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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I'd be interested in knowing some of that. i wanted to go to berklee but couldnt afford the ridiculous tuition. Any chance you could post some of what you learned?
  2. I think people have been way too hard on Duke Nukem Forever. Sure it had weak gameplay, one liners that would have only been funny in the 90's, a crap story line, long load times, a decade spent in development hell and wasn't really a Duke Nukem game at all but... but I can't think of a way to finish this post. This should do it:
  3. I think you should show some love for Jon St Jon Tables and get DKF. Thanks but used to play both of them a ton. I loved the versus games I just didn't know if the pc community was more mature about losing and played to the end. Usually once one team would have a bad round, everyone quit. Right now I'm struggling to decide getting Dead Island and L4D2 or both witcher games. gotta love that ticking clock.
  4. Despite the recent media overload to the point of aversion, i'm craving some zombies! Dead Island and L4D2 are on sale right now can anyone tell me if they are still played online at all? I had the left 4 dead series on Xbox then traded them in when everyone would quit within 10 minutes of a game. Dead island I haven't played.
  5. I think if i did something original and it was remixed i would feel as though i "made it" in some way. As though I was a respected musician. With fans. I would probably also judge my work, and myself, by how many remixes there were of it and the quality of the non-dubstep ones. Then I would find out how much money was made off of it and guilt the hell out those people.
  6. I thought Resonance of Fate was a fantastic departure from his usual stuff.
  7. Thank you!! This was getting no love. I was wondering if i wasted my time. I forgot to mention that some of those sound clips were reactions to people playing slender. Mostly screams but one guy was singing. I wanted to try doing something ambient but I think next time i do a horror piece it should be, you know, legitimate music. Think i should run this at the judges? anyone?
  8. I gotta admit I did not expect BGC to say that. I agree completely. Sounds like you might have a story to tell BGC. I'm all ears.
  9. Has anyone picked up his solo album Force of Light off of itunes? Some pretty crazy stuff though if you were to say that parts of the album were unreleased Star Ocean tracks i'd believe it. Similar or not i am very jealous of this guy's ability to spew out thousands of great tracks at a time.
  10. I am so sick of Steam doing this crap. I'm scraping for my free time as it is. Things are going to get really really bad for me if they discount the witcher2. I've been putting that one off for awhile.
  11. I didn't really care about who did VG music until I played Star Ocean 2. I've always liked VG music but the music in SO2 made the game so much better. After I learned who he was I realized he was in several earlier favorites of mine like Final Zone on the Genesis. My only beefages with the guy were with the Star Ocean 4 soundtrack. A few awesome tracks aside it wasn't quite what the Star Ocean 3 OST was. Which was amazing. Stab the sword of justice from SO2 i thought got a pretty crappy remake in SO4. My favorites: 0:50 Stage 1 Final Zone So3 Battle music So3 Confidence in the Domination My favorite track from SO2
  12. malakai fan for life. Sakaguchi nixed himself btw. Something I wish would catch on with some of these american developers. Hell why not filmmakers too? Michael Bay should take a page or two from sakaguchi. The only thing i am really bummed about is that they let Star Ocean die when tri ace said they didn't want to make anymore.
  13. I guess i'll weigh in on this one. Never, ever ever ever, ever, evah! let fear of failure keep you from trying something. you'll never get anywhere. If the project leader thinks you are an ill fit for the job, you'll be out. No hard feelings, nothing personal, just business. think about what you will have learned in that time though. With that in mind, it's a good time to learn effective communication in a group setting. No matter what is said or how it gets said to you, always try to make any criticism that's not going your way look like the result of faulty leadership. Talk often, talk the most, and people will be behind you no matter what you do artistically. Some people would call it being an @$$ but most would call it survival these days. I mean, just look at this guy Then look at this guy: http://www.mmafighting.com/ufc/2012/7/11/3151381/in-defeat-and-amid-controversy-chael-sonnen-shows-championship Good luck and let us know what movie it is! Just for fun: See what good communication skills can get you? Everything.
  14. I brought the game over to a friends place for some good ol' fashioned shocks. He was doing pretty good, getting up to 6 or 7 pages, then he had to check the bathroom for the last page. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40625 If anyone's interested. So far not many.
  15. Sign me up for Novice. I'm pretty open stylistically, though i would prefer not to do anything dubstep related. Unless I got paired with bLind of course. Anything though would be a good experience. Some Examples of what I have done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGaLulrvxs4 Experimental Horror piece based on Slender http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40535 Folk Metal remix of SoA Horteka Theme. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336 Remix of Streets of Rage Title screen. Rejected by the judges and currently stuck in limbo.
  16. Just a quick experimental piece I did after playing Slender. Not a serious piece of music by any means but i'm interested in what you guys think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGaLulrvxs4 Best listened to at night Not 100% on which forums this should be posted on. I did use a bass drum and crickets so i guess that's 90% of the source tune right? No samples were taken directly from the game. I used EWQLSO Dimension Pro Absynth Random Sound clips I've collected.
  17. I guess opening up a new window is now getting to be too much to ask when listening to free music now? regardless i support this.
  18. I liked it too Just that intro flute bothered me a bit as it didn't quite lead into the rest of the piece very well. Just my thought. The judges didn't seem to have much to say about it. Getting close ACO.
  19. Where the hell are you? and Do you need a roommate?
  20. That's laughter. And one overly sensitive guy. 04:30 and turn down your speakersnow that's a freak out Edit: Well, I tried to play Slender 5 times in a row tonight just to try to man up and face it. (hehe get it) I think it may have worked! Only now i have a severe emotional breakdown upon walking into a bathroom.
  21. Slender was not what i would consider a good, or even remotely fun, experience. I know horror movies can have bad health consequences, games probably even more so. Spending 4 minutes playing the game completely messed up my ability to focus on anything today. Zero Productivity. Replaced by nonstop chatter and texting people i haven't talked to in years. So why am i now downloading the Amnesia~The Dark Descent demo off of Steam? I guess I really am bummed that Chael lost last night.
  22. It's been several hours and it still hasn't left me. Scarring. I think i only played it for 4-5 minutes too. It's amazing with all the bs in horror games and movies these days that this game is as effective as it is. No gore, no weapons, nothing really jumping out at you. just a flashlight that's slowly draining and tons of confusion. It's alot like a nightmare you never want to have again, those freaking hallways in that bathroom-like area, worst part of the game. I'm going to play it one more time when i get home, before the sun goes down, with the tv on, and reggae music playing. Might need to invite a few friends over too. Then maybe i can get through it.
  23. Has anyone else tried this free game? I think it should be subtitled instant heart attack. It's great to see indie developers covering the games that bigger developers won't. You know, those games that got those developers there in the first place. Simple. Insanely effective. It starts off with a classic gaming quest of collecting 8 pages. Why? not sure. What you don't know right away though is that something is following you and it may be right behind you at any second. Though more likely you are going to see it off in the distance a few times before it's on top of you. When it is, game over. No check points, just back to your desktop. I played it this morning, with the sun coming in full blast through the windows, and it still scared the absolute hell out of me. No way am i playing this again anytime soon. Good thing it's free. Here's the article that brought me to this cursed game http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/07/slender-is-pure-horror
  24. I don't want to get too far into this because i love many forms of metal myself and really whats the point anyway? Simple or not depends on the listener. Did you see how many people were in that LoG link? Metal likes to think it's a musical counter culture to all the britney spears, justin timberlake crap out there but really it's not that far off from it. Just the other side of the coin. You can compare numbers all you want, I'm referring more to a minority getting a large group moving in one direction. Their direction. This is getting philosophical now and waaaay off topic. Sorry my bad. So how 'bout that stage diving craziness? Seems to me if you get past the methed up security guards, jump off a stage and into a crowd that's still 40% away from being a pool and die from it, then the small nudge you got from the singer probably wasn't what killed you. it was you. Singer-what's his-name is innocent. Next topic.
  25. Lower brain (reptilian) Middle Brain (mammalian) Upper Brain (human) http://www.starchiefpress.com/articles/article42.html This is a bit outdated, but I happen to like it and it relates pretty well to why simple forms of music can easily generate mass appeal. What i mean when relating this to metal is that all of the characteristics of lower brain activity (not a bad thing mind you, we use it everyday) are present. Constant subdividing (metal sub genres), inciting to action, survival, fighting, but also living in the moment since you may not be living in the next one. In short, excitement. Take this thread, everyone has their opinions, no one is really admitting to agreeing with each other, and they are defending their points, many of them pretty personal, by attacking someone else's. By "they" I mean "We" of course. there i go myself. As i said this thread is METAL!! (but it's also alot of other forms of music well represented on OCR) Stop the fighting guys, or keep doing it. Whatever works for you.
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