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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I try to give every track it's due amount of plays and I never vote on impulse. For example! Tim's track was Heads and Chimpazilla's was Tails.
  2. I know right! Wait! Was something I said not nice!? Sorry! If I come off that way sometimes! Just trying to add my voice to the rich tapestry that is the OCR Forums! Even if it doesn't mean much! Keep things alive you know! I mean! I'd like to comment more on production! Which I know could really help! But! Until I get something together that sounds like I would know what I am talking about! I won't! Or whatever! Here tim is foreshadowing my track in the next round! I think...
  3. Not really sure what you mean. I'm not hearing any glissandos, which are slides. Or glides. Sounds like a long attack with some vibrato. Though i did slam your lack of bass namely in your choice to use a cello. I'm not going to call out the creator of this remix competition! Not when you have forty four posts to my ...zero.
  4. Now it's time for the first installment of GARPOCALYPSE'S Because Rage Comments wasn't catchy enough Toteukoon Toiveesi Good use of both themes in a very unusual piece with some strange but fitting instrument choices! I'm no vocalist myself but I feel the singing is a little timid! and production wise it is too loud!... and drown out alot of the work you did filling out the minimalistic but solid groove! Reverbed rim shot for the win! Ultimately, in the end, the result of this piece is not as cohesive as it could have been! I mean! It's cohesive! But not overly so! Sweet N Sour Starts off with a really nice groove though it quickly becomes apparent that it's one drum loop on auto pilot with a few cuts+a slowdown..... which is the transition to the next theme? Given a little more effort that could really work! It seems like you wanted an extreme change to represent the two sides of the piece but as strong as each element is that transition doesn't jivemaster as well as it could! Certainly not the most cohesive aspect of your work! More adhesive is needed for this to be as cohesive as it needs to be! Which is what alot of people seem to be talking about these days! Edward Penelo's Waltz Very cohesive piece this be! Amazing detail on the sequencing of the strings! Well, all of the instruments actually! Makes me wish I knew how to waltz! Not really though! When was the last time the truth made for interesting conversation anyway! Good Job! Crystal Gradient Hearing this makes me very happy to not have Penelo's theme! Maybe i'll get lucky and it will be eliminated! Hey Just kidding! You're allright! Very good job using the sources in a not uncohesive way! It's good to see a matchup among relative co-equals! Between Tim and Chimp i mean! The piano solo at 1:33 is the only weakness in my opinion! Doesn't really jivemaster with me for some reason! I think the result of this elimination! Is going to come down to a coin flip! Black Magic Dice Live playing over a piano loop? Not the most cohesive design choice! The cuts in the audio track could have been faded out to give the impression of it being a single take! Volume wise the piano is waaaaay too quiet! XPRT has some great advice on processing live wind instruments! Try to even out the sound over the length of the instrument with a compressor! I've never worked with a recorded live wind instrument before! Apparently! The sound resonates louder at different areas of the instrument depending on what note you're playing! Makes sense! Everything else works that way afterall! Machine Gun Megaphone Starts off really really well! With Cait Sith's theme being very obvious! A little too obvious if you catch me! This could use more reinterpretation on all fronts! As it is! It's too conservative! AND that transition to Laguna's theme I tells ya! There are two types of transitions! Some prep the listener without being noticeable and the other shocks the listener into the new section! It's either got to be completely unnoticeable or so obnoxious no one can miss it! What you have sounds good otherwise! Each section is very cohesive but as a whole it's not that cohesive!! Better than Nyan(thing) Dig the oriental vibe! Very unexpected style! Both sources are used very well! Cohesive you might say! I know I would! I'll say it again! It's cohesive! Production is a bit muddy and some of the drums lack the thunderous power they need but pretty enjoyable otherwise! Too short! Develop it! Then stick it on the forums! La Ambiente Going for the lounge music feel! Mission Accomplished! But not without a few hitches! Namely the Vibraphone! or Xylophone! Or is it a Marimba! Whatever! The attack is too uniform on the notes and the timing too perfect! At least at the start of the remix! Later in the remix it sounds pretty good! However! I think it would have been a more interesting part if it harmonized itself! Play some intervals!! Not just single notes! Marimba players can hold two sticks in each hand which means! They can hit up to four notes at once! I really like the feel of the remix though! I'll be having a drink to it later today! Hopeless Replace that Cello with a Contrabass! Not even kidding about this one! That cello lacks cohesiveness! In the attack! Wait what am I saying!? ALL cellos lack cohesiveness! I like the acoustic guitar though! Little dull sounding in spots in my opinion! Which doesn't account for much i know! Is that a mandolin?! Awesome! Note: I had a few drinks while writing these. Keep in mind that everyone who does this stuff for free has my utmost love and respect. Don't take my comments too seriously!
  5. So Birthday after thanksgiving huh? Happy Birthday Sonic CD:TD Bro!
  6. Earlier in the thread I was thinking of a guest character type of thing. Where a remixer gets one chance to use a fallen character in their remix to kind of help out. I think it would be a sweet collaboration opportunity plus if someone is having trouble melding their two sources they have a third to help bridge the gap. Either way or another though. Having lots of fun with this compo so far! Reviews of the current round forthwithcoming! Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. Happy Thanksgiving OCR!! Love you guys! Can't wait to see a bunch of you again at MAGfest! Sonic CD album makes for some awesome after dinner music!
  8. Yea I had/have a huge bias for the NA version too. I remember when I finally heard the Japanese tracks for the game years ago when youtube started to get more developed and I thought "oh, that's what that sounds like?" The funny thing is I prefer the Japanese versions to just about everything. I have only two works that I prefer the English/NA version which is Sonic CD and Dominion Tank Police. Love the album! I'm going to be blasting it the whole day.
  9. In the event of a tie betwixt Tim and Chimp I think they both should be eliminated. That should clean things up nicely.
  10. Mysterious Language=Extremely Gaijin Japanese. Massive Props for the effort tho! That's alot of extra work to do in a week.
  11. For or with? Naaah, i have 2 tests tommarow. Love how some of these teacher's do this to you right before a holiday. Where's the customer service in education these days?
  12. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the more than generous, or should i say forgiving, votes on my two minutes of padding. I think Hollow had the more complete remix idea and with it being the first work he posted on OCR is pretty impressive. Looking forward to the next round! Will the new matchups for the light bracket be announced before midnight?
  13. That just made me realize that i've been completely forgetting to make stuffing for thanksgiving for the last 7 years.
  14. KT, Sake and Malibu. I know it sounds like a sacrilege to pollute good sake but try it. ...wait your not gonna be there too? Lets get a kickstarter going for these people!
  15. Depending on how steep the price is I would support a physical copy of this album for sure. I would also love it to be possible for Spencer to sign a bunch of them too.
  16. Thanks for all of the feedback over the years Mak!
  17. If anyone on the album makes it to Magfest in 1.5 months, We should get together and go for a victory drink.
  18. This competition is ridiculously tough. I scrapped what I had worked on all week and through together that 2 minutes of faux filmscore in a night because I was waaaaaaay off target with the first one. I would have loved to see what Willrock could do in this thing. He has a way of making something sound new and also conservative and true to the sources. Good luck to those remixing this week. I know I almost had an aneurysm from the first round of this thing.
  19. Concerning the vocals: I don't listen to anything that isn't 100% rage screams.
  20. that's true. I never even wanted to touch any Sonic music before this album came along. Mostly out of fear of destroying some of my favorite music. Now i'm really happy i decided to go for it.
  21. I'm up to 6 or 7 times a day. I just can't believe i'm seeing my name on an official OCR trailer. Selfish I know.
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