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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. hahaha really? jeez if you thought they looked alike then you should have seen me standing next to BGC. Pretty easy to confuse the two of us and you know what, a few people did! btw DaMonz and Chadly were some of the best roommates ever! really glad i got the chance to bunk with you guys for the fest. ... and therex and Q-pa annnnnnnnnnnnddddd... I think i am still in recovery mode as I can't remember who else was there. But all of you in the ocr suite were great!
  2. Hey no problem, there was still a few people I didn't get to hang out with so getting the chance to do shots of rum with you and then go to listen to something not yet released of yours was truly awesome!

  3. This one I can't wait for. http://freedomplanet.galaxytrail.com/ It combines two of my favorite genesis games into a single brand new platformer. I think it hits steam sometime in the spring.
  4. Had a great time seeing everyone again and meeting a bunch of new people this year! I've got at least 6+ GB of pictures and videos I took this year and I might post a few of my favorites in a little while. I'll definitely be posting the awesome OCR suite jams for those that missed them! Thanks for the great times everyone and you all better be there next year!
  5. I'm going by greyhound bus this year too actually. It should let you off at Union Station in D.C. The resort has a shuttle service that picks people up about every 2 hours I think. I just talked to them today and they said that since I am arriving around 4pm I would have to wait for the 5pm shuttle or the 6:30 one. Not sure about 9pm though, you can give this number a try and see what they can do for you. 703-790-5466 The shuttles are run by Chariots for Hire and it looks like you need to book in advance in order to use it. https://www.chariotsforhiretours.com/ Round trip is 20 bucks and you need to print the receipt to show to the driver when you arrive.
  6. Really starting to wish I could have left today and get there this evening. It's going to be a long 27 hours.
  7. Wow, thanks guys! Wasn't expecting to see this. Spent the day reworking a bunch of stuff so that I can get on a tight submission schedule for OCR. Apparently me sparing the judges extra work by not submitting anything in awhile has gone unnoticed. So, now i'm gonna flood 'em!! 2014 the year of the Garpocalypse! ...or something catchier. Can't wait to see you all at MAG! and BS that clip was a little too perfect methinks.
  8. While Steven Slate Drums is my go to as well you may want to check this video out on how to turn something cheap into something usable.
  9. There's an ATM in the lobby from what I remember. I don't recall how much the fee was but I don't think it was much more than a typical atm fee.
  10. I don't know how I missed these before, that's some great playing! When is your accordian coming?
  11. Loved the animated banner too. Bonk finally gets his.
  12. It's over 50%. :) Already subbed, but a thumbs up on production coming from you means a lot. thanks!

  13. Hey BS, Loved your christmas remix. Had some real emotional, down to earth weight to it!

  14. Hey nice job on those two tracks you did for the christmas album. Leaving Earth was an instant classic!

  15. Hey that was an awesome christmas remix you did. The distorted guitars were great.

  16. It's a classic. Easily one of the best Christmas movies ever made.
  17. Rexy is awesome for doing a james pond remix. I thought everyone forgot about that series.
  18. No thread for Avaris yet?! Now do another The Winds of Inishmore!!
  19. Getting a chance to mix those My Choice stems was a revelation as to how badly I was using my DAW all this time. Especially the drums. If something wasn't sounding right my first thought was to add more sound. Speaking of that if anyone wants to post their stems from one of their entries i'd love a shot a mixing them. Chimpazilla. ..and Tim. ...annnnnnnndddd Avaris.
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