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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Be very careful how you handle your youtube account. If people checking you out for the first time see you flying off the handle because of what one person said that will turn them off quick. Being cool to the people who don't like what you do is part of doing any art. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvpWHnRokNM Try to listen to the differences between the two. Take what you like and reject the rest.
  2. I remember the good ol' days when developing games meant trying to block the player from making progress. Only if you CONQUERED a game (something no one says anymore with good reason) would you get the small "thanks for playing!" after the credits. Nowadays people blast through games like books.
  3. Your competition is not going the way of UFC 151 if i can do anything about it! I see you have a day extension but I don't see where to submit my mix.
  4. The Dissidia games were fun but they reduced all the characters to "why am i fighting?" "I have no idea" "Guess i'll keep fighting until i figure it out." (stories in fighters are pointless anyway but at least they tried) Galaxy Force II- Shooting through an awesome looking level then going into one of those butt ugly caves for no reason. Soul Calibur V- Mitsurugi and Nightmare. Some parts to games i thought were torture to play through but added to the overall enjoyment. (The good kind of awful in this case) Resident Evil 2- Basement Skies of Arcadia- Deep Sky Sonic 2 Hilltop Zone- That part where the ground caves in on you Final Fantasy VII- The underwater sub part Ecco the Dolphin(DC)- Anything bigger than me. I guess i have a thing with water.
  5. Well almost. But it's coming! Wish i could find a release date. What they have is a beta bundle up for 20 bucks and if you buy it you get early access to the game. Whenever that is. I just wish they didn't compare it to Dota. Proof that Herzog Zwei was decades ahead of it's time. Can't wait!
  6. I can't deny I want one of those vocaloid vst's. I'm looking to get Lia, as soon as i can justify spending over $200 for a virtual vocalist. http://1stplace.co.jp/vocaloid/
  7. In the middle of planning for this one. i swear i'm not going to do anything anywhere near 13 minutes this time!
  8. $37,000?? What version of Sonar did you get?! Losing your DAW key doesn't mean you have to buy everything over again. Cakewalk has pretty decent customer support. Explain what happened and they may be able to replace what was lossed. You remember the information you used to activate Sonar right? At most you'll have to spend $500 on a new DAW. Sonar 8 is getting tougher to find due to X1 being out. I'm planning on upgrading to X1 when i upgrade the rest of my studio pc. (Unless protools wins me over, which it might)
  9. I'm not sure if this was brought up earlier but what about a listening party on irc for future episodes? Episode II is when?
  10. I mean when VGmusic was so far under the radar no one really cared what you did with it. In a way, congratulations OCR! Mission Accomplished! People now recognize VGmusic, and now there are far more problems than there used to be. Just goes with the territory
  11. Anyone remember when stuff like this was all fun and games?
  12. My current OCR submission record: 1 No(resub) 5 or 6 self defeated before submission.
  13. When i first got started with my digital studio i kept everything on one computer. After losing my stuff a couple of times to college hackers and other programs, that were necessary for an online pc, robbing me of system resources I decided to get an offline studio pc. It's the more expensive route if you are also looking to do pc gaming also but the huge decrease in frusteration is worth it. With so many games multi platform now you might want to just get a console for your gaming needs. Staying on the top of both worlds though is going to take a massive amount of cash.
  14. My studio PC is running xp with the max of 4gb of ram. I use EWQLSO and Play has been a huge pain in the ass lately for me. Even if all other synths are frozen, a quick bounce to audio will many times have cuts in the sound. However, there are always ways to work around it. I wouldn't recommend building an underpowered computer for what you want to do at all but you always have options. For example, I can run two or three instances of play perfectly so I would create a bunch of audio tracks for each instrument then bounce to audio, place it in the track, then change what's on play to the next instrument. Going back and forth like that is time consuming and adds a few extra steps which can hurt work flow but it allows me to work within my limitations. I just don't get too fancy with the various settings on play because i would have to reprogram them every time i recorded. Upgrading soon!
  15. So what's going on in this thread? Hey same OCR icon! As a big SOR fan myself i really like what you have here. My only gripe is that the ending wasn't set up, it just kinda....falls. Take a few beats to wind it down and do maybe a simple cadence to close it off. The other thing was the anvil like sound around 1:55. The rhythm is just a bit off from what i was expecting. For some reason i was thinking more along the lines of 1 &2&3&4&. Which I think would work well for that section. Otherwise it was great. Good to see more SOR people around here, gotta watch out for those Double Dragon, Battletoads, and Final Fight weirdos. I love all beatemups!
  16. Usually if i get some minor sickness, the most annoying thing i listened to last will play over and over again in my head non stop. Making being sick so much worse. I'm always humming or playing something in my head, but i always forget these things. Sometimes I wonder just how much longer until the most obsessive musicians have a microchip in their brain that will record every tune they think of.
  17. Never played the game but this was a pretty fun mix to listen to. Nice to see solo sections making a comeback.
  18. During my time with this hobby we have lost: 1. Sega Visions 2. Game Players 3. Ultra Game Players 4. Game Buyer 5. Next Generation 6. Official Dreamcast Magazine and now Nintendo Power? Yet IGN is still going strong. Somehow.
  19. A track that starts in the center and goes wide or starts wide and goes to the center. But alot of people like that. Ethnic Vocals that are more percussive than lyrical. Scat singing, rambling, Some old blues guy barking into a microphone. Love it. (only example i can think of right now but my hdd is full of stuff, it has a sax too)
  20. Bass you say? Laying down a little Bassism? Bass Power? The AmBassador of Bass? Basses are loaded? Help! Get me out of this Bassment so i can slap you in the Bass?.......... Are you a Basscist? I know i am. :)

  21. I've missed the last few versions but it sounds like it's coming along pretty well. It sounds like you were trying out some counterpoint under the melody. You could easily squeeze even more out of the remix if you play around with it. Keep it going!
  22. What about this guy? http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31287 (He uses a Rickenbacker 4003)
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