHINES. Excelllentae.

    3:30 - Love the harmonies that are used here.. Those Chords are Indeed quite Jazz. most of them :P

    4:06 - Delicious Work here...I love how full blown its gotten.. More Jazz Chords... Im Diggin' it totally.

    4:58 - Excellent fadeout here.. just sort've makes you sit back..reflect...and say "wow" ..as most jazz does at some point..Terriffico!

    5:42 - Jeez.. a bit long eh? .. Its entirely worth it. I don't think i can find anything to complain about here.

  2. hello Marc Star! Is this your first mix? .. its amazing, if so -> congradulate yourself. if not? congradulate yourself, well done piece, infact, VERY well done.

    0:01 - Mmm.. Delicious Intro. Awesome work here.

    0:15 - Sweet Guitar work..Drum beat is a good complement, though a bit on the Light side of things, i think it fits VERY well.

    0:35 - That a flute? of sorts.. Im diggin the backround melody that complements it. this your first? very promising.

    1:07 - Don't like that low sound. Destroy's the mood i think.. I ADORE the happy-vibe that your putting out, those high synth-type strings are beautiful.

    1:36 - Cool Drum work, And that low bass sound isn't nearly as annoying as it once was.

    1:54 - Cool Work here.. Again, just Awesome.

    2:15 - Sorry, but i Hate that damn fadeout, it doesnt fit this at all.. Id prefer something else.

  3. Okay Mr. Drop.. Pretty good mix, I dig what you were doing, there were a few problems.. but.. Bottom Line? i really have heard better out of you. Ive heard you say you worked hard on this, so .. im not saying this is bad, infact i like it, I just think.. er.. I KNOW your capable of producing better. The mix stays static a bit too much, There are a few parts that i don't dig because they don't complement each other, and that pop drum sound needs to be replaced.

    0:01 - I love the static in the intro.. and how it fades out.

    0:18 - Cool instrument here.

    0:30 - Cool Beat. As should be expected of Beatdrop..

    0:55 - That lead is kinda getting boring by this point Beatdrop, i wish you'd mix it up a bit by this point.

    1:20 - Cool stuff here.. I think that beat needs to be a bit..Deeper.

    1:43 - Im not sure if i like this. I don't think it complements.. i think it contradicts, which doesnt let it flow, I mean, i can tell it sort've works, but i really think something could sound better.

    2:15 - That same line is also keeping it kinda boring by this point, but you DO remedy it up soon.

    2:49 - The highlight of The mix beat, Excellent work stuff here. but i think i hear a flat note at 2:55-2:56.. maybe its just my ears. also that sound thats the drum beat at 2:29 - the "pop" sound, i don't like, needs to be deeper. and then you bring it in even harder at 2:48.

    3:08 - I like the intro, its quick, and actually does its job rather well.

  4. Hi McVaffe! Pretty damn slick mix here, Though not my favorite Genre - I found this more then enjoyable, Deffinitely a keeper - on top of that -> You Remixed Red Alarm, Bonus Points!

    0:01 - I love the synth techno feel right here..the bassline sounds cool too.. does a great job of getting you in the mood.

    0:21 - Love the selection of instruments here..

    0:30 - Cool work, but .. I think the drumbeat could be just a tiny tiny bit louder. Also, Though i know how the original sounds, and the notes your using Are for the original, i don't like how they fit here. but it only lasts for about 7 seconds

    0:48 - More Cool Snyth-y work here.. love it.

    1:00 - The lead fits really well, I love how its used.. and you do a great job of keeping it interesting, That i like :P

    1:22 - Though.. I can't quite put my finger on it, while this mix is really sweet, Im constantly waiting for you to just let everything go and push at it even more..but .. for some reason i don't see that happening.

    2:00 - Not my favorite part here, but it sounds pretty good, and it works.

    2:30 - Sweet part here.. feels like your building up to something, i Hope so.

    2:52 - Cool Synth intro..more building..Long song.

    3:20 - No climax - but .. i love this part right here..Almost forces you to dance to it in some respect.

    4:03 - On my tastes, that simple, synth lead has gotten boring by this point :( i wish you would've mixed it up a bit more, i think this is the 3rd, maybe even 4th time its played. although the backround is always Dynamic and changes every time, but you gotta mix the lead up too!

    4:48 - Cool change, but Id still like to see More. Your still not pulling out all the stops that i think you could've.

    5:05 - I dislike the ending here..its just a simple fadeout.. while I think it works, Mcvaffe, i know your capable of more :P

  5. Hey Goat.. Beautiful Stuff here, i dig the guitar work. A Few very minor things a don't like, but overall, an excellent piece of work, my Detailed review follows :P Worth the Download everyone, Especially fans of Castlevania music.. as everyone is.

    0:01 - Excellent work here.. I love the introduction..Sounds Reallly good.

    0:46 - Don't know about this part, but the title reaffirms my faith, this part fits it rather nicely.. The organ sounds Really good.

    1:20 - Sounds like it needs something more in through this part.. I love what im hearing..i just think something else could push it even farther.

    2:11 - Cool guitar work.

    2:36 - Really Cool guitar work.

    3:01 - Goood stuff here, A Very professional quality surrounding the entire thing, I love this part.

    3:20 - A Few Shakey things here, but you quickly recover.

    3:45 - Don't like the sudden change, It sounds like you just threw it right on top. Id prefer a nice ease out, or a Sudden drop..then this to kick back in slow and mellow-like..but its like an instant transversion which i don't like ..(is Transversion a word?)

  6. Excellent work by Gray here.. Im a fan of the slow mellow pace this puts off, its really nice to simply relax too.. also, the tones were chosen carefully, and you can tell, with each chord brings a subtle new change, some lighter, some darker, i really like that. the drumbeat flows, slowly, very slowly, right along with the song, which i like. Deffinately a keeper, especially for a fan of CT because Schala's elements are embedded so well. Beautiful.

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