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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. I just wanted to thank everyone who's responded so far - We now have over 50% of the tracklist covered, and My inbox is still getting slammed with people who want on the project. This is better then i could have hoped for - Thanks to everyone. If you guys want a track or your potentially interested, this is the best time to drop me a pm and reserve a song. If your new, or i don't know you - gotta make sure you have atleast 1 track for me to check out to be considered.

    That being said - I'm still hunting for artists - i know you guys are out there.

  2. Well, i started a splash woman remix recently, but i see that's already taken...

    I do have interest in Galaxy Man's stage, however; i see nothing about deadlines anywhere. If you could give me a better idea about timelines/deadlines i might be inclined to join.

    After the project fills up, i will be setting the first general deadline in about 2 months time, A lot of the mixers are busy and unlike my cave story project, i don't intend on rushing things along.

    My first major goal is to get a good solid group of mixers committed and set working on a track - I'd be content when we have about 18+ of the tracks covered, though I would love to see 25. Once that goal is met, i will set up a basic WIP deadline in about 2-3 months time. Think like March or something.

    Beyond that, if the project continues to gain steam and tracks DO fill up - and I have more mixers that want to take on tracks that are already covered, im open to that as well.


    Project is currently in evaluation.

    Old website is down. We probably wont have a new website until release of the project.

    Teasers can be found here:



    OLD NEWS POSTS BELOW-------------------------------------


    It's looking like we're going to shoot for a May release date, Basically that turns it into crunch time - 3 months away, I've already talked with a few of you to discuss this and make sure you can commit, but I'll be getting with more of you to make sure you guys are up for it and that everyone is on board.

    PROJECT WEBSITE: http://kwix.shackspace.com/mm9

    CURRENT MIXER LIST: http://kwix.shackspace.com/mm9/mixers.html

    CURRENT PROJECT STATUS: gaining mixers & finalizing a solid release date.

    UPDATE - 2.3.10

    Hey guys. Thanks for offering to take as many tracks as you did, Plug Electric, Flash in the Dark, and Wily Machine are now well covered in my opinion, perhaps even too much so... if such a thing we're possible. I've got some great news to share with you all, Newcomer Ralph Vickers has been accepted onto the project and Sixto has decided to make a comeback!! The project is looking up and if things go well I will have a release date planned soon!


    Additionally, Is anyone willing to help Corran out with an Acoustic Guitar bit? I know we have TONS of guitarists in the community, is anyone capable or willing to lend him a hand?


    I gave the naming idea a good few spins in my head, decided on how I felt about some of the offered suggestions and decided that, yes - the project will have a fancy name, and that name will be Back in Blue. Thanks Author :)

    UPDATE - 11.5.09

    Well i suppose it was inevitable. Things we're just going too good. It looks like some unfortunate circumstances have lead to Sixto Sounds & Nekofrog leaving the project. Sixto had a hard drive crash which is always a big pain to deal with, from what I gather he lost quite a bit, including all the project details he was working on. This also means I need to do a bit more recruitment. A few really good songs have opened up so I'll be trying to get a hold of some new mixers. This means if you want one of the new open tracks you should get in touch with me!

    The tracks that have opened up are the following:

    Plug Electric: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kM-9qEe9lM

    Flash in the Dark (Wily1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltslPAxbUsU

    Castle of Evil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6VwbyYjLZE

    All of these are *amazing* tracks and I'd really like to have them covered, so if you were looking for a track but didn't see anything you liked before, please give these a listen and let me know if you'd like to take a stab at covering them.

    Additionally, this also means our December release date probably isn't going to happen. I'll keep you guys posted and we'll see who i can get to take the tracks. Honestly I'd really like to have 1 more awesome guitar track on the project, but I'm willing to try anything!


    UPDATE - 9.1.09

    So guys.. Sup? Lets play a game of good news & bad news. Which one you want first? ..good news? okay.

    The good news.. is that I set a September 1st Due date, its here, and the mixers have delivered. Oh man, they have definitely delivered. Not everyone is finished, but i definitely have some killer tracks. It gets even better though, I teased a bit that I might be dropping a second preview teaser.. and it looks like im going to come through for you all.



    Now the bad news, sorry.

    I'm at the point in the project where i need to figure out when to release, and basing that on my mixers progress and how the projects are going and on some sage wisdom from Pretzel himself, it looks like we're setting a release month of December. Probably about December 15th. I know it seems far away, but remember.. it's already September.

    For the mixers, expect 1 more serious WIP deadline, followed by a release deadline, anyone who doesn't have something for me by the next deadline will *probably* be kicked off the project, unless they can commit to the final deadline and have a great excuse. The next deadline will be around Halloween.

    UPDATE - 5.30.09

    Alright everyone. Now that we have our mixers setup, most have started at the very least working on the tracks, it's time for another due date. This one is going to be a bit more serious then the last one. We're looking to have most tracks finalized by September 1st. Thats a good 3 months away at this point in time, so it gives everyone plenty of time to get stuff together and get something to me.

    Assuming all goes according to plan, we will be looking at releasing the project some time shortly after that, If we do fall behind again, expect something like a December release, but it is definitely my goal to have things finished by the end of the year. Thanks for all the support guys ^_^

    UPDATE - 5.20.09

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that we opened up the artwork section with some teaser art. We're about 50% done with the project, got another WIP-date to go, and then a release date. Thanks for all the support and hard work, thanks everyone!!

    UPDATE - 4.20.09

    Teaser is out!!!! let us know what you all think!



    UPDATE - 4.15.09

    Hey guys, just letting you know that i'm going to delay the teaser date by just a few days to give everyone a chance to polish things up and give a few late mixers a chance to get their stuff to me. Thanks everyone for contributing and I hope I have a few more songs in my WIP folder soon!

    UPDATE - 4.7.09

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know that so far i have a few WIPS and things are going smoothly. I'm still hunting for artists to do some of the artwork, but other then that we are pretty much solid. To the mixers, please get me your WIPS before the 15th if you want your song to be featured somehow in the teaser, the sooner the better. I'll be handing out some PMs just to make sure everyone is aware of whats going on.

    Also, I'm planning on switching to this thread for the official forums of the website, as the current forums had a lot of problems and don't see much activity, plus everyone is already registered here, so it should just be easier in general. We got one week left until the teaser comes out, so assuming i get a few more tracks, i'll see you all then.


    Hey all - I don't make a lot of posts these days and I honestly haven't been active in the community for quite awhile, but that's about to change in a big way.

    I come today to announce my 2nd official project.


    Thats right, It's Megaman 9. I've already started recruiting mixers and artists with the hopes of having the project completed at the very latest by the end of the year. I'm making this post to give you guys a heads up and invite you all to come check out the website and the project. We plan on covering about 27 tracks or so and maybe even some bonus tracks if this gets as big as i think it will get. In addition to the music, i also plan on offering a large artwork section with a few of my favorite artists from the community already contributing. Much like my previous project, there are no style requirements, Any musical style goes.

    That being said, we still need some more help - Another purpose of this post is to officially start open recruitment for mixers and artists to help contribute to the project. I'm pretty open and if you would like to help then please drop me a line - There are no upfront requirements for being considered, I only want 1 track of your work to be considered for the project. You can contact me via PM, or on the projects official forums.

    If mixing isn't your thing and you still want to contribute, im still looking for artists of all styles. I'd like to see at least 1 piece of work before i allow you to contribute to the project.

    If you want to see who is already involved or who is covering what tracks, then please check out the website! everything is there! Thanks for reading guys and i'll be posting teasers in the coming weeks so be prepared :) This game is awesome and I'm thrilled to have a shot to pay tribute to the game that dared to be 2d with an industry so focused on the graphics. I can't do it alone though - I need a few more mixers and a few more artists before things can really start moving. Hope to have your help and support.


    Official Project Website:


  4. So I've found myself listening to Unknown Origin alot and was looking around OCR for more of k-wix's work and only found one, and it was collab. You really should submit more, k-wix. That track has been playing alot now on my player. Very nice work. :nicework:

    Thank you so much! Actually.. I have my own website that has all my tracks.

    old and new alike.

    With vgmix "down", I don't really post much stuff - and Recently my onboard sound card has literally like exploded or something, i get terrible hissing noises on one ear randomly while trying to mix and its just very difficult, but i think ill be getting a new soundcard for christmas :)

    http://kwix.shackspace.com <-- website

    Also, Unknown Origin is part of my first album which is available completely for free on my website. A lot of it is original work - and its the first time i've attempted anything like that.

    I would really like to submit more to OCR, But i always feel that my stuff will not be accepted, so i tend to not really bother with it, but for what its worth, it makes me really happy to see someone digging on one of my newer tracks.

  5. Okay Ryan - sup? i told you i'd give you some words so here they are :)

    - I think your intro needs work, The sample quality isn't bad at all, but i think it needs something, maybe something to give it a bit more flavor - play with it a bit. The first few notes are a bit odd, I'd suggest starting with something softer, maybe a different instrument before you bring the heavy bass in like that.

    - The segment that starts at 1:24 is done well, but i think you could use more Oomph to signal the change of mood and style, it feels a little soft and i think the change could be a bit more pronounced. But the part that follows is beautiful. Nice work here. I dig it.

    - 2:09 is really cool. Great emotional build, and good work with the strings - all around very solid stuff through here. Nice balance, good sound, good flow. I like.

    - 2:55 is really weird. I mean, i see where your going and im going with it, but i don't really want to - its like your jumping through genre's without really mixing or combining them at all. It almost feels like one song stops and another begins entirely - I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing, because i like both songs but they don't blend or mix very well. I think you might want to work at mixing them a bit better, or to put it simply, a better transition might be in order here.

    - Nice work at 4:20 I like this part a lot. Instruments sound a bit odd, but the general flow is done very well. As it progresses it gets better too. Very cool.

    - I definitely like the last segment the best. (5:10+) I feel like you've combined the styles a bit more fluidly this go and the song in general feels a lot more cohesive. It has a great build up and a very cool climax. you get bonus points for that.

    I think there are a few spots in general you need to polish up - the intro and the transition at the mid-point (2:48) are my least favorite parts of the track by far, but the rest is smooth sailing with some pretty cool moments to boot. My favorite part is by far 1:40-2:45ish. Totally awesome stuff there.

  6. I like the first clip.. I want to eventually hear the full version of that. I also like the metroid intro thing. So chop-chop, finish up!


    Thanks, that's one of the primary ones im currently working on, the vocal snippets have been fun to record, but i find myself having problems on where to take it. Progression is definitely slow, but eventually i'll figure something out - i have a few ideas. The Metroid one is done :)

  7. I haven't been very active on the website or in the community in general lately and I wanted to say sorry to all the peeps who dropped me messages that i just didn't respond to. I've been super-busy life-wise lately and just haven't had lots of time to dedicate to mixing, but thats slowly changing... so i've been working on an album on and off for quite awhile now. This has been a pretty big deal to me for quite awhile, i want it to be good :) Anyway, i've got about 5 songs done, when i originally started my goal was 8.. im still trying for that goal, its been unexpectedly hard. I kinda wanted some form of a preview to see if i could get any minor feedback or possibly generate some excitement/comments - which might work to inspire me to finish it. (something i desperately need.) I've come so far already i think it'd be silly not to.. but im really having some troubles lining out the last few tracks.. so any comments you can give would be great.

    Here's a link to the preview:


    For the record, this is the first time (im pretty sure) i've ever released anything that ISN'T a remix to the community, most of the album is original work, but i most definitely plan on including some video game references. fans of metroid will *immediately* pick up on a few of the previews. (i've wanted to do a metroid mix since forever)

    And to anyone who comments - Thanks.


  8. 0:01 - Interesting idea. The intro really throws me off initially, i mean, upfront its kinda staggering. when i first played it i was like 'hm.. weird' ..

    0:17 - The heavy bass is the biggest thing that throws me off. Very random and very powerful. Still, its a cool effect, just kinda jarring. maybe look at progressing things a bit slower - or rather - try to brace the listener a bit more?

    0:30 - Now this is cool. I really dig the flow of the mix here, the way you splice the lead up against that heavy bass is just plain cool. Very neat effect. Excellent work. I see lots of room for addition with this too.

    0:54 - Very neat. I could see lots of ideas for this - Things like breaking it down, having just the lead playing for a bit, then making the drums a bit more pronounced, I'd suggest just pushing forward and seeing what comes. But overall this is very solid. I'm curious to see where it goes.

  9. Im iffish on it, some parts i love, others i hate. Its really 'all over the place' in some areas and that bothers me for reasons unknown to me.

    And yes, the source material is god knows where, it starts off kinda nice then goes pretty much crazy and deviates so much that i dont really know whats going on anymore. Yea, thats probably the point but i wish it would atleast stick closer to the source.

    Also some really awkward notes.. but there is so much going on at times its honestly hard for me to focus on the track. when he settles the fuck down, i can enjoy it a lot more.

  10. Hey Corran - congrats man, glad to see this monster track made it - its definitely one of my favorites from the project. Also thanks to DJP and the judges for highlighting the project, we talked about it for awhile and there was some initial problems with the quality of the mixes from the judges perspectives, but it seems to have worked out. Thank you very much guys.

    And to all the Cave Story fans out there, if you havent checked out the project yet please do so :) lots of other slick remixes to be heard :)

  11. Its funny, everything about this mix just 'screams' average.. the piano/string intro, the VERY simple bassline, the cliche synths.. very light and ambient through the middle section. No major solo sections or even any major parts that i liked. Its so basic.

    There isn't really ANY divergence from the original beyond a few extremely simple chord and note changes, Nothing really screams awesome at me..

    And yet, i find myself totally loving the song. it's a shame that more songs like this dont make it through the judging panel. Suprised it made it, but glad.

    This reminds me of DJP's older work, and older OCR songs for that matter - Nothing noteworthy going on compositionally, the song is just direly close to the original, and the instruments can be summed up with the word 'basic' almost perfectly. But it just has that generic hotness. Oldschool OCR music 4 teh win.

  12. I don't think i ever would've thought of this as being OCR material, honestly. Not that it's bad, but i've heard SO MANY denied songs that sound close to this in terms of sound quality and production.

    Maybe the judges are stepping in the right direction, either way - grats on the mix, Mythril, i know it means a lot to you bro. And yes, you can mark me down as one of the individuals who enjoyed it ^^

  13. Typically I don't review much, But your certainly an exception.

    You know that i think this is a good song.. love the laid back feel..

    I dont honestly have much else to say, im not going into details, its a wonderful piece, you don't need my criticisms anymore, you've quite honestly risen up :)

    What i'm going to be excited about are your future works.

    Oh, and im also glad the judges let it through.

  14. Hello Suzu, forgive the lateness of my Review. lets dive in <songplayed> Ugh, this song is hard for me to review because I love a lot of aspects about it, but there are a few issues that keep me from falling in love, either way, i think its a very good song that should be checked out by Everyone.

    0:01 - I will say, the intro is deffinitely one of my favorite parts, the "static" that was intentional in the backround? I feel like its just a bit to loud, beyond that though, your piano work is amazing.

    0:15 - Especially here. I love this part.

    0:48 - Excellent. Brilliant.

    1:01 - Now, immediately of note here is the quality of the instruments, they all sound very good together, its done very well, but as for the Movement of the notes? I *hate* the way it sounds from 1:01 to 1:12. Just that specific section.

    1:25 - As for this? Brilliant.

    1:38 - My main beef, is that you repeat these notes quite a bit, and while its cool, and im totally diggin the vibe, i just wish you'd mix up that lead.

    1:59 - I'd guess your going for a "trance-ish" mood, And it sounds great, and you do a wonderful job of keeping it from getting boring, but .. I just can't get into that lead :\

    2:52 - So, Basically, I Just honestly wish you would've mixed that lead up a LOT more.

    3:10 - The ending seriously could've been cleaned up a bit, perhaps slowed down.

  15. I must confess Beatdrop, I wish i would have gotten to this sooner.. but .. you know how it goes :P anyway, lemme tell ya what i think. <songplayed> I Really like it man, although this isn't my cup'o'tea, it's still a very well-done song, and beatdrop slowly Sucks me into his style of music :P everytime i listen i like it just a bit more. Good stuff.

    0:01 - Some people were making comments about ears hurting? its not bad at all. atleast not compared to what i was expecting, as for the beat? its a solid intro, and it's cool. but its nothing groundbreaking until....

    0:28 - HERE. this part is amazing. love it. <3 it. its delicious.

    0:41 - Even better.

    0:49 - Even Better!

    0:57 - You always target a specific audience with your mixes, to me, this isn't something id listen to a lot simply because its not my style, but reguardless of that, this mix is still very good.

    1:17 - Sounds great. For a minute, i thought there we're a few chord conflicts, but it feels like *every* one of them is intentional. and I'm totally diggin' it. :P Rock on.

    1:49 Not bad, but .. probably my least favorite part. Cool stuff, but.. Just not as good as the other parts.

    2:15 - Oo.. crazy :P you need to teach me how to do this, Mr. Drop.

    2:30 - Excellent stuff. very diggable. I love your vibes

    2:51 - Very Trance-ish at this point. very good.

    3:13 - No. Bad. Bad. the other one was much better, horrible change.

    3:36 - A bit too sudden for my liking, but it works. Sweeet :P

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