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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01592/ Does anyone think there is a chance that we could talk DJP into doing an "Early 2000's Week!" and change the site back to how it looked back when OCR first came up? Insert>Clever Joke about an Orange.
  2. I have a AKG D8000s and it works great for what I paid for it. A few years ago i bought a pack of picks from guitar center online, a few weeks later I receive a $50 AKG mic in the mail. Then I get a notice saying that while they were restructuring there warehouses a number of orders may have shipped incorrectly and they apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you Guitar Center.
  3. Sword of Sodan. You have to play this POS that was published by EA for the Genesis. Enemies running you down from all sides and pitfalls with no warnings will make you appreciate today's player pandering games a little more. So has anyone else ever played Iron & Blood?
  4. I'm a big fan of the source so this is some of what I heard. Even for this style of music I thought there were too many breaks and not in the best of places. I'd try to figure out better transitions between sections to keep a flow going. My impression of the source is that it's very relaxing, almost Tangerine Dream music, and the last thing I'd want is the Aural equivalent of being smashed into a brick wall several times during the remix. Split the melody between different synths during the last half to reduce some of the monotony. There are also bits of the source that seemed to go unused in favor of heavy repetition. Play around with the notes a bit more and what you can get. Once you say something, say it and move on. Looking forward to the next update.
  5. Waking up one christmas morning and finding a Sega Genesis under the tree. Getting my hands on Sonic 2 when it first came out. The release of FFVII Having Resident Evil themed nightmares for what seemed to be years on end. They stopped after the release of RE4 by the way. One more good one! Pulling off my first fatality in MK right when Mom walked into the room! I wasn't allowed to play that game again for several years!
  6. I'm not much of a percussionist but the key difference is shaping the note while it's being played. I assisted teaching a bass methods class in college and I always thought it was funny that when I was helping a percussionist play something melodic he/she would hit the note then move on immediately. To get more expression, try imagining an image or event that the music seems to describe to you and think of that while you play.
  7. I tend to get a pretty massive block right after I get the meat of the idea out of my head or once I complete a section I thought was perfect for what I was going for. But to better answer your question i think I hate rewriting the most. Which is something I have been doing alot over the past few weeks. Trying to get older projects listenable but not quite getting there since i tend to delete everything that's new within 15 minutes... You know what I also really hate?! Having a great idea for the perfect remix, then after working on it for 20 min. realizing that i can't get the tone/sound/instrument etc. that I need to make it all work! Then I trash it, throw my monitors at my neighbors dog, then cry myself to sleep. This is proving to be an expensive hobby/lifestyle.
  8. Allow me to elaborate. Alot of mixing books are decent resources but they are going to run around 50 bucks and will mostly tell you that each mix is unique and you need to figure out what works for you. I'd strongly recommend looking up recordingrevolution on youtube. Gram did two series of mixing tips and tricks that will help get you thinking about how you can use your sequencer better. Subscribing to a magazine would be a good idea too. I'm pretty jealous of you uk guys that can easily get MusicTech delivered to your door. Rozovian has a huge guide that's aimed at people who are just getting into the remixing scene. You're not going to learn what you need to learn just from reading but it's good to keep your mind active. Can't seem to find where roz posted his guide...
  9. While I don't agree with that statement at all I do think the ending is getting too much hate right now. I kind of like the resetting/splitting at the end because it makes the experience of the whole three games carry much more weight. Sure you saved all the species from getting culled but you won't be seeing them again any time soon! The ending very much reminds me of being back in middle school, when we learned about cell mitosis, i always got really really depressed.
  10. Start with interval work in order to get the space in between notes. If you have a keyboard, and know any scale, sing 1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5 and so on up and down. Then get a drone CD with a string instrument or a tambora and do the same thing. really feel the pull each note has in relation to the tonic. (1) Do this for around 15 minutes every time you work on your music. If you are learning Keyboard it might be tough for you to do at this stage but try to play everything you hear.
  11. Some of that seems a little extreme for the sake of entertainment but it should work with what i've learned so far. First move was actually in Lowenthall's book to help loosen up the jaw. Second, never saw it before but i guess it could be used to help loosen up the whole body and to help feel the different resonating chambers when vocalizing. Third, Roll to help strengthen the core. Easier to do if you split the roll into 1/4's and hold for a few seconds each (back, left, front, right) Fourth, No freaking clue. Looks like a burpee with ungodly horrible form and a vocalization at the end. Baaaaa Maaaa....wtf. Final, Diaphragm strengthening but you shouldn't need weight for something like that. I think they should have gone one step further and slammed a coconut off of that guy's keg. In a full 80's fight training montage. That's the only way this guy is going to beat Apollo and save Lois Lane. What was this movie about again?
  12. I don't know, i'm just messing around right now with hopes of people being completely enthralled with every word I say as I read to them the Dry Cleaning listings out of the Yellow Pages. I guess we'll see if I get there. Plus if I can develop my singing voice I'll be able to add an entire one man choir to my mixes. EastWest, I love ya but eat your heart out.
  13. When I went through ME2 on renegade I decided to see what would happen if i pissed off Tali during her segment on the floatilla... Worst moment of the game for me. I couldn't believe I was actually depressed that she said she didn't want to talk to me again but would still work towards our common goal. And E(gg)bert says games can't convey emotion and aren't a form of art. Well, he said it. Lately he's had to type it.
  14. It took me awhile to beat the game with the amount of free time i've had lately. But I will say the last 20 minutes of the game didn't seem to fit with the rest of the series at all. (I played all mass effect games on day 1 for each of the three) I'm not really sure what all the comotion is about the ending anyway really. The biggest upset already occured several hours before the end game: Tali's Face being a slightly photo shopped Getty Image. Here I thought Bioware knew what the quarians looked like the whole time... If they redo the ending, it's not like it will make the fans any happier, but they better redo Tali too damnit!
  15. Here's a great resource that I just picked up. Voice Over Voice Actor by yuri lowenthal and what should have been liz sroka but is actually tara platt the guy's wife. The Warmup is on Itunes for 10 bucks. It's mostly Alexander Technique with some vocalization but I surprised myself by how much better I started to sound after doing the cd. Liz, you and me are doing the next Bioware game. Right after I run over Mark Meer with my car.
  16. Of course forcing anything is never good. When I did Kyokushin Karate I avoided Ibuki breathing as much as possible. Mas Oyama, the creator, somehow died of lung cancer yet he lived a healthy lifestyle and never smoked.... What I'm worried about is bad speaking habits that people don't know they are doing and are tough to break. Ever hear people talk out of their nose? i mean, completely out of their nose? Even though i really dig growling it seems like many metal singers will eventually have problems with thier voice including cancer. I wonder how that guy is who did inspector gadget's Claw is right now? Just wondering, can anyone imitate any VG characters? I'm working on Duke Nukem though I think it might be too advanced for me right now. I should probably start with something easy like the lead char's voice from Jade Cocoon.
  17. Something kind of like how brass players loosen their lips? Today I was trying to get a relaxed humming sound that would get my teeth and nasal cavities vibrating. Whenever I spoke i felt like I filled the room, i just wish my co workers would stop looking at me so damn funny.
  18. Got a good one that was just suggested to me. Bite down on a pencil and say tongue twisters! Seems to help improve diction.
  19. Hey OCR, I had a question for the more vocally inclined people here. Sorry if this was covered elsewhere that I haven't seen. A friend of mine who was much more of a singer than I was, is playing around with the idea of going into voice acting, which is something I had an interest in though to be honest, I think i sound like a cat getting hit with wicker furniture. Though one person I knew said I kind of sound like Troy Baker, which is the best compliment i think i've ever received. Anyway, the point of this is what techniques/vocal warmups can be done to help open your voice so that you can sing/speak better? So far the only techniques I know of are 1. Laughing Hysterically 2. Singing in the car going to work 3. Screaming in the car going to work 4. Yawning I am looking for ways to help resonate in the chest and lower, to me it sounds like i'm kind of forcing it down there unless i am extremely, extremely....relaxed.
  20. Waiting for Tekken X Street Fighter
  21. Been playing ME3 since last night and I have to give props to whoever worked on the Reaper Foghorn. That is the most brilliant sound I've heard in awhile. I've been traveling to various systems and scanning as much as possible just to set off the reapers, and I jump every time.
  22. I let Thane die. Good riddance to an overrated character Tali on the other hand, better come back. 12 more hours until the midnight release.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4GgJC0eMJo Are you going to add some drums and pads to it? I'm a fighting game addict and I would love to hear more KOF in people's music.
  24. One more thing. Most, if not All of the people arguing about this on this thread right now, are guys right? Just checking. Note the Competition and Conflict. Just please leave out the Drama. That's chick crap. Time to leave before I say something stupid.
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