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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. When i first started using a DAW i used to spend a solid month per remix/rearrangement getting everything together.  I would load up an instrument, play around with it and if nothing came to mind, delete and load up something else.  It's a fine way to experiment and discover new applications for the resources you have but I found that it tended to kill the spirit of what I was working on long before I finished it.

    To spit music out quickly it's a great idea to make a bare outline of what you want, break it down into music's three core components which are melody, harmony and rhythm, use a vst that runs light on you pc/mac and doesn't make the entire project so cumbersome that it discourages you from making simple changes.   I treat most of my outlines as simple high school piano renditions of what i want and develop them from there.  Usually I will also keep melodies and harmonies in separate midi tracks just for the extra layer of organization. After the outline is more or less done I develop the rest of the arrangement starting with the rhythm section and ending with the lead instruments. 

    Keep in mind that writing (coming up with the piece of music), arranging(deciding what instruments should be used and how), and mixing(how the frequencies of everything fit together) were all once (and still are) separate skills to learn.  Now the lines are blurring and everything is becoming more and more inclusive. Which is great but it means there is a lot of information that needs to be learned and you are going to be learning it all at the same time. Because of this, it's important to recognize that there are different skills that are needed depending on what phase you are at when writing a piece from start to finish.  If the harmony doesn't create the proper mood for the melody, it doesn't matter how much compression you use on that cello sample that you have programmed as playing all up-bows, It's still not going to sound right.   

    If you keep your outline as simple as possible then you can get your idea out much faster and with fewer obstacles. When artist makes an image, they don't worry about properly shadowing the reflection in the window just right when the rest of the canvas is still blank.  They do a quick sketch of what it's supposed to be then spend significantly more time developing it.  It's the same deal with music.  

    Sort of went off there but hope it helps!  I still remember well the frustrations i had when i first started working with a DAW but it all lead to me developing a process I can use as a base to approach anything i want to now.  

  2. I've seen some electronic wind instrument controllers like that in the past but for the life of me I have no idea if they have any expressive benefits over using a midi keyboard or if it's just a more comfortable option for a clarinet player to play synth patches instead of using a keyboard.  Would love to give it a shot someday tho!

    If you want to do every track of Sonic 2's ost like this then I would be extremely cool with that!  nice work as always.  

  3. On 6/16/2016 at 4:51 PM, The Nikanoru said:


    Who wants to bet Sean Bean's character dies before the end, like every other role of nobility he's taken on recently? :)


    If the Bean-man is part of the cast then my interest in this game has been rekindled.  

    ...and what do you mean by recently?:)  Dying has been a part of nearly every role in his entire career and can be considered part of his typecasting at this point.  In fact, i'm willing to bet that dies extremely well is repeated ad-nauseam in his acting resume.  

    pretty sure Troy was one of the few movies he lived through but even that was an implied death since, by not taking risks for the chance of being remembered throughout history, no one would remember if he even existed.  

  4. oh man, I'm just getting into video editing to do my own music videos and this would totally explain why i'm having some synching issues. My camera records at 24 fps and my music is recorded starting at 01:06:00:05 on the Rendering Frame Timeline.  Divide that by the total average amount of measures in my music and i think i'm hitting somewhere between 32 and 55 fps.  So, hypothetically, i could fix this by halving the speed on my metronome and subdividing twice as fast...?  

  5. I had to revert to an older version of the project and ended up losing about a day and a half's work because I didn't follow my rule of saving a separate file after every 2 notes tracked or every 1/4 turn of the EQ.  Sorry to hear about the difficulties the last hero round had but i'm sure the extension will be well used by everyone.   

  6. For some reason i developed a problem over the years where i find it difficult to submit unfinished work. i'm just about done with my track but I still have a few things to iron out.  I'll try to have it in this week for sure. 

  7. I haven't watched any videos of the game but I heard from the reviews that there are apparently no guns at all?  Not sure how I feel about that since running from gun fire was the most intense part of the first game for me.  

  8. Git Gud against God-Tier Torb?  No such thing.  

    I am shooter, shredder, blaster,

    I am the bane of all Tracers; the turrets in the night, what's mine is scrap and ...stuff and power!

    I AM, just a guy with a funny name and a line of swivel chair products from IKEA.  

  9. 2 hours ago, Kat said:

    Just had the shittiest shitfest of a game. Attack on Gibraltar. Defense team had 4 torbs, a Symettra and a Mercy.








    First game I have ever ragequit from. I'll gladly take the leaver penalty over that bullshit. Coordinated attacks and proper hero swapping to take out the turrets and break through resulted in more turrets popping up in their place, because the amount of effort it takes to remove one is far greater than the few hammer strikes to get one working. The Mercy couldn't be reached because 4 turrets auto-aiming, and it was pretty much impossible to break through when they had enough unmanned firepower to break through Reinhardt's shield in seconds.

    oh man i wish i was there for that.  and as one of those torbjorns!!  The guy is my go to for defense and occasionally attack if it's a point controlling map.  

  10. Definitely looking forward to this one.  Loved the suspense while running from gunfire and slamming through doors of the original and some of those jumping puzzles were pretty thrilling to pull off.  

    The only thing I thought was in contrast to what they were attempting with the game was that it felt like a 90's adventure game at times.  The ones where you walk forward, and die, repeatedly, until you figure out that you should probably walk in a different direction. Just to see if you don't die.  In Mirror's Edge when you are running to your death every few seconds until you figure out where to go it takes a good chunk of the excitement out of the moment.

    BUT! I'd much rather play a difficult game that's not afraid to kill you off for not figuring things out quicker than one of those AAA player-pandering-hold-forward-and-then-watch-people-talk-about-how-amazing-you-are "games" .  

  11. Enjoying the game quite a lot so far and i'm finding it tough to take more than a few hours away from it.  Been having some great games with Torbjorn and Agent 76 who seem to be my go to characters at the moment.   

  12. The hype got to me and i just picked this game up.  Haven't played any matches yet, and i probably won't until later tonight sometime, but if anyone wants to add me for some games my ID is Garpocalypse#11835

  13. I like the idea of having an all in one retro game sample library.  Something like this, a well made vst that includes all of the major 8 and 16 bit systems, is long overdue imo.

    I'll admit that it's going to take a lot to pry me away from FMDrive but i am very interested in getting it for the Commodore 64 and Master System samples. The price does seem on the steep side when you consider what other similar vst's have released for over the past few years. I'd most likely pick it up for $100 but going full $150 + would cause me to back off until I can justify it as a necessary purchase.

    Are there any plans to expand the collection at some point and include Sega's Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color and others?

  14. Game was just updated this morning with a new game mode that makes it tougher for a more experienced crew to stomp the opposing team.  VIP mode makes it so one ship on the team is worth 2 kills and the other ship is worth none. Obviously the ship with the more experienced crew should be designated the VIP as this forces (sorta) the VIP to play defensively and prevents that one noobish crew who keeps charging into the fight alone from wrecking the game. 

    Also the rate that the ship falls after the balloon fails is even faster than before making those sudden drops even more panic inducing.  

    Update details are here.



  15. i'll be the first to admit that the games where only 2 people have mic's are kind of stale.  Part of the reason i'd like to get an OCR crew is because playing with people you know is a lot more fun just as you said.  I'll get a list going, if everyone who has the game or who is about to get the game could say so in this thread it would be appreciated!

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