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Status Updates posted by Garpocalypse

  1. AHHHHHHHH sorry man I had a busy semester. Had some fun, some stress, some beer, and had a chick mess with me. :( It'll take top priority this weekend!

  2. You had a birthday three days ago?! And no thread?! Happy Birthday boss! sorry I missed it!

  3. nah i think i am the one with the bruises....

    more metaphorically than literally. ;)

  4. Don't think I told you but BPM is dead 160. :)

  5. How is the film scoring biz?

  6. depends on how much work you're giving me. :) If you can get them in sometime Friday. I don't really care how late, but before midnight. That will let me have a day to run through everything and edit what I need to. If anything. In the meantime I'm just working on filling out the instrumentation but yea, I'm not expecting 100% for the competition.

  7. Whatever you can do no big. Sounds like you need some better hours though. damn. Sometime on Saturday then should be fine. :)

  8. Hey Fishy, I was wondering if I could ask a favor? I'm finishing up a remix that I never thought I would take this far and I am looking for some advice before I put my heart's health on the line and submit it for review. I know that OCR's standards skyrocketed over the last couple of years (been coming here since it was bright and orange in mid 2000) and I am looking for something like "this has potential here is what you need to get it to pass" or "give it up and get out" Here is the link for the posting http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336 and if you could give it a quick listen and me a little 1on1 I'd love you for it. Sorry If I busted a rule I glossed over about not directly contacting the OCR talent but I would love an informed response. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  9. Hey no problem, there was still a few people I didn't get to hang out with so getting the chance to do shots of rum with you and then go to listen to something not yet released of yours was truly awesome!

  10. Hey parah,

    sorry if my "dyed blonde girl" joke on the wcrg forums offended you. Thought someone would get a couple of nyuks out of it but apparently no one did. :)

  11. Hey Sonic, Would you be able to check out my Streets of Rage remix? You have some well produced material on the OCR forums and I would love any feedback you could give. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336

  12. Hey mak, can you give me some feedback on my SOR remix? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336 I just posted the latest and hopefully last update before submissal.

  13. Hey nice job with PRC 242. Any chance you could detail some of the production techniques that you did for your remix? :)

  14. Thanks for the suggestions on my SOR remix. What is a good way to move something to the front of the mix without it affecting the other parts?

  15. No multiband compressor. Some compression on the bass tracks and guitar. The guitar and bass are part of a sample library

  16. Hey MW!

    Glad you liked the third part of the Shadedog Trilogy. I definitely need to reference my final volumes better but thanks for the vote!

  17. maaan you are screwwwwwwing with me aren't you? :) You've had them done all this time. I know.

  18. Thanks for the comments. Is there anything specific you would do to it? I'm going to try to get some of the leads to stick out a bit more but anything else come to mind?

  19. 04:22

    Now tell me you don't love the guy. :)

  20. Hey here is that mixing with pink noise article I told you about. Check it out and see if it helps.


  21. 19? that was it? thought it was double that :)

  22. Hey emunator, I'm working on polishing up one of my remixes and was just wondering what else I should be worried about before submitting. If you could take a listen and give a quick critique I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


  23. Hey congrats on making it into the Vampire Variations II album!

  24. you mean those alien sounds doing the duet towards the end? I cut those... and I lost my shit when I first put those in too. :)

    I think it's too late to make the correction now. Blame it on my crap editing. :)

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