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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. As for jump-ins, Hakan has his Ultra2 which stuffs 100% of all jumping attacks... very painfully. Otherwise his AA kind of sucks. If he's grounded, toward -> light punch is OK, but I have better luck with standing (or back) -> fierce punch, which has a hitbox starting directly above you and moving to in front of you.

    One other thing you can try, this works very good with Zief, specifically because of how high he jumps and how long he remains in the air, (Hakans jump felt similar when i played) if you know your opponent will try a jump in, try jumping straight up in response, the timing is critical, what you want is for you to be just above his attack, but both of you coming down at the same time, or very close to one another.

    This situation presents a lot of options, but is *especially* advantageous to a grappler, because your opponent knows that he can get tossed the absolute second you land, he'll probably try something. You can attempt to throw, block and counter, or even start a combo of your own as you come down. If you time it just right, there is very little they can do to stop you. Even a jab is very hard to time as your landing, because if they are 1/8th of a second too early, you can throw them before the frames end and they can begin a new type of attack.

    And on the subject of command throw frames, someone was talking about hakans arms going through an opponent? Anytime your opponents feet leave the ground, or he is stuck in a block animation (like after being hit) he is literally immune to all throws. If you execute you will see your character 'grab' the air. That animation ONLY plays if you missed your grab or your opponent was immune to command throws. High level grapplers will learn the timings of the block frames well enough to jab -> Command Throw - its not a real combo, but if your timing is good, you can hesitate for that 1/16th of a second for the block frames to end and then execute just as your opponents block frames end, you can give him very few options to counter.

    As an example, against a tall opponent like Sagat, or probably T.Hawk, try jumping over them with Zief and using his light knee attack, since they are tall, the attack hits higher giving Zief more time before he touched the floor. During this time Sagat is either going through the 'im hit' frames or the 'im blocking' frames, but both of them expire JUST as Zief lands, so you can execute a command throw as you land - still hit him - and he can't do much because he is locked in his 'block' pose until you land.

    I'm sure most people know the nuances of how throws work - but just covering the basics here :)

  2. Man not having played grapplers much I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to 360 properly if I'm being rushed down. Seems like most characters can, against my Hakan, just rush him down because they have frame advantage even on jabs. I can be spamming my reversal 360 and because the motion causes me to stop blocking I'll end up eating more of the combo or some stupid shit like that. On the other hand, whenever *I* try to rush down a grappler I get my ass kicked and get thrown out of anything I do. What gives? Hakan's throw range kinda blows but that doesn't explain how I seem to have such a hard time inputting the motion while getting rushed down (or how to deal with people mixing in jumps with their rushdown.) So damn frustrating. I felt like breaking my controller at least 10 times today.

    Generally speaking, Zief can outreach many players jabs and other attacks with his light Piledriver, I have not played Hakan enough to really know his oiled up (punch) throw reach, but from what i have seen, it appears to be shorter then Ziefs. Once an oppononent gets in on me and starts a combo, i'll do a 360 motion for each individual hit, starting at back, and ending on back, and typically tapping light punch for the throw, as soon as the attack ends. (And when i say 'attack ends' .. i mean i feel as though the frames for my block stun are over.) if they continue with the string, I will continue to block and if they let up on the combo - i will instantly hit them with a throw, frames and timing depending. Learning the nuances of what attacks are easy to counter with throws is a big part of the throw game.

    As an example i'll go with Ryu, since everyone knows Ryu. Zief can outreach his crouching or standing jab with a throw. A lot of Ryu's like to start with a few jabs and from there go into Shoryu/Fireball/close for throw. All 3 of them can be or returned with a throw. However, if Ryu jumps in and then goes with a HK Sweep, then it'll push him out of my reach and i can't throw him.

    And on Jumping opponents, Zangief deals with them almost exclusively with his Lariat, I don't understand how Hakan is supposed to deal with jumping enemies, short of his focus attack and maybe some normal anti air attacks?

    If an opponent jumps in and can combo fluidly enough to keep you blocking and pushes you out of your throw reach with the combo, you will not be able to throw them. Also - Hakans throw startup is from what i can tell exactly the same as Ziefs. In that respect you can outclass and outreach traditional throws. If an opponent jumps in, starts a jab combo, then stops to move in and throw, expecting you to still be holding back and eat the throw - if you fail to throw your opponent in that situation its purely a timing and execution barrier, you can throw them all day in that situation.

  3. Well, I disagree that you can really get better at ONLINE matches without playing online. I know that execution is crucial but practicing offline IMO doesn't help much online. For example last night I did Hakan's ultra2 15 times in a row in practice. 0 problems. Today, I whiffed it at last 5 times costing me two matches. When you're in the pressure of a match, things are different and execution is harder... the only way you can get better is to just keep playing people, learning matchups, timings, etc. and getting better.

    Out of 7-8 matches this morning though I again came out negative :/ Lost more than I won. Sucks ass. I even lost to a complete scrub Guile who did nothing except jump backwards and forwards.

    It happens to everyone. I hate loosing to someone who has no idea what they are doing and its alarmingly obvious, yet for some reason.. you just can't win. I've always said and thought that what makes SF and SSF4 so good is that the game has a perfect mix of execution, pressure, and prediction. Being good at any 1 of them will definitely make a better player. Being bad at any 1 of them will make you a worse player. but I think all players strive to be good at all 3, its that blend that makes the game so good. Personally i've always been good at prediction, that's why i enjoy playing Zief so much, he can punish people very hard if you can predict well.

  4. OK, it's official. I really suck at SF4. I need someone to really teach me how to play it. The sad thing is I've played hundreds of matches, I KNOW my character (Fei) pretty well, I've read threads, watched tons of videos, know all the basics (I think) yet I still get my ass handed to me. I can't even break 1000 BP and I've lost my last... 25 matches or so. I've even tried playing Ryu, Dhalsim and Boxer, other characters who I'm OK with. I don't get it. At HDR, I'm considerably better. I usually go at least 2:1 online, and even in my losses I still put up a hell of a fight. In 4, it's a complete slaughter and I just don't get it.

    If anyone is on 360 and is willing to help show me a few things, I'd really appreciate it.

    Don't you have a Ps3 these days? I'd love to give you some tips and see your Fei ... but no 360. Everyone agree's that he is just a weaker character, it seems. Got any videos of yourself playing? Anything like that?

    Fei is changing in SSF4.. but not by too much, which is unfortunate, apparently they made his medium kick faster and easier to combo with and made it easier to pull off his chicken wing. Those changes are the worst of all i've heard for the characters in SSF4. That being said, I don't know anything about his new ultra other than it's a counter-move, and I think that will work really well with Fei's playstyle. So i guess we'll have to see.

  5. There are a ton of reasons. Forcing your thumb to do all the directional work is slower than being able to use all of your fingers, your wrist and your arm. This is especially important for double-tapping to dash, for example. Button access on a stick is way easier. You have 8 buttons on the front instead of 4. Having to use shoulder buttons, especially on the left shoulder, reduces your reaction time. It's simply not as fast. Plus, with a pad configuration, it's next to impossible to do piano inputs (rolling across all 3 punches and all 3 kicks in quick succession to do tightly-timed reversals or supers), since on a stick you can use three fingers, but on a pad you have to contort your hand into a weird position, if you're able to do it at all.

    I think it's what you spend the most time with. I have no trouble hitting shoulder buttons or doing command throws with Zief. I think its a matter of adjustment and using what your comfortable with.

    Same deal with FPS games when you're talking mouse/keyboard vs. the gamepad. I always prefer the mouse and keyboard because its what i grew up with and i've always felt that the gamepad is just straight up inferior. But watch some players who are really good with the 360 controller and have been using it for years - the things they can do with their hands and the coordination they can put into maneuvering the analog stick to JUST hit that headshot is something i'll probably never be able to duplicate unless I have a mouse. Yea, its not the same thing - but I think you underestimate how much the hand adapts over time to using a game controller.

  6. If you're not playing with a joystick, it's likely because you haven't surpassed the limitations of the pad yet. It's that much difference.

    I consider myself a very good and competent player when it comes to fighting games like SF4, Blazblue, GG, ect.. and i have never seen the advantage of playing with a joystick over a gamepad.

  7. One of the weakest aspects of my Ryu game was his ultra, i was never good with projectile ultras that leave you open if you wiff. I'm MUCH better with special attacks that can capitalize on catching your opponent off guard in the up and close, and with his new ultra being his classic uppercut, i predict my Ryu game will improve substantially.

    Zangiefs new Ultra is the best looking one ive seen thus far, as he was my main before, i'll be playing him plenty.

    Out of the new characters, Makoto is definitely my top pick. I hope they do her Focus Attack well, its the one aspect that will probably make-or-break her for me.

  8. UPDATE - 2.3.10

    Hey guys. Thanks for offering to take as many tracks as you did, Plug Electric, Flash in the Dark, and Wily Machine are now well covered in my opinion, perhaps even too much so... if such a thing we're possible. I've got some great news to share with you all, Newcomer Ralph Vickers has been accepted onto the project and Sixto has decided to make a comeback!! The project is looking up and if things go well I will have a release date planned soon!


    Additionally, Is anyone willing to help Corran out with an Acoustic Guitar bit? I know we have TONS of guitarists in the community, is anyone capable or willing to lend him a hand?


    I gave the naming idea a good few spins in my head, decided on how I felt about some of the offered suggestions and decided that, yes - the project will have a fancy name, and that name will be Back in Blue. Thanks Author :)

  9. thats just stupid, IM talking about just megaman (original series)games.

    No one would make a Megaman (1) remix project.

    Xenon is right, but for the record, we already have a few special secret tracks from other Megaman games, Primarily because I'm a sucker for the series in general, but also because the music is great all around. While i won't state what tracks are being covered, and the list of secret tracks is expanding, I will say we're doing something from Megaman 2 & Megaman ZX.

    Edit: Also finally got around to doing some webpage updating, track list is updated with new completed tracks :)

  10. Just wanted to give a shout out and say thanks to everyone who recommended me some DS Games, I ended up with a copy of the following:

    Castlevania: DoS, M&L: Bowser's Inside Story, The World Ends With You (found one used for 10$), Meteos, And Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.

    Still hunting for a few more, I'm curious about Starfy, a solid Megaman DS game (god, why are there soo many?) and hunting for something that's good co-op multiplayer fun that Isn't Mario Kart.

  11. But anyway, I think a lot of people are assuming a lot about what's being considered as far as a revision of the Workshop section of OCR. Forget about rating and ranking and doing what VGMix did; the basic idea that's being tossed around is giving artists the ability to "release" a song on OCR by tying it to the database and making artist released tracks searchable by game and all that other nice stuff. No, they won't be tagged as OC ReMixes, and yes, you'd still have to submit and go through the process to get posted on the front page and all that jazz, but it's more about taking stuff that people release out of a "forum" context and make it something far more browsable. Instead of creating a thread that gets lost in a sea of "check out my first remax," you add your remix to a catalog of Workshop mixes. Hypothetically we could even host them (but I'm not in any position to commit to that kind of thing).

    This would definitely be a huge improvement to the Workshop mixes forum, no doubt. I think your going to get a lot of requests for vgmix-type features because honestly, people just really miss the site. But yea, this sort've a change would definitely make me more interested in the 'Workshop' forums over here, I almost never look at it as it stands. It'd be cool to make a widget on the front page that would show off a random workshop song or something, maybe so people could help that mixer out.

  12. I imagine developing all of the specifics would be more of a community dialogue, and a dialogue with the judges as well,

    I think one of the toughest hurdles so to speak would be dealing with the type of people who have a song, they like it, other people like it, but its definitely just not OCR standards. When that occurs, and the mix just sits in the WIP forums, it eventually just kinda dies. As one of the biggest fans of vgmix, i can tell you one of the biggest draws of the site is the fact that your song had a place when it was finished. It was rated, it had a group of people that usually liked it, and a group of people that usually disliked it. The mixer took what he could away and sometimes improved.

    If you want to cater to the people who enjoyed vgmix, I really think you should come up with something for that type of person. Or that type of song, rather. I'd be really curious to hear your thoughts on that DJP, do you think this could be done within OCR?

    1. That being said, I think improvement means being open-minded. I don't want to dilute or in any way lessen our existing process and what it means to have a mix submitted and approved, but what I've been thinking is that our workshop forums could potentially be extended/expanded to include functionality similar in nature to what is being described. That was actually part of my rationale for renaming them to "Workshop" - to avoid pigeonholing music posted there as just works-in-progress only. The benefits of this solution are that it would allow folks to share WIP and completed music quickly, still get a spotlight for it, and potentially allow other types of integrations w/ game/composer database info down the road. All while using existing OCR forum accounts and not creating a whole other site, or group of sites, that splinter things.

    This is a really cool idea, I'd be curious to see how it would all work though. Would it just be straight up forum-based? or would you actually try highlighting some of the 'workshop' stuff on the main site? Maybe you could work something out where you could move a song from the workshop section to the main OCR site once it passed the judges or something to that effect. Something like a tier system for the songs, but that might get a little confusing.

  13. UPDATE - 11.5.09

    Well i suppose it was inevitable. Things we're just going too good. It looks like some unfortunate circumstances have lead to Sixto Sounds & Nekofrog leaving the project. Sixto had a hard drive crash which is always a big pain to deal with, from what I gather he lost quite a bit, including all the project details he was working on. This also means I need to do a bit more recruitment. A few really good songs have opened up so I'll be trying to get a hold of some new mixers. This means if you want one of the new open tracks you should get in touch with me!

    The tracks that have opened up are the following:

    Plug Electric: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kM-9qEe9lM

    Flash in the Dark (Wily1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltslPAxbUsU

    Castle of Evil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6VwbyYjLZE

    All of these are *amazing* tracks and I'd really like to have them covered, so if you were looking for a track but didn't see anything you liked before, please give these a listen and let me know if you'd like to take a stab at covering them.

    Additionally, this also means our December release date probably isn't going to happen. I'll keep you guys posted and we'll see who i can get to take the tracks. Honestly I'd really like to have 1 more awesome guitar track on the project, but I'm willing to try anything!

  14. Aside from the short AoE silence, scout is nearly useless in teambattles and I'd prefer having a wretched hag or tree on my team to having a scout.

    It's true that hag and tree have more 'teamfriendly' abilities, but scout, especially late-game straight up destroys people because of his rework. I can't possibly comprehend how you can call him nearly useless. I think people underestimate his Ulti too.

    Does it go through trees/terrain btw?

    Yea, it totally does and thats typically one of the best uses of the portal key. It's a good escape mechanic when you see people coming, remember that if a player hits your character, you suffer a 3 second cooldown before you can use it, so its better to 'bamf' before they get close. The other use is to initiate with someone like Legionaire, you bamf next to someone, or into a group of people and trigger some sort've stun or game-altering ability before anyone has a chance to react, its a great item.

    And Zircon, for what its worth i think your Behemoth suggestion has merit. That being said, i think the current Behe is pretty respectable, his fissure is amazing and yes, I do think it's possible to overpower one ability in certain ways to help balance a character, Keeper of the Forest is a great example, without his amazing ulti, he would be really bad, I think.

  15. Mega Man 9 Remix Project - http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20760

    Project Director: k-wix

    Status: 7 tracks left - not sure whether k-wix is still looking for more people, but the project is slated to possibly be 100% complete in December 2009, so any one interested will have to work fast & hard.

    I'm definitely looking for more mixers, infact, we have a bit of a setback for the project that popped up a few weeks ago, i've just been too busy to address it. But I'll be making a post on the problem soon and start recruiting again.

    Also, If anyone's looking for another mixer or someone to handle website stuff, I would be happy to lend a hand when I find the time.

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