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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. I would like to take this opportunity to thank CAPCOM.

    I applaud CAPCOM for giving olde-tyme Mega Man fans what they wanted, even when the franchise was at risk from the bad reception of most 3D Mega Man games.

    Have you all had any luck coming up with a name for this album? And when you're done with this album, I bet fans would clamor for a Mega Man 2 album.

    I may infact just stick with 'Megaman 9 Remix Project' .. but I guess to fit in with all the other OCR projects, it should have something... a bit more inspired? I'll work on it. :) Also we may have a secret track or two from mm2.. ^_^

  2. 'aight then, I guess I'll go ahead and buy this tomorrow (today, technically). That is, October the 15th (Thursday).

    Edge and K-wix, if you guys want to go ahead and paypal 33.75 to biggiantcircles AT gmail DOT com that'd be awesome. And PM me your Steam ID's if I'm not already your friend on there. Edge, I think you're on my list already, but couldn't hurt to PM me anyway. I'm too lazy to check right this sec.

    Remember to Paypal using the *gift* option or whatever, so Paypal doesn't take out a fee or some garbage.

    Thanks fellers.

    Sent :) Lemme know if there are any issues.

  3. Yeah, I should know for sure probably tomorrow or by the latest sometime this week. He already pre-ordered for 360 at Gamestop (like $65! geez!), but I called him and told him about the group buy, and he was like "Oh man, eff that, I'll go there tomorrow and see if I can cancel it".

    But otherwise, it's looking like we have 3/4 at this point.


    BGC bro-in-law


    Count me in?

  4. I'm not sure how many former VG Mix regulars are on here, but I just thought I'd share that myself and another person are planning to revive VG Mix 2, from the ground up.

    Ever since virt closed the site down nearly 3 years ago, many of us have anticipated it's return, but as time passed we realized more and more that the project was pretty much abandoned. The time has come for someone to pick up the torch and bring the site back again.

    So, we're planning to code VG Mix 2 from the ground up, including everything that the original site had. We'll making sure it doesn't fall to the same fate by proper coding and extra security measures.

    However, we need something from you. We plan to use the original design, but everything relating to it seems to be out of reach. The Internet Archive doesn't even have previous snapshots of the site, due to the current VG Mix X's CMS blocking URLs in the robots.txt.

    So, if you have ANYTHING from the previous site, whether it be old saved pages, HTML code, CSS documents, images, or Javascript files, please let me know. We want to get started on this as soon as possible, and the more help we receiving in retrieving elements from the original site, the faster we can get it up.

    We hope you're all on board with us to bring back something great!

    If you need any details of the level up system and how it works, I believe me and Rexy we're the highest level. I remember pretty much every item that was functional and MOST of the items that we're in 'development'. I remember just about everything about that site, honestly. Just PM me any Questions and i'll answer as best i can.

  5. Wow, are you guys seriously almost done? Damn, I think you'll hold the title of "shortest time to finish a project" around here. But with Humans + Gears and Serious Monkey Business set for release, can we expect an early 2010 release from you guys?

    Something close to that is certainly what we're aiming for, but.. as always with remix projects delays are almost inevitable, that's one of the reasons why I set the date so early, so if we do get some bad news with mixers, then it's not such a big thing when we have to delay the project. People are busy, myself included. We'll see how it goes, i guess. :)

  6. Higher damage characters already have an advantage last-hitting, hence why Soulstealer is great at it and why Logger's Axe is excellent. It's not like you'll get any MORE experience (in total) than you would vs. the last-hit mechanic. It just distributes it more evenly, so instead of all-or-nothing, you might get in-between. But it's impossible for you to get more than you would before. I don't see how this removes any strategy at all. Now, instead of farming XP by just being around enemies you're not even hitting, you HAVE to actually do something to earn it.

    Definitely with you on this, But Some characters are just *better* at laning, especially early game, and I definitely think you could get some heroes leveling a bit faster under that system. AoE characters would have the potential to level a bit faster, but it could be pretty easily tweaked to work with the game.

  7. still having PC woes... which should be alleviated in a few weeks. Planning on getting a new laptop (hopefully an Alienware M17 :D ), and transferring all my stuff from my current PC to my new one. Won't be much longer, I promise :D A full release is gonna have to wait though... :D

    ^_^ I hope everythings going smoothly with your PC troubles.. They can be so finicky sometimes.

  8. If you don't mind my asking, has anyone ever seen Azumanga Daioh? I saw a few episodes and thought it was hilarious. I especially love Osaka.

    Probably my #1 anime, some of the funniest stuff i have ever seen.

  9. how the hell did you beat those old games on the NES

    those games are so hard

    battletoads is impossible without save states

    the first zelda is impossible without a guide (the 2nd quest at least)

    i can't imagine kids not GIVING UP for several of these games


    I could never beat battletoads, but i remember beating zelda :P just played the crap out of it. The original Punchout was another really, really tough one, I couldn't beat Tyson until i was like.. 18? I beat him once. Never again.

  10. So the other thread went on into the oblivion that is nonexistence, so I thought I'd go ahead and create another thread.

    So what's everyone watching? What's coming up in the coming months that we should look out for? Was anyone annoyed by Gundam 00 S2?

    Discussion commence!

    This is honestly, mostly old stuff, but I've really enjoyed these few series over the last few months with the g/f. Can't recommend these enough.

    Dennou Coil

    amazingly unique anime. great concept! The animation is just too good.

    Fruits Basket

    good, solid story. great characters, even if a little cute.

    Lovely Complex

    great love story. Lots of funny moments. Starts out slow, but really has

    a unique way with the animation. Loved it.

    Melancholy of Haruhi Suzuhima

    amazingly good anime. great characters, awesome story.

    Haibane Renmei

    just finished this one, a little slow, doesn't do much, but man, its

    really unique, again, superb characters. Some very 'omg' moments. Love the

    emotional intensity in this one.

  11. Small update, outlining the next WIP date (it's now September 1st) and we might have a 2nd teaser for everyone at that point, but we'll see how it goes. Look for a release post September, if we fall behind, Probably right about December.

  12. I've been completely addicted. The formula is really good, the game introduces new elements at an almost perfect pace, it really makes you want to complete the game and see what else they have in store for you, and there is quite a bit to do after your done with the story.

    Absolutely worth 10$.

  13. just PM'd. lol... don't worry, the song I have on OCR is like 8 years old and in no way reflects my current quality =P *fingers crossed*

    Some cool stuff, dude.

    We're about 10 days out from the Art teaser, I have some awesome artwork too.. We're still hunting for mixers and graphic artists, so if you are interested, there is still time for now, but there wont be for too much longer, as things start getting serious.

  14. Congrats on getting into the Projects forum!

    Thanks Kyle! So, A little status update, At this point im not quite ready to post the teaser clip, I'll just post the update i made on the official website as it sums it up perfectly:

    So yea, sorry about this guys, but the teaser is going to have to wait just a FEW more days before It's ready to be unvieled to everyone. This is mainly due to the Easter holidays and I just want to be sure that we get as much of the good stuff as we can packed into the teaser.

    I promise to make it up to you guys, how about some project artwork? I'll see what I can come up with on the 20th. Thanks for your patience and support everyone!

  15. Know of any great videos? I feel as if I should be very aggressive with him, such as releasing a Sonic boom followed by closing in on the player at the same time instead of just turtling.

    I also need to learn the timing of dashing out of hitting a focus attack to do some combos.


    is definitely the best i can find, and yea - there are lots of tricks with guile, learning the timing of his sonic boom is so very important, but I don't think watching video's will help you much with Guile, you gotta learn to fake your opponent out with him, knowing not only when to follow up your booms, but what to follow up with. Thats huge with Guile, and he has a lot of options. I also think people should use his Focus Attack more, but honestly, i feel that way about all players in general :P

  16. Watching these videos just makes me not even want to try anymore, lol. Nah, I just need to play more, or maybe I should stop using Guile because maybe he's that bad. I never see anyone use him anyway

    Guiles amazing, you really just need to know how to use him - he's very tricky. I fight a lot of 5000+ BP Guiles that kill me.

  17. This is very cool. You really have some awesome stuff going on. I can't help but get into the intro, I'm not to sure on the transition at 0:39, I think it could be done a little better, or a little smoother, or just differently. I love the synth work in general here, everything moves and it all has a nice flow. I do agree that the drum work could use some changes, it feels a little simple at this point, but its not bad by any stretch.

    My favorite part is the break at 1:59. I'm (again) not to keen on the really simple fade transition, but the segment itself is a highlight for me, and the buildup back into it is great. I definitely dig it. I'd like to see a 'louder' bassline the 2nd time around. All around, this is shaping up really well.

    One thing I will say though, i'd love to see a more pronounced lead synth, its really ambient and I think a lead might give it some better direction, you really don't hear much until the last part, and even then, it's a unique sound that blends really well. I'd love to hear something stand out a bit more, if you get what im saying.

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