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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Meteo-X Fan for life. I'll go now...
  2. After TWO Examples, All in favor of a topic change from "Sexism in Games" to "Portrayal of Blondes in Today's Mainstream Media" say I. "Meh". Lower Brain guys, Watch it. It might destroy who you think you are.
  3. Compelling argument but, If any developer used Sarah Palin as influence for their protagonist, in a non-humorous way i mean, that would be my end of this great hobby/vice i've had since 2nd grade. I am by no means sexist but I use videogames like so many other people do, as a way to satisfy the demands of my lower brain! So I EXPECT a little Sex, Violence, Shooting, Stabbings, Punching, Get my mind off of myself and onto this new badass Duke Nukem esque Axel inspired character with Commander Shepherd elements so I can disconnect for a bit and get on with my life tommarow, Throwing, Kicking and Screaming in my videogames! Preferably all at the same time! With more EXPLO-SHEE-ONS!! Games satisfy the (mostly but not all)male needs of Conflict and Competition which stems from our base behavior which is also related to Sexism among other isms that I don't feel like getting into right now. While I admire your will to fight in this case these things have been talked about before and if anyone really wanted them it would have been changed long ago. After a long day at work, you know what? I kinda like the illusion that I can solve all of my problems not by thinking about them, but by just WALKING DOWN THE STREET AND BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF ANYONE LOOKING AT ME! (I reference Final Fight and Streets of Rage but really that's gotta be at least 90% of all games ever made)
  4. One more thing then i'll shut up. Just in case I have moments where I am hitting the play button too often and not making any actual progress with the mix I have a backup plan full of Drum Loops, Drones, and other reference material (i am really big on using visual aids. Do a google search for abstract art that details the vibe you are going for) that I use to break through those blocks. This helps you to view what you are doing from different perspectives. What killed my progress before, and many times still does, was my attitude towards making music. If I didn't absolutely intend every moment that I wrote then I should be ashamed for winging it and give up on music altogether. This caused me loads more frusteration and looking back, i regret every moment I felt like that. When in doubt, just F$K around with it.
  5. To me it sounds like a near constant building to something. After one minute I'm thinking. "Oh man this is about to be awesome! " Then a little further "We gotta be almost there here it comes!" then it's over. Music needs an ebb and flow. Build and Release. If you want a really good example of this without much repetition check this one out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgNoadKcIWg I'm working on something that is requiring me to do a little trance/house/club research. So far I feel like it's an excercise in extreme patience. All I hear is "Go Spot! Go Spot Go! Go Spot! Go Spot Go!" Repeat for about 4 minutes before it's finally over. Along with the Dumb-Chick-Dumb-Chick-Dumb-Chick. You may hate country (like me) but why not try Bluegrass? Or Jazz Bluegrass Fusion? Bela Fleck?
  6. If you listen to it enough times even something you are were initially really fond of will be extremely tiring to listen to. Usually I can never finish a piece from beginning to end in a few hours like some of the talent that's here. I'll deal with a large chunk of it then put it on the shelf and go back to it a month or two later with some new ideas. Honestly though Sonic, you have some really good production skills, of which i am quite jealous of, but alot of things I have heard from you before lack development. Many times you will come up with something that sounds really cool, but then draw it out until much of it sounds like a long intro that's building to something but not quite getting there. When you have a good idea like that, have that be what you build to. A complete musical statement is what you should be aiming for and you never want to throw away your peaks by over stating them or giving them away too soon. Take my post with a big heaping bowl of salt if you want. My stuff doesn't sound nearly as good as yours production wise. Now that I have said that... Finish your Sonic 2 Emerald Hill Zone remix!!!!
  7. I just had a breakthrough with the Just Guard timing. Oddly enough it's extremely easy to pull off once you find that small moment right before the actual impact to press and release. If you do the just 2 move strings with alpha patroklos it's the same timing only instead of just pressing you have to press and release. Now I just have to work on pulling it off while dealing with lag in online mode. Still no Talim. I've got a day off coming up finally. If i'm not working on music and anyone wants a couple of rounds at me my xbl is Gar1283.
  8. Hey Zircon if you have SC5 for XBL look me up sometime. My XBL ID is gar1283.

  9. Are we passing around gamer ID's for this one? You don't make friends playing fighting games... and i've lost several through them. I've unlocked a couple of chars but i still don't see a tonfa character. (Talim back would be perfectly fine too ) I'm also a little disappointed with Xiba. Kilik was my main in IV and you just can't take a guy seriously when he uses his gootch (dare i say) for bow leverage when striking. Right now I am learning Xiba, Maxi and Leixia. PM me if you want to have at it.
  10. Hmm. Gotta admit that was not what I was expecting. I'm not familiar with the source at all and I certainly can't speak for the judges here but you might be on to something. It all depends on how you develop it from here. In this case, I would say to just be careful with how you use the source so it doesn't limit you. As far as I can tell, the sampled source in the background provides most of the direction of the piece while an e-piano is improvising on top of it. This could run the risk of narrowing your creativity if you rely on the source to carry you through the remix. More is needed to tell for sure but I dig it so far.
  11. Just make absolutely sure your copy is clean or else this will happen if you go with earthbound.
  12. I think it all depends on how you pull it off. Keep in mind that many newbs here (and on youtube) just put a drum rhythm over the source and it sounds AWFUL. like the music exists in two different spaces at once. If you are going to take a few clips from a game that might be ok. There was a big fad for Street Fighter Remixes back a few years ago to cut up the various vocal bits into a rhythmic pattern. The bad thing about that is if I here HADOKEN, HA-HA-HADOOOOKEN one more freaking time... It would be better and more flexible to find a synth that emulates the sound chip of the system of the game you are working on. I have a really nice free one for the Sega Genesis called VOPM if you want to google for that one. That way you can remake parts of the source to be specific to your remix making your music artistically valid and not risk pissing off your listeners with a loosely fitting drum pattern on the source. That's too simple. I think they call those Mash Ups or something right?
  13. Please, don't go to youtube. Support the music community and go get lessons! Youtube can't beat 1 on1 for these types of instruments. other than pressing your fingers down on a string and the calluses you got from that, nothing else will carry over to the instrument. Using the bow itself takes many years to become functional and a lifetime to master. Check for Rabbath's Art of the Bow to get your mind right. The bow is much more complex than merely drawing it across the string. It functions around a complex system of always moving levers and fulcrums. When you first pull the bow from the frog, by the time you get to the tip you just witnessed the physics of the bow completely reverse from where you started. The weight of the bow itself, gravity, where you are in the bow stroke, feeling every vibration throughout the stroke... and I haven't even hit the subtle and relaxed wrist and finger movements that you need to develop to produce a steady tone. Welcome to the art of real string playing guitarist. You have many long years ahead of you if you decide to commit to that instrument. Good Luck!
  14. Oh, GOD. I should have read all of the letters. Cant believe I didn't see that and I was thinking about my bass when responding. Violin Family=5ths Viol Family= 4ths Stringcism be damned. Yea I'm looking at you. Cellist!
  15. Rather, the E string requires the most weight to be in the string to get it to sound. It's easier for a player to hit the E string with the dead weight of their arm+gravity when the string is closer to you and get a nice full sounding tone. When playing further away from you, on the G string hehe for example, you have to angle your bow arm and torque a bit with the wrist in order to get gravity to work for you. Much harder to do that if the thicker string was on the outside. And violinists say Bassists don't know anything... Stringcism I say.
  16. ? Please tell me you are joking metal... Put it up under your chin for starters
  17. I really like what you have here so far. I know it's a WIP but some of those vocal clips are waaaay too loud. Also the piano sounds a bit too loud as well. Try kicking it down 3 or 4 db and see if you can still hear it take the lead. Now for a more philosophical question. Did you really go straight to the Japanese soundtrack for your first time through this game? Poor Spencer...
  18. Congrats! You might have the makings of a career right there.
  19. Yea, Vic is the man. I've met him twice so far and each time it was life changing. I shook his hand too. You know, the one that he plays with. He's write about music being taught incorrectly in schools though. About every lesson I've ever had had a bunch of "no! that's not right! play it this way!"
  20. I'm a fighting game nut and picked this one up on day one. Nice job to the Aversas by the way that made it worth me getting a collector's edition for once. After blasting 30 min working on Just Guard alone I'm happy to say that I'm getting the timing of it down pretty well. Don't bother JG'ing the first move in a string. With all of the button mashers on right now it's far easier to block the first move and memorize the rest of the string for some easy JG'ing. For created characters I made: A catchick. And that's about it right now. Talim better be freaking unlockable. Old Talim too. I got really really REALLY pissed when i unlocked Kilik and saw that he was just an Edgemaster variant.
  21. I've been watching these daily for the last two months. I really wish I had found his first session back earlier last year but thankfully I was able to catch session two for January. Here's hoping for 5min to a better mix III! Graham is the man!
  22. 04:22

    Now tell me you don't love the guy. :)

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