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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Happy Birthday fellow gar-somewhere-in-the-name
  2. Hey everyone, I'm participating in a competition that has a deadline at the end of this month. I am currently working on the mix that i am planning to sub that's more or less complete and I would very much like a real guitarist over the VST guitars I'm currently using. If interested please send me a PM and i'll send you the outline and the midi files. -gar
  3. I'm in! Spencer's work must be defended. Or, Represented, as the situation may warrant. Really, I usually go JP with just about anything when given the option. The only exceptions are the first Dominion Tank Police (the music was waaaaay off) and Sonic CD. Is there a certain style we would need to have in mind for the album?
  4. No mention of another Bushido Blade? Square Enix isn't all bad. The merging did give Star Ocean the boost it needed, then killed it... I'm a little confused why so many are bashing SE's cinematic shennanigans when the entire game industry is steadily moving in that direction. I liked being able to watch a short clip after trying like hell to make it that far in the game. Now it's getting ridiculous. Square fell when the Japanese lost most of the entire market within a few years. Now they are trying to be influenced by what western game makers are doing which could be a serious gamble. I'm hoping they pull it off and come out on top again. "Copy it and make it better" -Old Japanese Proverb
  5. As much as I hate that game, You gotta love this mix. Some very catchy riffs throughout but I think the rhythm guitar could be brought up quite a bit. Since it's not used all the way through the mix I'm guessing you want the strings and organ to carry much of the weight of the song so a short but very overt rhythm guitar section might be great for some contrast. Maybe kick it up just a bit the first time, then when it's sustained, bring it up a little further. Here's another idea to play with. When the organ comes in on the last half, bring the lead guitar further to the background and kind have the licks "float" around the organ, then bring the guitar back to center for the big ending. Good luck on the competition.
  6. In my opinion, this is what is killing games today. With how games looked twenty years ago you had to use your imagination to fill in some of the gaps. That formed a closer connection between the player and the game. With the way cinematics have been dominating games lately it seems that games keep getting closer to being a slightly interactive movie. I don't want to bash anyone, we all have our favorite FF's but what is the big deal with FFXII? I think it was the last truly great FF game that tried something different after FF10 showed us that we could play through a JRPG by just holding forward and following the light at the end of the tunnel. Something FFXIII got slammed for later. Anyway have you seen FFXIV 2.0? MMO of the decade. I hope.
  7. This isn't Final Fantasy. It's Panzer Dragoon Saga 2! Square is buying up even more IP's since they are having trouble thinking of something original! The trailer does look amazing though.
  8. Just saw the new 2.0 shots. Looks like it's finally going to be the game it should have been two years ago.
  9. Nothing but love for anyone who can work in a Big Lebowski reference to take the sting out of another's legal nightmare. It's a scare tactic. What really got to me was when The One Real Prophetik asked for proof of trademarking and they told him to "go look it up" in so many words. I'm no legal expert so don't take this for more than it's worth but a real lawyer should have no problem providing proof on request when threatening someone. Chances are they wanted him to take a look for it, try to make him think he was in over his head, and get him to change his name without a fight. Just look at that guy. Jeff What's-his-name. Start's with a G i think. What's he doing in the fashion business? Get some teeth and more camera friendly people!
  10. Agreed. A friend of mine back in college was in a bluegrass fusion band. I forget what their name was at the time but I know they had it for several years before one day getting an email from a lawyer claiming to represent the father of some famous pop singer who wanted to get a boy band together under the name they were using. So the lawyers harrassed them until they took down everything that had the name on it. Even though i'm sure they could have proved they had the right to use the name no one wanted to risk going to court since they didn't have any money, and they were going to be fighting a guy who probably had the best music business lawyers in the country. As far as I know the boy band never came to light. You could always try adding two dots over the o in Prophetik and say that it represents a cross between an "o" and an "ah" sound and if that's not good enough say that you come from an old swedish family line whose traditional middle-class values are at risk of going extinct and that being forced to change your name is against your "personal belief system" (to be as PC as possible) Make sure they all realize that this is an issue that is less about brand names and more about classic Post War European-American Personal Belief Intolerance where justice has been known to favor the overly oppressive fashionable socialist regime in this country. And that they are all probably from France. Make sure to quote as many points as you can from Calvin Klein Vs. The Susquehana Indian Reservation so that everyone knows that you know what you are talking about. That should get Fox News on your side, at least, which means you'll have a much better chance at being able to defend yourself in court. See, it's all how you play your cards. In all seriousness though i'll be rooting for you on this one. Keep us updated!
  11. I like this alot. The drums really aren't that noticeable however and could use some much needed punch. Did you try parallel compression? It can help make the drums pop out of the mix without it killing everything else around it.
  12. I'm using the guitars more as place holders until i find a real guitarist for any project I work on. I'm not crazy about the drums either so I use SSD instead. Has anyone tried MoR2? Some of the improvements I've seen make it seem worth looking into but based on my experience with MoR i won't be getting it anytime soon. I have heard MoR guitars used in Duke Nukem Forever and Soul Calibur 5 but they were restricted to a background role (where I think they actually can sound pretty good). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFd4UT5Cqok It's real guitars until around 0:38 where the background guitar squeaks from MoR come in. At least, i'm 95% sure it's the les paul deluxe lead from MoR. I could be wrong on this one. 1:04 clearly a fake lead. I'll have to do a comparison to be sure but it's the Les Paul Standard lead and possibly the Les Paul Deluxe for the, single, power chord.
  13. This was very true about 15-20 years ago yet many games that did well in Japan did well in the west too. This had more to do with games appealing more to socially backwards people in both cultures and didn't have as much to do with popular social trends at the time. I'd say western interest in Japanese media is still pretty good though it seems to be declining quickly because of the Japanese being reluctant to change anything until it's proven to be a complete failure. The real fact is that the Japanese like what they do and have no need to import art and culture from other countries like we do. If they start to feel like what they like is losing favor in the rest of the world they just won't bother trying to relate it to anything beyond their own borders. Or market it for that matter. ( Still screaming for a Tales of Xilia release here. ) Anyway, What school did you sign with Derrit? I was thinking of going for an eikaiwa like Aeon to live and work there for a year but then I started hearing about all of the smaller schools closing in droves. Would you say it's worth getting into still?
  14. You can use a free image editing tool called Gimp.
  15. I think i'm nailing this whole internet humor thing pretty well.
  16. People like it when you are topical. My photoshop skills, if i had photoshop, would be non-existant.
  17. I'll be in Mexico until this whole thing blows over.
  18. I see the Afterburner Remix Album Idea finally took off. Did you see what I did there?
  19. Just looked it up myself. If it's true, it may have been the better ending to go with. I know I would have enjoyed it,(kind of sounds like Phantasy Star to me) but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have found some way to mess that one up too. The more I think about the last 15min of ME3, the more it seems like it was the product of countless rewrites until the team didn't give a $%!t about what they were doing. I'm holding out replaying ME3 until the new endings get released but i'm not getting my hopes up this time. At best, what they have done is lay the ground work for a series of spin offs involving the survival of each character. Tali's Really Super Reaper Survivor Pinball! Prepare to spend another 60 bucks for each character you decided not to kill off!
  20. (I hope I have a rare one here) In my opinion, VGM was at it's best when it made up for around 50% of the experience of any game. The soundtrack could make or break a great game and vice versa. So, I love it when a soundtrack is so good that it makes up for a horribly mediocre game This was done by Tenpei Sato who would go on to do the incredibly good Disgaea OST. - Stage 1 *Epic long before everyone used that word to describe the breakfast they had that morning. Among other things. - Stage 2 *Listening to this was every bit as ground shaking as Sonic CD's US OST when it hit waay back in the day Stage 5 * This level was awful but it's one of my favorites due to the music. bloohayerdchix ftwThis was for the PCE(Turbo Grafx-16) and is not a rearranged version. wai rther nomor bloohayerdchix n' gaimezzz?? here's the game, as much as I love it (for some reason) i can't deny it's crapiness
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulufqDS6q4c I guess this would be my favorite, even though I can't stand it. I'll say I can tolerate this far more than any sci-fi show ever made, U.S. or otherwise.
  22. oooh shweet. Could be a pass, for all i know Not entirely sure why, but my ears are hurting after one play through and i'm not listening to the track at a loud volume. I think it might be some upper mids boosted too high between the guitar and the cymbals. If not for the pain involved this track would be really exciting as it is. Good luck on the resub.
  23. Always solo the track and make sure it sounds like a viable performance on it's own. As far as Strings and Pads it really depends on what style of music you are doing. Some electronic oriented forms of music are supposed to sound fake and machine-like so if you are doing one of them you might want to keep humanizing to a minimum. Not that you have much humanizing to do with pads to begin with. Vary the velocity and timing a bit and move on. Strings on the other hand could take all day on a single passage if you want to get detailed enough. Usually you would only do that if you were trying to make up for not having a full human orchestra at your disposal.
  24. Hardly, but thank you for showing the good people at OCR what MYETAL IS ALL ABOUT!! Notice, the lines we have here. Metal is great for having 1000's of different genres and all of them are poorly/loosely defined. Chances are if you think one band is one genre, another metal head will quickly refute your assumption. Not to prove a point, but to FIGHT!! Metal inspires lower brain mentality and the (many)lines have been drawn for you. Pick a side and get to it. Because tommarow there's going to be even more lines and people willing to fight to defend/destroy them. I never said Finntroll was "DA BEST" and while I agree with your post completely, I still have to argue with ya. It wouldn't be metal otherwise. AND I never said anything of what was in that reply!!! Where did you get all of that?! Nothing beats Equilibrium and Nicholas Cage's only movie worth seeing was Raising Arizona! Now what are you going to say to that? Oh and thanks for the link. But I wouldn't call that Folk Metal! I'd call it VG inspired pseudo folk speed metalcore! You know, 'cause of the rhythm guitar chugs!
  25. Preview! Now! PM me the WIP!!!! please? For anyone new to Folk Metal, this is the reason it exists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-T8M0U4390
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