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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. If I can throw my two cents in here. Off the bat you have an eight bar intro with a sudden four bar phrase that feels really out of place when the rest of the remix is 8 bar phrases. Easy fix would be to just expand that four bar to an 8 bar and find some way to fill it and then the drums would feel less like they are kicking the legs out from under the listener. The drums could use some variation, there seems to be 2 patterns one with a clap on 3 and another with claps on 2 and 3, but most importantly they need to be humanized in some way. I'd recommend actually playing them on a keyboard because even if your timing isn't great you can quantize it and it's still going to sound better than the current flat-line velocity percussion that's there now. As far as the strings go I would say to figure out how to set up a vst to have 2 audio track outputs in your DAW then pan them equally outward. 50L/50R would be a good starting point but experiment and see what other settings sound like too. It would keep the sound even and the strings would wrap around what you have instead of being pushed off to the side. Or, if you are going to have a string part hardpanned to the side underneath that noise synth it would be a good idea to hard pan another vst with the same part to the other side. This is a great way to get a ton of width in the track but it's a design choice that people will have different opinions on. Hope that helps! good luck!
  2. thanks for the review gar-io! I'll try to change up a few things in the harmony before i submit it. Part of the repetition comes from me not being a fast writer and only having a week to finish it with the WCRG. I know some are really against fadeouts but I thought it worked well for the remix. I'll take another look at it once I fix some of the other issues and see if it works. Thanks again!
  3. Oh, it's on now. You're going to have to elaborate on that one.
  4. Hey everyone, It's been awhile since I've put anything on the forums and since I can't submit this for a few more weeks I'd thought i'd let everyone take a few swings at it. This is an updated version of the remix I did for the WCRG 2013 Rivals round. It uses both Shademan and Ballade themes. Sources: Shademan BalladeRemix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/mega-man-7-the-underwater Putting it up for mod review because the remix is done outside of whatever suggested tweaking it might need.
  5. I don't know why people keep saying things like this. The last couple of Sonic games, not including 2006 of course, were far better than anything I've ever played from Mario. (anyone who has played more than a few minutes of Unleashed needs to watch this 3 minute Adabat speedrun)Still hoping that Colors and Lost World will go multi-platform sooner or later.
  6. My thoughts as well. Many years ago adding a social element to a TES game would have been great but MMORPG's have become so anti-social lately that it's tough to see the point in this.
  7. ... and here I was getting set to make a post a midnight tonight thinking I was ahead of the game. 1. Cosmic Wall (Sonic Adventure 2 BATTLE GC) 2. Sunset Park Act 3 (Sonic Triple Trouble GG) 3. Dilapidated Way Casinopolis (Sonic ADventure) 4. Sky Fortress Act 2 (Sonic 4 EP2) 5. Final Fortress (Sonic Heroes) thanks for the heads up former boss and nova!
  8. I didn't realize there were so many Hedberg fans on these forums.
  9. ain't that the truth. i've been near bed ridden since monday and I haven't been sick in almost a decade so this really caught me off guard. Might end up stopping by a walk-in tommarow just to see if there is anything that can be done. How well is everyone else faring?
  10. No sorry, wish I did. I think that was when the batteries went in my camera and had to find a new set. Speaking of that melodica I think I am going to run out today and pick one up! I can't believe how cheap they are.
  11. You are awesome! That's what i was looking for. For early reflections is that using predelay? Could you give some examples of timing on your ERs?
  12. I don't have any online albums or anything so i'll just post a few pictures in this thread. ... moments before getting kicked out of the Jamspace... Trippy shot of PRC-killer Esperado. I figure this was taken during one of my frequent trips to the ground... Outside the resort I love an escalator man, because an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. There is never an escalator Out of Order Sign, only an Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. -Mitch Hedberg Not from this magfest but still my favorite magfest image! Here are the videos from the OCR Suite Jams featuring Diodes, XprtNovice, DaMonz, Bustatunez, DrumUltima is in there somewhere, Emunator and probably a few more people whose forum names I forgot. OCR Suite Jam 1 OCR Suite Jam 2 OCR Suite Jam 3 OCR Suite Jam 4As you can no doubt tell by now, i'm not much of a photographist. Hopefully everyone was represented well.
  13. I'm really going to try to catch more of these this year. The album parties were very good.
  14. Thanks everyone for the replies. IR's are sort of difficult for me to run because my studio is pc is about 8 years old now. I've been meaning to update for awhile and I think this year sometime i'm going to fork out the cash. That B2 reverb seems pretty nice too. I've been messing around today with a few instances of EpicReverb which is free from Variety of Sound. I seemed to get somewhere with one wide and one narrow. Speaking of that, how do people feel epicreverb compares with other commercial reverb plugins like valhalla? I only have that and Sonitus reverb so I am pretty unopinionated (yea thats a word right?) when it comes to reverb plugins. Would you consider it on par with other reverbs or completely unusable? I think I just opened a pandora's box with all of this reverb stuff.
  15. The Witcher 2 I think dark fantasy is going to become a new obsession of mine. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed I played this thing so much that I thought I was about done with it. Then I got to play against A-Rival and Wildfire... Tales of Xillia Still not done with it. Dust: An Elysian Tale Didn't think I was going to like it. Picked it up for less than three bucks on Steam during a sale. Enjoyed it so much, despite some of the voice acting, that I think I should have payed full price for it. Hawken Love the world it's set in and the visual style of the game. Don't much care for the new maps they just released tho. Max Payne 3
  16. Hey here is that mixing with pink noise article I told you about. Check it out and see if it helps.


  17. During the composer's panel at MAGfest, Tommy Tallarico mentioned that Jeremy Soule sent him one his Skyrim pieces for him to look at and that it had 7 layers of reverb. Which seems like it might be an exaggeration but assuming it isn't, is pretty incredible. Does anyone have any resources on the topic? I've tried google and youtube so far but I haven't found much on the subject. I wish Tommy could have gone into more detail but i'm thinking maybe it's 3 instances of mix reverb loaded into 3 auxes and EQ'd to be Low, Middle and High, preceded by splitting the instruments in up to four different groups and giving each their own reverb which would be applied to the bus. I know reverb is a very complex topic as it is but layering reverb seems like it would be mindblowing. Anything that could help simplify the reasoning behind it would be great. Thanks!
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