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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. Just wanted to let you guys know, we're about 1 week away from the first WIP date, and the April 15th teaser clip. Assuming i get a few more mixes, we will be in great shape. I'll be posting it in here when that date rolls around, if any mixers involve see this - please get me your WIP to me ASAP to be included in the preview.

  2. I suppose you're jumping like a beast cause you can't get standing 360s out as often as you'd like? You gave the Ryu a lot of free damage. There is nothing scarier than a terminator trekking 'Gief that's for sure. Good fight.

    Im pretty good at whipping a good 360 on the ground, really, the trick is realizing you only need to push 7 out of the 9 directions on the pad. I play Zangiefs jumping game way more then i should, honestly, For some reason i think its quick enough that i can make it! Honestly though - sometimes i do it purposefully with the intention of keeping them thinking that im going to jump in like an idiot. It's sort've a mind game i play, Once you jump up once or twice and let them hit you with a super move, they tend to expect it, and once i got them following that route, i can move in with something else and surprise them. Not that I'm defending my playing here, god i jump WAY to much.

    But my point is made well by a guile fight i recorded this morning, i got 120 points from him, he was like 5300+ points.. and i beat him with my Zief, again its a super-close fight, but it really illustrates one of the things i like most about Zief, He carries such an intimidating presence that everyone just tries to play keep-away and abandons common character tactics in favor of anti-Zangief ones. He's SO focused on getting me to jump or move into his keepaway game that he really doesn't do anything other then sit. If he would've played more aggressively i think he would have won it.

    <- here's the link.
  3. I recently started recording matches, and i have a Ryu vs My Zief. The Ryu is at about 2.5k BP. Im over 3k now, at about 3100 BP.

    Honestly, i made a lot of mistakes, and i taunted him and almost lost because I got cocky :P But i will say - its a great fight, it could've went either way. Also shows how i play my Zief, extremely throw-heavy. Also, i need to learn how to record better :(

  4. You can't punish Scissor Kick with Fei's throw... Gief's throw has insane priority and range compared to any normal throw in the game. Focus Attacks don't work either because they only absorb one hit and the Scissor is two. Crouching Jab gets eaten by the kick too. :(

    I'm sorry - I should've been clearer - What i mean is you should block the Scissor and then follow up with something, obviously not a throw. I hopped into training and found that you can *easily* counter scissors with Fei simply by blocking it and making him eat a rekka, flaming kick, or even a Standing HP. Do that once or twice, and they wont think of Scissoring so openly, like he was doing in the video. Also, the exact same logic applies for his Psycho Crusher aswell, block the hits and rail him.

  5. I'm really having trouble with some matchups. A big part of it is online play (harder to block in a timely manner) and because I don't have a stick... but still.

    Here's one:


    What do you do about a Bison that does tons of scissor kicks, 3x lp chains, and crossups?

    The biggest thing i saw is that you didn't capitalize on many throw opportunities. Scissor kick is epicly punishable if your Zief, but im not sure about Fei, I dont play him enough to know, but crouching jab might work. Your focus attack could be a good setup there too. He also baited your Flame Kick quite a bit and nailed you for it, especially the last match - but honestly I think he just got a couple of solid shots in and you missed a few. One of the things i don't like about Fei is even his Light Flame kick is pretty easy to punish, it comes out quick - but your dead if they block it or you wiff.

  6. In my experience, the best way to deal with Sagat - no matter who you are playing as - is to play a careful offense game, your mission is to get to the middle of the screen and slowly walk up to Sagat, do not jump or attempt a move. No matter who your playing, once the gap on Sagat gets tight (IE: you can jump and land next to him) he's at a big disadvantage.

    If he attempts a high kick, you can sweep him. If he attempts a Fireball, you can jump in and rail him. If he attempts a Tiger Knee, you can block and throw/nail him. It's a vulnerable position for him.

    This position puts incredible pressure on Sagat, most of them get twitchy here and toss a Super move - especially if they are just trying to abuse the fact that he's a higher tier character and have no clue how to truly play him. If they stand still, you can tip-toe in even closer, and feint him into doing something. You can try a Focus attack, then backdash out of it. There are many ways to fake someone in this game, it all depends on who your playing. I play a lot of Sagats with Zangief, and that should be a very difficult matchup, but i usually win simply because i know how to put pressure on him. Once you get Sagat on the floor, maintain the pressure by sticking on him and baiting his Uppercut.

  7. What I'm wondering is: Is there a cool down period between EX combos? It seems like sometimes I can chain them and sometimes I can't. I don't know if it's because I'm putting in different input on the control or sometimes I wait slightly longer before I try to activate another one.

    There is no cooldown on EX moves, you can chain them as much and as frequently as you'd like. If your doing normal instead of EX, then i'd most definitely say its a case of missed button presses or possibly even lag. I tend to use PunchX3 and KickX3 for my EX moves.

  8. but if I'm feeling lag then the person I'm playing against is having the same issue against me, right?

    In my experience, yes. If I play someone with a mic, and lag spikes pop up, they almost always complain and usually blame me for it. And yea, lag really sucks, there are quite a few matches I've lost that I can almost certainly blame lag entirely for.

  9. What I don't like about Ultras is how their damage seems to vary from character to character, and their ability to be chained. Ken, Sagat, and Ryu? Awesome ultras. Fei Long? His ultra can't be comboed or chained to from ANYTHING except a focus attack, and even then you won't get the full attack. Guile's ultra is hard to pull off, difficult to position, and seems to do minimal damage. Meanwhile, Ken's is massive.

    Truth, but i honestly like that each characters is different and unique - each has its own properties and is useful in certain situations and some are just simply better then others. Some are also really punishable.

    Charge ultras are just hard in general, i have difficulty landing them precisely when i want to, so i tend to stay away from those kinds of characters.

    I can't count the number of times I've intentionally taken damage with Zangief to get the ultra and literally blow someone away for 40-60% of there HP bar with an Ultra. I mean, I dont think its the best fighting system in the world, but I think its a neat concept, and I'm enjoying it - I think my least favorite thing about it is that it really enforces defensive playing, which tends to make things a bit dull, as soon as I see someone get an ultra, i tend to wait and see if they will try to blow it, or feint them into using it if i can.

  10. I have huge respect for those that can play Gen well, i simply can't handle the style changes.

    I main Zangief+Ryu, and I know Abel really well. El Fuerte is one of the best characters in the game vs Zangief, there are a few setups El Fuerte has that are very difficult for Z to counter.

    If your getting thrown by the 'thrower' characters as your getting up, you can simply hold up/jump and they will wiff every time, Beyond that many characters have specials they can go into as they are getting up that make them immune to throws.

    Also, incase anyone didn't know - you can literally throw Abel out of his roll, you just gotta time it right.

  11. I love this question because I talk to so many people that say they'll never be any good, and all I have to do is link them to MY first remixes...

    Yea, No matter who we're talking about, everyone was a beginner at some point and your not going to get any better unless you try your hand at it. One of things i like so very much about this specific community is that everyone is extremely supportive and its very easy to get 'sucked into it' so to speak. beginner's get the bug and want to try it after hearing some of the other stuff on the site and people are quick to help other people become better. It's one of the greatest things about this community, in my opinion.

    I started in about 2002-2003 and had absolutely no major musical training and just about everything I've learned has come directly from this community. I really don't consider myself very good, but if you look at my old stuff and compare it to my new stuff, the difference between the two is huge. Anyone curious can zip right on over to my website (http://kwix.shackspace.com) and click the remixes tab and check out the difference between the top tracks and the bottom tracks.

    I really do think anyone can improve at this craft, no matter how bad you are. What helped me more then anyone were the people who took the time to comment and critique my work, I can't thank them enough.

  12. I generally agree with every criticism he has, most of them are fairly minor and easily fixed, and I wonder - now that we are in the age of console game patches and updates how many changes we might see to the system down the road. That being said, I do enjoy the game very much, I think its a fantastic showing and a pretty unique fighting game system. I would love to see a mode that did away with Revenge Ultras and Supers, or possibly just Revenges.

    And honestly, i always felt like other fighting games were always more difficult and harder to get into then street fighter in general. A lot of the 3d games had unique movement and unorthodox controls, learning one character took a LONG time, the movelists can be Daunting. (Soul Caliber anyone?) Even Guilty Gear i thought was more complicated, the combo potential was very high and stringing together simple combo's could be difficult to remember.

    But SF? Street Fighter is completely different. I can go back to Ryu after 5 years and know every single one of his super moves right off the bat. I know the basics and how the game functions. It may be deeper down inside, and more robust - but on the outside, to the casual gamer, SF4 is really simple to get into, and I think thats why so many people call it casual friendly. All that said though - most of his comments are right on the money.

    I haven't played Guilty Gear in at least 6 months, and there's NO way I could play Chipp like I used too, i'd get crushed. Maybe it's just my bad memory >.>

  13. Anyone on PS3?

    I'm on PS3, its a shame that you can't cross-fight over the systems :( that would be a very cool feature. PSN is simply 'k-wix'. I've been learning how to play a mean Ryu and Zangief. Currently sitting at 2k BP.

    I'm having lots of troubles against Sagat and well-played Goukens, they nail me with that throw into special every time.

  14. Did anyone know you can play any music you want while fighting in the Ps3 version? I Just discovered this. Load up the browser in-game and pick any song you have on your ps3 and it replaces the in-game music. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work for online matches :( But everything else is fair game.

    Looks like it's time to load up HD Remix on my Ps3 >.>

  15. In my experience, every song is different - sometimes it just comes, and other times it doesn't. When this happens to me, the biggest thing that has helped me in the past is to seek advice from others, be them from other mixers, friends, family - but generally - almost every time i do this they provide something that helps me move the song forward in some way, its not always an ending per say, but just hearing what someone has to say about a song can do wonders for your creative process. The 2nd thing I do is try to listen to other music, if I get stuck, lost, or caught up in general - I will listen to other songs to ease my mind up - sometimes listening to the same thing over and over again can be a bit numbing, especially when it's a rough Work-In-Progress. Listening to other peoples work often helps me clear my mind and regain some focus, I will come back and have some completely new ideas to try out. Lastly, sometimes i'll just take a big break and do something else, then when i come back later - i'll be able to try something else.

    I know this doesn't specifically work towards helping with endings, but generally I try not to think about that when im mixing, I usually reach a point where nothing else comes - when that happens, i try to write an ending there. on the spot. Once thats done, i'll go back and look at the track in general and see if i can add, or what i can change, maybe mix things up a bit. Then as the song develops and advances, I start to change the ending more and more - fleshing things out and eventually (hopefully!) making something that sounds cohesive and finished.

    I'm not sure if that helps you much, but thats how i generally go about doing endings - Also, i try not to be 'afraid' or 'hesitant' to end a song - if i feel that I'm finished.. then i'll try to come up with an ending.

    On your first piano track (vgbg) I could *easily* see the song ending right where you ended it. Just find a nice resolve chord at 2:38. It's very serene and soft up until that chord.

  16. It's not just you. Zangief is retarded. He beat me once just by grabbing. I literally could not get up. I hate how all of his throws are like a cut-scene.

    If arcade on medium was so freakin' hard, I don't even want to bother with the hardest difficulty because I don't want to have to spend money on a new controller.

    Yea, this is exactly what I'm talking about, its all about the throw dynamics, You should be able to tech out of a 'special' throw or something.

  17. I played it last night for hours, unlocked a few characters - I feel that arcade mode is pretty tough - I really enjoy the system, its got a bit of every street fighter rolled into it - the fighting feels thick and well done. You definitely feel like your playing a street fighter. The revenge system is very neat, and the 'charge-up' attacks keep things feeling fresh. My biggest quirk system wise is that there is no Air Block, but... i guess that prevents certain setups.

    My one biggest gripe is that the throwing-based characters seem overpowered as all holy hell right now - maybe im just not familiar enough with the system yet, but going through as Zangief i could just cyclone to the enemy, grab him a few times, and insta-win. I did it against my seasoned SF friend too, we both thought it was kinda BS. comparitively, my honed Ryu skills i failed many times against certain CPU opponents like the Throwers. (Abel is the other one that seems broken like zangief, No matter what i did, i could NOT stop him from throwing me when i was getting up, there we're also many times he outranged my jabs and STILL threw me.)

    Seems like you can throw immediately as the target gets up, the priority system feels a bit different involving throws, it feels easier to grab someone.

  18. Glad to hear you guys doing something with Mega Man 9, but you guys out to check out what these blokes did with it.

    Did some hip hop mixes with it..


    Splash Woman and a few others are pretty good.

    Yea, i saw this too while hunting around - Some of the tracks are really well done.

    Just letting everyone know that we're targeting April 15th as our first official preview clip date, so you guys will be able to start checking it out then. Some tracks are still open and I'm still looking for mixers and artists.

  19. To piggyback on the PS3 thread, I am considering purchasing a PSP, mostly for Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (15 bucks!) and some other older, yet quality games such as the Metal Gear portables. What are people's ideas on good games to own for the PSP?

    I love my PSP, The most addictive experiences i have had on it are Lumines 1 & 2, Patapon, Loco Roco, SFA3Max, Homebrew... and Puzzle Quest.

    Oh yea!

    As far as up and coming? I simply CANNOT wait for the new Prinny game from NIS.


  20. So I downloaded the demo on the XBox 360 of the daytime level and I actually had a lot of fun with it. I know that the daytime levels are about the only good thing and that the werehog parts are terrible, but I was wondering if the daytime levels make it worth the purchase? And if so, which version is better: Wii or 360?

    I seriously have a hard time imagining anyone having a fun time with that demo :( I thought it was so very terrible. But, i guess everyone's tastes are different.

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