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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. Hiya Russell! you shalt recieve thy review from the wix. <songplayed> Some awesome work man, Most of my comments are tidbits of "wishes" .. and the mix could've been handled either way. Its great though, if anyone out there digs the classical, make sure you give this a listen, its one of those rare gems that makes you smile, digs a lil spot into your heart and forces you to like it. its also worth noting how smoothly the mix transcends into a new mood, deffinitely cool. Good work!

    0:01 - The intro is kinda shakey for me, just the first 4 seconds :P I mean, it works, and it sounds nice, but, I would've Preferred a nice, soothing lead-up this that. it feels like you sort've tossed it in there.

    0:38 - Really pretty, it really goes to show the beauty of the samples used here, I wish i remembered the original better, but its hazy, so i'm not sure how close it is to the original, either way, im lovin' the sounds used.

    1:20 - Love this part, very classical, very pretty. very well-done.

    2:03 - Its worth noting those small details that he puts into his mixes, it really helps the piece shine in the long-run, especially these small sections right here, it sounds really good.

    2:45 - Excellent work here. I would've liked some more "unique" chords.. (if that makes sense) but it still sounds great.

    3:28 - Probably one of my favorite parts here, but i do wish you would've slowed it down in here, it feels just slightly rushed, and it bogs down the emotional flavor for me a bit.

    4:25 - While i appreciate how adaptive the mix is, it really shifts from one spectrum to another, and it does-so beautifully, I feel like it needs a bit of a push in this last section, there was very little building sensation, while theres nothing wrong with that, I just wish it would've had a bit more "ummph" .. if that makes sesne.

    5:00 - Interesting :\ but one of the best parts is you can loop it, and it feels like you didn't miss anything. the ending suits it pretty well, I was just hoping for something a bit more "epic" but that certainly doesnt mean this piece isn't great, because its biggest feat is how pretty it is, and It really shines in that department, so great work Russ. I like it.

  2. This needs sommore attention, so ill review it, Comet. <songplayed> Really cool stuff. The middle sections are by far the best, the breaks, the intro, and the ending could all use a bit of work, but either way, this mix is still *very* enjoyable, make sure you check it.

    0:01 - The intro is a big flaw, I think. while i, personally like it, and i feel like its a good way to start the mix, the quality doesnt match the rest, even if it *is* that same instrument, so im not diggin the intro.

    0:16 - boom. this part will totally change your opinion of the mix, and you'll start nodding your head almost immediately, its a very well-done building sensation and it *grabs* you. I love htis part.

    1:01 - Okay stuff here, this small section needs some work, especially with the drums that instantly stop at 1:11.

    1:30 I do love this next part though, its handeled very well, and best of all: it adds variety, spicin' things up: I like that.

    2:08 - Again, it sounds great. but what else can ya do??

    3:08 - A bit better, while I don't prefer the ending, its really not that important, the meat of this mix is what makes it so great, its really fun to lsiten to, and Certainly worth checkin' out.

  3. Normally i give pretty in-depth reviews but its really not needed here, good stuff. My only complaint is there are some volume issues (some isntruments are a bit too dominant) other then that, it sounds awesome. It'd be nice if i could get this encoded at 160kbps instead of 128.

    the clarity of the sounds, the mood, and the strong sense of emotion thats portrayed through the mix simply can't be denied. On a more personal level, I was deffinitely diggin' the vibe toward the end of the mix.

  4. FFMusic DJ! lets get started. <songplayed> Way to many issues for this song to be *great* by my taste, i wish you would've worked on it a bit more, clear out some issues, its *really* repetative, and the vocals really hit some rough patches, they slip out of tune for me at some points, and they don't flow with that Rough beat at all for me, the ending also, was not to my taste. Sorry bro, But It really doesnt come up to par with some of the other mixes i've heard. On a good-note, the Synth instruments used sound great, the lead synth would kick ass, if it wasnt so repetative.

    0:01 - Wow. Rough beat, to say the least, a bit Too rough for my taste man, i had to turn my bass down and my volume to make it tolerable.

    0:25 - The Vocals are alright here, but they *really* don't sit well with me, they feel Closed in, the quality isn't that great, and ontop of that, that thick bass drowns it right out.

    1:15 - Some cool stuff here, more vocal work that sounds a bit off to me, Again, it feels closed off in comparison to the rest of the instruments, there are these really high synths going on, And they're okay..add a bit of emotion, but.. Not that great.

    2:07 - Okay htis is about the 2nd or 3rd time ive heard this classic Zero tunage, and its getting very bored, and I have this feeling that its going to keep going. and that thumping bass isn't helping either, take a break with it.

    2:54 - The voices sound a Bit better here, But once the other synth comes in, it starts to get a bit drowned out.

    3:54 - There are rare spots where the voice pops out of harmony with the rest of the mix, its kinda hard to make out, but thats deffinitely what I'm hearing.

    4:17 - I've heard this played before, mix it up man! Being a Devout fan of Zero's music.. I wish you would've done something to mix his main theme up, this feels like you inserted his main theme with kickass synth, added voices and drums and boom, I *really* wish you would've done a few more bits with the lead synth to keep it fresh.

    5:42 - The voice still just isn't flowing with the rest here. maybe its just me. As for the ending, I don't like it, I think just ending on one "thud" was bad for this mix, I much would've preferred to have the vocals stop, or some "wind" gush or something.. I dislike the suddenness of it. A big thing this mix lacks is any form of dynamics with volume, its *EXTREMELY* Static, its boring, it rarely shifts for me, and it Never builds, which i hate, sorry ffmusic dj, you just didn't do it for me this time. I wish sommore work would've been done on it.

  5. Okay Gecko, lets start! <songplayed> Kay! good stuff, Not a personal favorite of yours, but.. I do like a lot of elements used, the only major complaint was the panning. everything else is great, good atmosphere work :P

    0:01 - Cool stuff here, everyones right about the bass line, its totally diggable. puts out a nice mellow groove.

    0:30 - This is where problems start with the panning, its mainly the beat, everythings on the left, im not sure why (and yea, im listening in headphones) you did this, but.. I don't really like it at all, try to pan them all out seperately, id love to hear what this sounds like as this.

    1:28 - Good work right here. This song does a great job of not getting boring, and even when the same lines of notes are repeated, it feels Suprisingly resistant to that sort of effect.

    2:30 - The choice of instruments is really good by my taste. they all put out a nice mellow mood, do a great job of keeping things mixed, and present a lot of variety within themselves. Probably the best is the bassline, which one could practically listen to for hours.

    2:45 - This is a pretty good example of how a fadeout Should be done, it fits the mood fairly well, and is handled very professionally, by my opinion. any longer and it might've gotten repetative, so i can see why its short.

  6. Hiya GLL! .. lets Start the music! <songplayed> Great stuff! Love the sense of emotion this song displays. the Reverb was handled very well I think. Also of note were some really cool synths. Certainly worth a download for anyone remotely interested in trance/techno.

    0:01 - Cool.. Diggin' it. I actually like the reverb thus far.

    0:30 - Sounds really cool. I love how the medly feels really open and really emotional, kind've powerful in that respect.

    0:58 - Awesome synth work here.

    1:18 - Very good work. I think you could mix the beat up a bit here, but it works.

    1:55 - Not quite sure if that was needed.

    2:10 - Again, I honestly love the ammount of Reverb shown off here, I doubt the same mood could be achieved without it.

    2:44 - Cool stuff, but.. you need to mix it up a bit more, your playing the same stuff over at some points.

    2:51 - Welcome'd change..and this part is Very well done, it feels very strong, sounds very good, and feels emotional.

    3:44 - Good stuff, certainly a welcomed change to the main melody.

    4:10 - This is where things start getting a tiny bit muddled..but you drop it quickly, watch that with large ammounts of reverb, GLL.

    4:40 - Pretty good ending, Not one of my favorites, but it works. so I'm satisfied.

  7. I would just like to state that i am Zero's fan-bitch. so if you've done anything what-so-ever to hurt his theme ill hurt YOU! .. Start! <songplayed> Otay! .. umm.. there were some issues, I wish this mix would've done "more" on an all-around basis..maybe i expect too much of Zero's themes.. Deffinitely some cool things going on here, worth checking out, the synth quality is Awesome. The beat also, is very dynamic - this rarely gets old and it comes through at you pretty strong so make sure you check it out.

    0:01 - Good. its good so far. the beat is good. the synths rock. and the arrangement feels like its going to be good at this point. Excellent.

    0:30 - Not so sure if i like the synth handling it like that, but it "works" i suppose.

    0:50 - Good work for the building sensation.. I like where this is going.

    1:10 - Not sure if i dig that drum-beat too much.. but it works.

    1:20 - There we go! this is exactly what i was waiting for..Certainly a diggable vibe.

    1:48 - While it sounds cool, i wish more was done thus far. the choice of Synths and such here is excellent, it sounds very good.

    2:33 - Cool work, but you havent blown my mind yet like im waiting for, still, this isn't bad at all.. some very cool stuff here.

    3:06 - Not sure if i agree with this.. but ..more personal taste issues.

    3:40 - Better work could've been done on mixing up his theme.

    4:02 - Hm.. its funny how this arrangement somehow reminds me of a theme from TopGear on the SNES. wiiieeerd. the instruments sound very close to it.

    4:39 - Eh.. That voice is a bit wierd.. and while i like the lightning effect like magic appears.. I don't think the cutoff was used quite right.. but still sounds *okay* i suppose.. and it fits.

  8. goat eh? .. interesting. Start! <songplayed> there are some things i like about this.. Lovin' the vibe it puts out, I also like how the mood shifts so frequently throughout the song. however, This song is really sub-par to the rest because of Instrument quality for the most part, I really wish goat woulda' suped up the samples a bit more. There are some hints of emotion though, and they do bring the piece to life a bit.. but still, needs far more work in my eyes. sorry man.

    0:01 - er.. whoa! .. you jump right in.. infact.. with the way this sounds, i wish you would've Slowed things down.. you moved to fast there. way to fast... Fast like a ninja! ..er.. sorry

    0:10 - The quality of that..eh..flute-thingey? is sounding *VERY* bad.. and killing the mood for me, when it hits those quick-notes, it can't keep up.. and it sounds just plain nasty.

    0:26 - Again, the quality of the instruments used immediately hits me, They could *really* use a huge upgrade. and i mean *REALLY* but the arrangement sounds fairly good here.

    1:08 - Diggin' this work right here.. soundin' good.

    1:28 - Much better quality here. everything sounds much better.

    1:53 - Not bad, one can note the ammount of emotion that comes through at this section in the piece, it makes you smile and nod. because your like "yeah" ..

    2:31 - The instrument quality has slipped down again to sub-par. They really spoil a big portion of the song for me :(

    3:05 - And your repeating the same thing, mix it up, you add another instrument or so but it really doesn't do much to the overall picture.

    3:26 - Um .. did my song cut out? ..3:30 right? .. wtf.. that ending was very odd, while i like what you ended on, you Rushed up to it, and whats worse, you didn't hold it off at all, you just let it drop.. don't let it drop man! NEVER let it drop! .. :( needs a *lot* more work in my opinion.

  9. EgM? .. kay! start! <songplayed> Not bad. there were a few issues with volume, and some emotional issues.. but reguardless..it didn't quite make me cry out of joy. Either way, there are some things to check out here, especially if your a fan of the game, or if you like the slower, more-heart-felt pieces. Not the best ive heard, but far from the worst.

    0:01 - Hm.. not a bad intro.. but i feel like we're sort've jumping into things here, a bit fast.. but .. it works.. those low hits sound really cool.

    0:30 - Mmm.. this sounds great, I love how it feels.

    1:00 - The Cymbals need more kick to them. As for the drums i actually Like how they're not that loud.

    1:25 - Very pretty piano medly.

    1:35 - The strings are overbearing on the piano line, the lead should always be able to be heard. and i can barely make it out.

    2:03 - I love how you progressively add elements to the song.. taking it to a new level with each addition, But. this mix seems to wander a bit between "sad" and "happy" .. And while I appreciate the movement from each side, it feels like you werent sure which one to make it, though its probably just from the original, but either way, I would've appreciated more 'defined' sections of being sad and happy.. er... if that makes sense.

    2:30 - The melody is fairly dynamic and does not get old easily.. Curious how the ending will come at this point.

    2:40 - Okay, some problems here too. I love this fantastic lead-up to the actual ending few notes.. its great, it slows the vibe down enough for closing.. but then..when you get to the actual last few seconds..you just end it, and the song sort've falls on itself, this part feels rushed, and i think far better, more meaningful work could've been done.

  10. Gman -> a year in the making huh? wowwie. Start! <songplayed> some cool elements being shown off, but .. there are some serious volume issues for me, maybe its my headphones, ontop of that, the sounds used in general could use an upgrade. Sorry Gman, while this mix is alright, its not as good as some of the other mixes that have gotten Denied. But a year in the making? Wow. thats certainly a big effort, and i applaud that.

    0:01 - Hm.. interesting.

    0:10 - Cool effects here, alright, were in. first of note is the beat, it fits the mood fairly well, but the sounds used could use a BIG upgrade. and the synth's aswell, could use upgrading, big time.

    0:40 - Almost ear piercing here, too high up in pitch.

    1:18 - Cool synth work here, diggin' it. but still, the quality could really use a huge upgrade.

    1:48 - Love the stop there. But you should've came in even stronger. beyond that, your in the final end of the song, and all your doing is repeating the first part for the most part, and its suffering from getting old, you switch up SOME stuff, but not nearly enough. and while the lead and melody are pretty good, and don't easily get dull, they are starting too.

    2:30 - Okay, some changes, that help a bit.. And the ending is okay, i mean it works.. but thats about it...

  11. Okay Vigilante, lets get started! <songplayed> Wow! .. Nice stuff, the guitar is certainly the highlight. a few rough panning issues, and a few rough issues with the volume being a tad piercing for me on a general level, but it all sounded really good, that Guitar brings the life to the mix man. On future work, work on the drums man. Other then that, good stuff.

    0:01 - Okay, pretty straight forwared intro, right out of the original, the few synth additions help a bit, and at 0:18 you expand it a bit further.. and the panning sounds fairly good here.

    0:35 - This fadey part here, i don't like as much, but you fix it up rather quick.

    0:50 - Okay. The first thing of note is the drums. while they arent of said quality of the rest of the remix, they Arent THAT bad, what sets them apart so far is the lack of reverb and the midi-ish tone.

    1:05 - Boom. This mix takes off right here. the guitar really brings the emotion RIGHT through to the listener. Brilliant work.

    1:43 - Some cool effects are certainly portrayed here, and it sounds fairly good.. I know this medly fairly well, and you do a *great* job of mixing it up and making absolutely sure it never gets boring, its just a joy to listen too. awesome stuff.

    2:43 - I wonder where your going to go from here..

    2:58 - Excellent work here. a good leadup to the ending aswell.

    3:13 - Good stuff here, the way the leads work together sounds very good.

    3:30 - Now this ending. its very iffy to me. ive listened to it about 12 times and i still don't quite no what to say, it Works. ill say that much. and while i probably would've prefered to have it end on some different level, that is really personal preference, so it Does fit the mood, and for that, two thumbs up.

  12. Nighteyes the Wolf? we attract a lot of wolfies. Start the Music! <songplayed> Okay! ..some deffinitely cool elements, a LOT of elements. Infact, at some points i think theres almost TOO much going on in the mix, but it all comes through pretty good, you can tell there was a lot of effort here, and it certainly shows. keep your eyes on this one.

    0:01 - Oo.. interesting. Deffinitely noting the effort that went into panning :P Excellent stuff here.

    0:43 - Cool Beat. Love how this could shape up.

    1:17 - Wow! .. hm.. quite a lot of elements here, i Do like the result.. curious to see where your going to take it from here.

    1:48 - Getting a tiddle repetative, i think this is the 2nd time those notes have been played, and you continue to do so, the loud bell-ish instrument sticks itself out as being the most repetative to my ears.

    2:42 - More nifty panning work, Im not sure about the new addition..It sounds cool, but this is suffering from getting way to muddy, theres just too much going on, and the elements go together only half as good as they could, so the vibe also is a bit hard to catch.

    3:32 - Hm.. Alright, bass! Ooo! ..Excellent Beat work.. I do applaud the effort to mix it up, because you do a pretty good job here, this section portrays a bit more vibrance, but that bell-ish instrument still sticks out, and i don't like that for some reason.

    4:30 - Sorry but this ending was a big No No. I know theres all this about "fadeouts r bad" .. But this ending just.. sounding like "okay im done" .. FAR more effort was put into the body of the mix. I can see if it quite simply 'ended" on one resolving note, but.. it just keeps going, and cuts out at a bad spot.

  13. Okay Malcos..Great to finally hear some more mixes, lets start! <songplayed> Totally awesome man, the beat is like..whoooaa. Despite a few minor boring issues with those static chords in the backround, this mix really shines, the piano could also use some touch-ups in a few places, but there are also times, when it shines so well, it forces your attention on it, that I like. Certainly worth the download.

    0:01 - Interesting...

    0:10 - Boom. The beat is almost too damn good. Excellent work. Piano works fairly well also.

    0:33 - Deffinitely diggin' the vibe...

    1:00 - While the vibe is certainly diggable, The Piano could use sommore work.

    1:17 - This piece could use a bit more expression.. While it sounds beautiful.. i still think the piano could use a bit more work.

    1:57 - Excellent Change here. love the change-up. Mm.. Delicious.

    2:07 - While this song is Great. my biggest note is that its fairly static, it doesnt change as a whole too much, i mean, sure there are the occassional shifts, but that mood stays the same the entire time, and while thats typically not a bad thing, i find that after a few listens, those SAME CHORDS in the backround get Dreadfully old, to the point of where they drown out that beautiful supportive lead and medly.

    3:10 - Diggin' the beat though, The beat is probably the highlight for me, it shows flavor, emotion, and it helps bring the song to life more than *any* element for me. And as for the ending .. ugh. it works. i mean, it fits the mix in an okay way, and i deem it usable, but. I Certainly think that it could've been far better.

  14. Andy who? andywho312, thats who! .. er.. Start! <songplayed> Wow! some slickness shown here. diggin' that cave-ish vibe that this puts off. Despite a few minor issues, this mix really shines in the later sections, more toward the end. Worth the listen. and certainly worth keeping for the most part.

    0:01 - Im not familiar with the original, but im diggin the intro..reminds me of F-Zero.

    0:15 - Good Selection of instruments..

    0:45 - And were in .. Cool lead. I like the mellow-ness of it at this point..

    1:28 - Good. that lead was already getting slightly dull. A bit rough on the ears. volume could've been worked at slightly better here. But the echo effect is cool.

    2:06 - Good stuff.. More of that lead? i hope you mix it up.

    2:20 - Yay! i beat..and quite a nice one at that. the quality is fairly good, and it matches the rest of the piece quite well.

    2:50 - You could do a lot more to mix it up at this point then what your doing, ive heard this already :\ try to push things to the next level in future works.

    3:15 - Same as before? Cool Voices in the Backround, atleast thats what im assuming they are. Again..

    3:40 - Yea! this is what im talking about.. good change with the medly. And it seems to be leading up to the ending quite nicely, a few "static" issues with that low bass, but that could be just my headphones.

    4:17 - Im not digging this, its more of the same.

    4:30 - Will it fadeout? .. OMG.. how did i know?! .. Ending is kinda empty.. Its not the fadeout that makes it bad, its just the fact that we've heard that before..and it's quite a slow fadeout. but eitherway, i guess it works.

  15. Righto-> Lets get to it Dale, Jaxx <-Songplayed-> ::whipes a few tears away:: its so deliciously pretty it forces your attention right on it. The emotional power is so raw and vivid that you just might orgasm. Almost every aspect is superb. one of those must-haves, Especially if you .. ::sniffles:: like to cry..

    0:01 - With the first soft chord you kind've smile. it .. has that dream-effect on you.. it WANTS you to smile. its this kind of emotion that helps bring this to life. The quality is great here.

    0:21 - Excellent. The Strings sound Very good. One can't help but get the jibblies when listening (goosebumpies)

    0:56 - More goodness. sounds so real. And whats so empressive is how Raw the emotion stays throughout the entire piece, it makes you want to listen to every god damn note. it makes you feel like your special.

    1:48 - ::Sniffles:: More lucious strings... the quality is all top-notch..

    2:23 - By this point.. I love how its transformed. its sort've abandoned its sad-vibe..and kind've pushed the a bit to make it more inspirational..

    2:34 - Gotta dig that piano.. ::sniff:: its .. yea... i don't even have to explain. AH! ..thats the end?! .. :( im not a fan of the note ended on.. and i wish it was longer. But .. either way.. ::Sniffles:: im gunna cry.

  16. Okay JiveMaster.. lets take a look <-Song played-> Hm.. Interesting..some cool stuff, I enjoyed the melody.. and it did a good job of putting off a cool vibe, but It gets a bit repetative, and the ending is less than desirable for me. The voices were of cool note, as they add to the atmosphere. ontop of that, You can't deny that raw energy vibe. Worth a listen, but I simply can't call it a Keeper.

    0:01 - Interesting beat. Nothing amazing..but .. i suppose it works. But i bet its going to get repetative fast.

    0:15 - pretty good work here.. The synth's used are very sharp and edgey, and paint the tone quite well..

    0:40 - This is where the mix actually begins to take a much better level, and thats with the guitar. Which adds SO much. But that drumbeat is really ALREADY killing it for me.. and I can tell its going to keep it going.

    1:14 - Again, sounds okay, but its that hi-hat thingie in teh backround thats driving me up the wall. You change it up a bit right here, and god bless that, but id still appreciate a bigger change.

    1:49 - I think a bit more panning might've done this good.. It feels like everythings a bit centered..

    1:53 - Again. Same drumbeat im pretty sure..maybe 1 new addition.. Oo..are those words? ..fit pretty well with the general mood.

    2:10 - Boring. its gotten boring, its lost its flair, and it feels like the same thing with a few minor breaks. MIX it up man.

    2:33 - A much needed change. But.. its an ending..and an ending that *I* don't dig. It's just a fadeout that doesnt really match the mood of the middle-work. On top of that. Instead of "cooling off" with the energetic Vibe and letting things close off, which is what SHOULD happen. it just falls flat and it's basically over before the crazy-stuff has a chance to cool off. it just sort've drops.. owell.

  17. hey Mexieus.. Mex-ie-uS... er.. Start the song! Overall? A pretty good song. The intro and the ending have some issues with me, But if your a fan of any Chocobo Theme then its worth checking. Easier-going listeners will enjoy the happy and fun vibe it puts out.

    0:01 - Piano's good here.. the backings are strong, but the lead feels too strong, and I also dislike the selection of instrument, maybe not the instrument, just the quality of it. its got a fasle sense about it that the other instruments don't seem to portray.

    0:38 - Cool Synth-ish backing.. Love the additions to the song, i wish i had the original to compare it to.

    0:52 - Right here is where the mix's "goodness" starts to come through, while the beginning wasnt as "diggable" as this, you certainly start catching the groove now.

    1:10 - Cool work, The beat fits pretty well, and all the instruments fit well together, and it sounds really good. The Melody takes front stage as it should, and it sounds supported. Good work.

    1:40 - You could do a LOT more here.

    1:49 - Nice adaption..but you could push it even farther.

    2:03 - Didn't like this short "transition" It was nasty. you just jumped right out, felt pretty rushed.

    2:22 - Pretty solid work here.. But i hope it gets better.

    2:32 - This gets to me. A PERFECT spot to make it longer.. and you just end it.. Its over. yea. you only get 2:40. well sorry but I don't like that at all, the mix is in general is too short. Blea

    2:38 - On TOP of that. the ending doesnt fit the mood quite well either, it felt rushed.. And it didn't sound that great.

  18. I'll eat YOUR neighboor.. er.. sorry. start the music! Hmm.. Ive Heard better from you, and im all for the "Yay fer ZAMN music" .. but i just quite simply expected More.

    0:01 - rain .. hmm..

    0:15 - OMG! we're being attacked! ambience much? ..

    0:30 - oh man.. i figured it'd only be a matter of time before i heard this tune once more.. I hope you do some good things with it. The drums feel just a TAD to loud for my taste.. but other then that it works out pretty nice, the screams sound kinda cool..

    1:08 - I do like the thunder-ish type effects in the backing. Also, I like how the medly has adapted at this point.. Cool stuff..

    1:47 - Kind've simplistic mix.. Im fairly familiar with the original and this is pretty close as i remember. Id like to hear More modification.

    2:20 - Its .. okay, im half-digging the vibe here.. Just expected a bit more, to be honest. nothing exciting.. nothing horrid either, a fair, simple mix. On a bad note, that ending was very much-so disliked. Seems very thrown-together-ish.

  19. Okay Rayza.. lets start. Mmm - Impressive Man. A few minor complaints..but for the most part, i dug it. Your beats speak quite a bit through this. Probably the best part, also of note was the Piano lead and the cool dance-ish vibe it put off for me - worth the listen :P

    0:01 - Cool beat..

    0:18 - Like the sort've Trance effect this section has over you..

    0:48 - What was that? some sort of Scream? **Oops! my bad..from the game eh?** ..eh.. Better things could've been done.. On the bright side, what follows is some tight work, the piano medly is Great. And the Beat complements it nicely!

    1:18 - Tight work here, im dancin' in my chair man. The backround effects really do a great job of accenting the mood your trying to create, and help bring everything together.

    2:10 - Im not sure if i like the Siren-thing very much..but .. i suppose it fits..Again..that scream-type thing **Oops! my bad..from the game eh?** ..ugh..could've been better.

    2:34 - Excellent work on the beat though, this part is awesome, probably the best part of the mix -> but i feel more could've been done.. you could've pushed a few extra harmonies out..this is the ending after all, man, pull out ALL the stops!

    3:21 - Bad ending. Bad bad ending. it didn't even FEEL like an ending..just like it stopped.. work on that.

  20. Yea - Ive heard this before i think -> But its review time :P Im Deffinitely diggin this piece of work. Cool stuff, Barely any flaws and most Certainly worth the download, cool game aswell, though the music was never that memorable for me, this certainly brings it into perspective - Sweet work. The quality is top notch.

    0:01 - Whoa..Ambience much? .. Good wind effects.

    0:10 - Im not so sure about the explosion type-deal..But .. nothing wrong with it.

    0:20 - Excellent work here, I love the intro, even the chords present themselves to be deep, passionate, and moving, the quality of the instruments used just can't be denied

    0:52 - Im not sure about this Chime Dealio.. It sounds cool with the drumbeat and everything.. but .. I think something Else could be done to make it .. Nicer.

    1:35 - Were those choir voices i heard for an instant? because they'd sound awesome right here.. But still, probably the Best part of the mix thus far.

    2:12 - Cool building sensation produced by the drums at this point.. Diggin it'

    2:46 - Sudden change..infact.. A bit too Sudden for my liking. cool yourself a bit slower.

    3:02 - Ugh - the clarity of this section is almost Too good.

    4:04 - YAY! Choir. Again, everything just sounds really good.

    4:51 - Eh? Drum solo .. sorry.. i don't like this little bit too much..though its more of a taste-thing than anything else.

    5:10 - I love how it feels like your pulling out all of the stops here.. Excellent feel, beautiful work.

    5:55 - OMG! Wheres teh resolving CHORd?! nooo! ..Great leadup to the ending..but i want my chord!

  21. hello J:/Drive! lets..start..! A pretty good mix, there are a few *SLIGHT* issues.. but.. this is deffinitely worth the long download. Especially for that ending - it can blow you away :P

    0:01 - its a clock! ..it has to be CT! i know it!

    0:11 - cool intro..digging the sudden beat changes here..along with those open chords..delicious.

    0:30 - Sounds a LOT like the original..but the beat sounds awesome.. along with whats used.

    0:40 - Whoa! awesome stuff here.. But again, a lot like the original, which doesnt sit well with me. Lots of stuff going on here.. Cool beat.. the lead is done quite nicely, i love the sudden stops.

    0:58 - Again..still very much like the original..lets mix it up!

    1:08 - Ouch - that hurt the ears a bit, careful..

    1:30 - Cool Drumbeat.. But again, Its a LOT like the original, even when you change it up, you can still hear the original, feels like nothings new beyond some cool effects.

    2:27 - OMG! my Mp3 Skipped!

    2:40 - The drumwork is getting a bit TOO sporatic for the mixes own good, while i see what your trying to do, I Don't think it complements everything 100%..

    3:04 - Some Chords sound OFF here.. maybe its my ears..but .. something sounds off.

    3:24 - ahh, it was inteded to be off at this point, which i understand, thank you for mixing some stuff up :P

    3:42 - Excellent work here...The Synth WOULD have created a Dance-ish vibe if it wasn't out of place through this part.. I wish you would have fixed that.. examples: 3:45 - 3:56 - 4:00

    4:23 - Cool work here.. love the sudden stop.. The chords here are done very well. EXCELLENT work here. the bassline Brings this part at you, deffinitely a sign of pulling out all the stops, which i LOVE.

    5:20 - Brilliant work here at the end, DEFFINITELY the highlight of the mix. It all came together quite nicely.

  22. Okay Mazedude, lets start! I Love the happy-vibe that most of this puts off..its AWESOME. Though, wayy to short. its like.. the same thing 3 times over, and a little break.. and blea..im done. Also, the main Rennisance section is The Highlight of the piece, showing off some mad skills. But .. don't be afraid to mix it up the 2nd time around. Everyone -> Deffinitely worth the download, the vibe it puts off is excellent, and the clarity of every instrument shines through so well it .. brings a tear to my eye. Just to damn short.

    0:01 - Whoa! nice chord here.. it kinda makes you stop and listen, i like that.

    0:17 - OMG im at the rennisance!(SP?) and there are elves and Fairies and dwarf's oh my! .. Cool work :P

    0:43 - I like the work here..

    1:10 - I love this right here, It really comes together.

    1:23 - OMG! more Rennisance stuff! ahem.. DONT be afraid to mix this stuff up here. While this sounds absolutely Brilliant.. And believe me, it does. anyone who tells you otherwise is evil. But DONT be afraid to mix it up man! .. You could do SO much more with it. As my choir teacher always said.. YOU NEVER do the same thing twice exactly the same.. soo dont! ..mix it up, change something, Push it a bit more, make an addition, do something. Why do people play/sing the same things over and over again? for impact on the listener. so .. uh .. yea.. but i really liked it.

  23. Okay Guys.. lets start :P I Do like what you were striving to do, and they're are a lot of parts that shine during this mix, but i think there are a lot of Flaws aswell. Volume and Panning seems the biggest issue to me, but other then that minor complain't, I DO think its worth the listen. Especially if your a fan of the original.

    0:01 - hm..Im not sure about the quality right here at the beginning.. but .. it seems nice.. the incoming Strings REALLY help this out.. sounds a lot better.

    0:29 - HELLO! pretty big switch here.. The Guitar work is Fabulicious.

    1:06 - Needs more. The Backings work okay.. but the Guitar needs more Support i think, the drumbeat sounds pretty cool, but a bit soft in comparisin with the rest.

    2:10 - That guitar lead is getting a bit boring by this point, even with all the backround.

    2:40 - What are you building up too?

    2:51 - Hm.. not sure if i like that..Im not a fan of the Drumbeat for this point..but .. after everything Comes in..it sounds much better.

    3:23 -whoa.. Guitar is a bit.. Loud, and drowns out a lot of other stuff, i can tell you wanted it to take center stage, but.. tone it down a bit..

    4:12 - I love the backround at this point, What i dont like is how the guitar is panned directly infront of everything, it pulls your attention to it, while that can be a good thing, i DONT like it here.. They don't balance with each other, and they Could balance. needs a bit more volume and panning work, i think.

  24. Hey Furry... Cool stuff man, Diggin' the piano here, there are some slight volume issues, but it does little to detract from this excellent piece of work, keep it up!

    0:01 - Cool Intro.. Diggin' the vibe here..waiting for it to pick up...

    0:25 - LOVE the piano work here...the backround also, gives it a MUCH deeper feel, very good work.

    0:54 - Cool work here, but the piano is getting drowned out just a bit too much here. the strings seem to overpower it a bit, also, that synth sound is odd, but certainly a hint of whats to come :P

    1:25 - I like the beat here.. But the lead is being drowned out, which is BAD. never drown out hte lead.

    1:50 - Cool addition with the bass line, But.. it feels kind've empty..a lot of stuff kinda thrown in.. but it Does work. the piano holds it together loosely. The drum changes are too sudden here.

    2:30 - Don't be afraid to mix this part up, because it needs to be, take some instruments higher.. some lower.. you could've pushed that fartehr then you did.

    3:07 - Beautiful Piano Outro - Delicious :P

    3:18 - Dig the chords used here. The Echo is also of note. Cool Ending aswell. The synth's ending up being a Good addition, i think. they were used very well.

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