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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Solve all of the problems in the world by walking to the right and beating the crap out of everyone.
  2. sent wip. If approved i'd like to claim catwalk falls.
  3. Happy Birthday LT ...even though finally meeting you that first time at MAG was reaaaally awkward. 'jes kidding!
  4. I've had a wip for Kaori's themes that i've been meaning to finish. It's almost done as it is I just need to make it suck less. I'd be interested.
  5. it's alot of things! :)

  6. what is with the midi guitars?? THEY AREN'T!! i'm just a badass editor. :)

  7. Congrats on whomping me! Now you better win this competition!!


  8. Sorry i have no photoshopping skills Congrats to my worthy opponent Tuberz! It was a close round. Now you better win this thing or else!!
  9. thanks! it's been great to go up you directly for once. I know I cheezed out of FFCC but congrats on winning that one!

    (your PM box is full!)

  10. I recently came into possession of an I'beenhad (Ibanez) AG95 and it has similar problems. I haven't tried the compressed air just yet but everytime I plug it in I get a ton of static out of the neck pickup, if I get anything at all. After turning the volume and tone knobs it seems to get better but it takes some time. I figure the pickups might be dying and i'm trying to work that into my current budget. Otherwise, i would have assumed whatever cable you are using is starting to come apart. I've lost a bunch of male ends that suddenly break off in the amplifier at some point. heheh.
  11. I freaking love you! :)

    thanks for the vote!

  12. I am. Though Flex is one of the few people who can do the electronic styles in a way i can enjoy them!
  13. sure!

    eeeyyyyyyaaAAAAAAAAH! /10char

  14. That and the credits were my favorites from Tekken 2. Pete if you were such a tekken fan WHY DIDN'T WE HAVE A FEW ROUNDS AT MAG!?!? Trying to play smash bros ended up hurting my ego.
  15. Thanks for the comments! This was one of my reference tracks while I was balancing. (obviously not the youtube version) For the drums I tried to get something close to that. Equilibrium tends to keep the drums quieter than other bands, especially the kick, and I think that's where my ear goes when i'm setting the faders. For the first time I was actually pretty satisfied with the kick. I know what you mean by clicky and I have heard tons of tracks where the kick is nothing but a crap plastic clicking sound but I think I got just enough click in there to draw attention to it without relying on it being nothing but. I'll drop the EQ a little and see what happens tho. Some good suggs for sure. I meant to have some instrumentation backing the deathmetal parts at the very least but completely forgot to stick them back in there during the rush to get this thing in. This monster is not 100% just yet. But when it is I am going to burn it onto a stack of CD's, take it to an OCR panel and literally hurl it at the judges!! As for the ending I know it doesn't sound that pleasing but that was kind of the point. Dreams don't come true. You're not ending up where you expect. You had your time. Onto the next track. Unfulfilling ending ya know? I may end up making it stronger and more akin to the power metal bands I've listened to though if that point doesn't come across to the listener well enough. It's been confirmed. I did incorrectly process the growls. and the vocals. I cut around 250-270 range and now i hear that it was too much. You heard the brass? Yea i buried that in there really well. Or poorly. That's some ear! Actually I used Boost 11 which allows you to push things pretty hard and avoid clipping. I've been told that if you see transients go into the red on occasion that's ok as this will make up for that. I believe it only went into the red and set off the GR once every 7 to 10 seconds on average. I'll be remixing this from the ground up again so hopefully i'll get something better balanced that can be pushed harder next time.
  16. I like TSE's stuff alot but the X50 (v.1.1 I think it is) is my least favorite head in what I have. An update to the X30 would be pretty cool but I still prefer Lepou's Legion, Hybrit and LE456 to just about anything else. For roughly the same amount you can go with the latest version of recabinet http://www.recabi.net/ Which sounds much closer to having live mic'ed cabs than anything i've heard anywhere else. When you give away such good stuff for free it gets tough to ask for compensation.
  17. I was back and forth like crazy, one minute things were too loud then after a rest they seemed too quiet. Took forever to settle on it. Where would you normally cut growls? I couldn't find the information anywhere. Some obvious edits aside I thought they turned out better than the rest of the remix. :)

  18. Hey ACO!

    I know you are into power metal. I just did a power metal remix for the Sonic Zone Remix Competition. If you want to take a listen it's here http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46386

    Still have some stuff to iron out but let me know your thoughts!

  19. I have to say be very careful if you decide to collab with Brandon at any point for this competition or in future ones. When it came to crunch time I loaded up his vocal stems ready for a full night of work and at various points where the main vocals weren't supposed to be playing were Alien jibberish duets, random screams and blips, and an adlib about eating people's brains that went on just long enough to make some people really uncomfortable. Really tough to focus on mixing when you're laughing hysterically at various points in the song. I might post a version where I leave all of those in just for the nyuks. I posted the track in the workshop with a quick explanation on source usage if anyone needs it. Once I get caught up on all the work I was supposed to be doing over the week i also plan to have an acoustic version of the track done at some point. Awesome tracks this week!
  20. Hey, any crits on how I handled the vocals while they are still fresh in my head? Signal chains went Compression, Saturation, Mono Delay, EQ, for the lyrics. Screams and Growls were Compression, harder saturation, wide reverb and EQ. The growls/screams had a slight dip around 4k or so they could stay behind the lyrics during the overlaps. All were HPF'ed at around 250 hz and sent to a mix reverb aux at -25db.

  21. This is my current entry for the SZRC that is going on right now in the competition forums. Check it out if you haven't yet! I decided to pull out the big guns early and do a huge collaboration on a Power Metal Remix with Brandon Strader, Xarnax42 and Pumpkin King. The concept for the remix is based off of the first part of the story to Sonic Colors when Yacker is pleading with Sonic and Robotnik is capturing the aliens. It's a pretty stereotypically power metal story about oppression and freedom. Sources: Sonic Adventure 2 Cosmic Wall Sonic Colors Tropical Resort Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/dreams-dont-come-true-cosmic-1 The sources I think should be pretty easy to pick out. The lyrics pertaining to yacker are split between Cosmic Wall's melodies and Tropical Resort's. Robotnik is straight Cosmic Wall. The chorus is Tropical Resort and Pumpkin King's awesome keytar'ing is based off of Cosmic Wall. Originally I wanted to do two solo sections based off of each source but getting this much together in a week proved difficult enough as it was! A huge thanks to everyone I worked with! This was my first real attempt at mixing vocals and I ended up kinda killing them. Power Metal vocal processing is at the top of skills I want to learn right now so the next version will be much cleaner. Bash Away!
  22. Pretty sweet groove! Good luck this round!

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