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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. aww you got my hopes up. I really thought that was this: Having not used it in awhile I thought it sounded similar.
  2. into the mixes now. Nova you have no idea how long i've been waiting to see someone use new scool in a remix. (nuschool? New Skyool?) Did you draw a picture of sonic and end up with that as a groove? Dusk are you friggen kidding me? We both used the 2 sources in similar ways.
  3. couldn't resist. getting pretty excited for this bracket. When the tracks are up I'll probably have a small breakdown for anyone who is interested. My approach to multi-source remixes is less obvious than some and is more along the along the lines of Omote&Ura. http://www.nakasendoway.com/?page_id=1442 Can't wait for the remixes! Trying to resist the urge to listen to the ones upped on soundcloud.
  4. 14.5 hours to go? time for one more pressure induced emotional breakdown then i'll get it finished and subbed!
  5. Just like to add timing. I really regret dropping out but the competition got going right at the worst part of the semester. I don't know much about the rotation of the various competitions but early winter might be a good time depending if the SZRC is going to keep it's biyearly schedule. I definitely want to compete in this again!
  6. This really really bugged me about the Director's Cut. "Original" mode still changed some of the music from the original! This was the original music for the basement and it was FAR better for the game! ...in my opinion. edit: crap just looked deeper into the thread and saw this was already addressed. Even though I don't like it I don't think it's fair to say a deaf guy composed it because it's avant garde. It's fairly easy for someone who has no idea about what they are doing to still use only the white keys on a piano or stick to the lines and spaces of a staff and not use any accidentals. I would believe this to be intentional. ...as bad as it sucks.
  7. definitely an improvement! I also used to feel like i needed to notch everything. Then I watched this video and it helped simplify the whole thing for me. Now you just need to milk the source for what you can and get it up in length. The melody is played very well but it keeps coming back without giving the remix a chance to develop. I liked what you had 00:38 but then the guitar came back in playing the same thing it had played just a few seconds earlier. I think there is some real potential in that section for some creativity. Listen to some music that is in the style you are going for and try a few things out that you heard to see if you can expand on the idea. Liking it alot!
  8. 12pm yea. I've already started the remix so even if Dusk wins this round I still want to give it a shot.

  9. Happy Birthday! It was great finally meeting you at mag this year!
  10. yyyeeeaaaa.... regardless I support anyone with a pro-Sega agenda. Just not the best timing for this one.
  11. Getting there. This will be the first remix I did where I split some of the instruments up via a multiband and saturated different parts of the patch. So far i am really having fun messing around with that technique. Just wish I didn't have this habit of feeling like I need to keep changing my leads.
  12. Actually i've been thinking about this damn thing all day when I should have been more focused on this rounds remix! I know vocals have had a renaissance at OCR lately and I really want to do a power metal remix before someone else does a better one. :) I've got the concept of the remix and some of the lyrics but not a single actual note written just yet. This is the kind of the thing that might just be keeping me up tonight. You can growl, and sing. I want to use both should I get this thing going. I don't really care much if it's not the stereotypical powermetal voice, just as long as you'd be up for layering yourself. :) I am clearly saying too much for something that hasn't started yet BUT! I am getting excited to give it a try.

  13. Not bad at all. Kind of sounds like something Russ Barenberg would be into. On the short side but I am a sucker for this style of bluegrass. The bass is really muddying things up. Try to dry out the tone a little and bring it down in volume. The acoustic guitar sounds good but it's such a unique sound that keeping it to the left the whole time is kind of disorienting to me. Maybe someone else can echo that but I would recommend putting in a second guitar part or really anything panned to the right. Just to get some balance and make it feel like you aren't listening to a piece with your head slightly to one side. Best way to notch, in my opinion, is to stick a frequency analyzer on the tracks you are giving your attention to and look where the hot spots are for the given sound. If you see 2+ instruments with similar energy in the same area you are going to run into problems. Usually a notch of around 5db will work fine if the volumes are lined up correctly. The other way to do it would be to make a spike with one of your bands in the EQ and move it around at +10 or more db until you hear something that doesn't sound like it goes with the other instruments then bring it down to -5db to take it out. I think you are going to need more than notching though for some of these instruments. Try knocking off some of the lower freqs in the piano to brighten the sound and bring it up in volume. You have a lot in the lower register as it is. I would try to put the piano more on top of the guitars rather than inside them. Let the bass enjoy it's space down low and move the piano upwards and it will sound fine! I'm enjoying what you have though and really hope you will have some more updates for this one! By the way. Skip Hop Wobble. One of the best albums ever made. Good luck!
  14. Little early for April Fool's jokes isn't it? At least I hope that's what it is. Still, I think the language is pretty harsh and he shouldn't be called a fraud. The article makes it sound like he was still trying to work with only his sense of perfect pitch and his name in Japan made it worth keeping him in the credits. If I lost my hearing like that I wouldn't make it a week.
  15. Happy Birthday to two of the coolest people I talked to at MAG this year!
  16. Thanks Trism! I try to deliver reviews in a way that doesn't offend anyone after all the work they did to get something in. I know how bad it sucks to work all week only to have your remix get taken the wrong way. Hope some get a few nyuks out of them at least.
  17. Hey haks! Gaudium was truely awesome and thanks for being open about what vst you used!

  18. haha, if you can't no big. I don't even know if i'll be making it past the first round.

  19. and now... it's time for the 2nd installment of... Garpocalypse's ...commonly reffered to as the nonsensical ravings of a coked out lunatic. ...not literally. ......the coke part. Endless Mind Nice Groove! I like the choices of instruments in this one! That intro sweep has some Sonic The Movie vibes! I feel like the vocals, forgive my use of cliched language, don't sit well in this mix! The background vocals especially sound over reverbed! However! The remix is not without a good chunk of charm! Nice work! Unfinished Song Not a great title! Though I really like that lead that starts off the remix! I feel the vocals are mixed much better in this remix! More rhythmic variation in this one as well! Though it is on the short side! Remember my name Quick word about vocals in music! It's been done already! Alot! Now! on with the RAGE REVIEW!! This was and still is one of my favorite levels in Sonic 2! Some nice variations on the theme! Feels familiar throughout with the FM instruments! What is that?! VOPM?! I never could get that thing to work!! Well! Dank I think the starting key lead may be too loud and the bass too muddy! Also it sounds like the lead was moused in as their isn't much expression! If you could! Figure out a simple, cheap way to play the lead part after you write it the remix is bound to benefit! well! Blue Blur Your Brain Nice groove! The vocals might be a smidge too loud at the start but otherwise it's a pretty fun remix! Some creative honking could have been used to hide the F-bomb tho! In my opinion! Bizarre Aquarium Really odd remix we got here! Sounds like everyone is dying! And I don't mean that in a bad way! Not that that's a good thing to say! ANYWAY! The drum kit that is used for the first half is not really sitting right with me! Not jivemastering! Overall this sounds like a bunch of different ideas that were put together into a single project file. So! One might say that this isn't as cohesive of a remix as it could have been! But I wouldn't! 'cuz I have no idea what that is supposed to mean in the first place! Dug the vibe tho! The Underwater Citadel Nice atmosphere! Much more waterier! I really like the washing sweep in the background! Tho I think The lead that comes in around 1:30 sticks out in a bad way. For some reason it's sorta painful! Maybe drop around 4khz a smidge! or! Maybe down it 2 or 3 Db/LPF it to get it moved back a little! Gaudium awww yea! acoustic guitar! Piano sounds a little plain! Nothing really wrong with it but a little more delay and/or reverb would have hit the spot nicely! Distorted guitars seemed to be placed really well! What did you use for the violin? I've been looking for something that would work well for some fiddling and that sounds pretty good! I mean it's clearly not the real thing! ...but! it works well in this remix. Angels in Paradise Starting off with a very conservative remix of angel island. A few liberties taken with the melody which are good. Actually this remix kind of reminds of my old remix formula of homaging the source by keeping things conservative then progressively getting more liberal. It's mixed well it just could use some more creative interpretation! A Marbelous Night Yep, definitely an Amphibious remix! ...Amphibiblious. Very relaxed and uses the sources well! Hearing some Love Hurts when Marble comes in! Was that a reference for you or did I just listen to that remix too much?! Crazy Marble Fun Really looking forward to the two Marble remixes! Tho in this one! ...I had trouble finding the notes allocated to the familiarity of Marble Zone!! Definitely skewed to the Marble Garden side of things! Not really crazy about the staccato lead! Doesn't really Jivemaster with me for some reason! Still! You've been making some good progress Cash! Production sounds better in every competition! Urban Renewal Nice use of Sonic SoundFX! The remix sounds very close to the original in a not bad way at all! Familiar instrumentation means more liberties can be taken and not lose the source! Dug what appeared to be a small nod to Darkesword's Dream Pipe remix around 1:50! AND BEYOONNNDD!! Suck My Hot Metropolitan Crater Nice introduction! Though I think it takes a bit too long to get to the point of the remix! Also! When the drums came in my ears went to shit! How high is the gain reduction on the compressor/s?! Nice drop tho! Towards the end though I think the piano outtro was unnecessary! You probably could have ended it just fine on the drop! Nice Work! Sounding better all the time! The Flying Drop Great arrangement! I think the lead guitar is kind of fatiguing to listen to though in a few spots! Bass part is clear though a little too far above the rhythm guitar methinks! Kind of an odd style change midway through! But once the guitar comes back it seems to come together! The entrance at 00:29 could use some cymbals and some more sound! Doesn't really EXPLODE enough in an obnoxious way to work as well it could! SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION FOR EXPLOSION EXAMPLE: Though it does sound like everything was dead center before then so it was a pretty good attempt!I tried to give everyone their dues. If anyone would like a more seriouslier critique from me feel free to send me a PM!
  20. Hey, just wondering if you can do power metal vocals in the style of either Sonata Arctica or Sabaton.

    Just in case I decide to do something like that for the SZRC. I don't have anything written just yet but depending on future matchups I have a few ideas.

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