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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. 37 minutes ago, Mak Eightman said:

    You... I hope I'll pass all the rounds to face YOU! And when I'll beat you down you going to finish that SOR project

    Now we are bringing some fiyaaaah!!  

    Honestly that thing has been something I've wanted to complete ever since I first came to OCR.  Life has been turbulent since I became a traveling therapist but i am about to have some free time opening up and would like to restart it again. 

    But yea. Last round buddy. Hope you get there cuz...

    I'll be surprised if I make it to round 2. :p

  2. Find out what you need to increase your creativity/productivity and not focus on your lack of ideas or issues with finishing your work.  For example I know I respond best in a competitive environment and when I am not engaged like that my productivity goes south no matter how much time I put into working on my stuff.  So in order to put myself into that mindset I try to keep in mind that:

    "Right now, there is someone doing something similar to you that is getting better by the day and is trying to attain what you want."

    And that pretty much does the trick to get me to get a track out of creative purgatory and complete something.


  3. On 6/20/2018 at 9:06 AM, fredrikd said:


    I've just pulled the trigger on a computer which Brad's given me a ton of help putting together. Shipping from the US to Norway would have meant a painful lot of money in shipping and taxes, but even if that was out of the question he still wanted to help me find the proper parts, which I could then buy locally.

    Communicating with Brad has been nothing but a positive experience. He's got a wealth of knowledge and was able to answer all the questions I had in a very informative way. I can't recommend him enough for anyone who's looking for a new computer.



    Ditto to this.  I built my first machine 2 years ago and consulted with him about the various aspects of building a PC that could be used for music.  Brad was a huge help recommending parts to use and I ended up with an awesome PC that was right on budget.  

    In short, Brad is a stand up guy. Buy from him.   

  4. 58 minutes ago, Pipez said:

    Forgot to post this yesterday, but the trailer for Sonic Mania Plus dropped...


    been playing this on steam since it launched but I am definitely going to have to buy a physical copy just for that classic genesis reversible cover.  

  5. Most DAW's have a "split tool" that accomplishes what you are asking for. You might want to look into getting the cheapest version of a DAW, such as Studio One Artist for 50 bucks, and see if it accomplishes what you need.  

    The free program Audacity also has this function though honestly i've never used it so I can't vouch for how well it works.  You might want to start there and see if it works how you want it to. 

  6. I'd consider joining but I am really only interested in doing a remix of an old battle theme that i've wanted to do since I heard it when 1.0 launched and has since been repurposed as a heavensward dungeon theme.  If you open up the limitations in the future look me up and i'll stake my claim.  

  7. 6 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

    With the go ahead from @djpretzel, I waited until their OCRemix Panel was complete this past Saturday at MAGFest where they would premiere this exclusive preview of this album: Arcadia Legends! Now that the MAGFest panel is over, it is time to unveil the trailer to the rest of you who didn't make it to MAGFest this year! Hopefully you all enjoy the sneak peek soundbytes in this trailer and get hyped. For those who were on the fence of contributing to it, guess what? We still got a few more tracks left to claim! By all means, shoot us a note and we can get things started! We're almost to the end!

    Kudos to my co-director Modus for building off the base trailer I had created and making a fantastic version of it!

    Nice work on the trailer.  I'll admit I felt a giddy little thrill at hearing my track on it. 

  8. Was really hoping to go this year but due to the therapy company i've been working for getting bought out recently myself and the rest of the remaining staff all lost our vacation/sick time.  

    Which sucks because I really would have loved having a chance to chat with Gareth Coker and see Jun Senoue play.  

    Hope you all have fun!

  9. Wow,

    it's been a fast two years... 

    @Kat and @timaeus222 have said what needs to be said so i'll keep this short.  

    All previous comments that were made in my post still stand.  Maybe some things were changed as you say but unless someone is intimately familiar with each of your versions the changes that were made are not going to be noticed.  

    Honestly I think you worked yourself into a corner with what is probably a massive, cumbersome project.  If it takes hours of work to make what ends up being barely noticeable changes then your best bet would be either start over or keep what's working and cut the rest.  In this case I would recommend you keep the intro and give yourself one entire stating of the source to work with. 

    That means cutting roughly 9-10 minutes of what's here.

    BUT with that entire chunk of source you have left try to reinterpret it in various different ways.  Change some things, play with it and see if anything sparks your own creativity. You can use other areas of the timeline in your DAW as scrap work to use later on if that helps.  Once you have some ideas down then you'll have a remix that is much more engaging and not just something that sounds like it's on endless repeat.  

  10. 2 hours ago, avaris said:


    Also, do not sleep on... FFTactics (PSP remake War of the Lions).

    Doesn't need to be the first game in the franchise you play but definitely hit FFT at some point.  I remember when it was first revealed being really put off by the characters, whose heads all looked like melon's with eyes, but it's easily my second favorite final fantasy game. 

  11. 8 hours ago, TSori said:



    I  can do a vocal take or  two for garpocalypse's mIx  as well this week.  How long does it need to be?


    Literally just one or two yelp's.  If you can sustain a 5 minute long stereotypical native american wubba-wubba that's totally cool too but I'll probably only use a minute of it. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Kylok said:

    Whoops, I haven't been checking this thread since I finished my track, but I can contribute some Ixa'Taka-esque vocal stuff if you're still going with that idea, @Garpocalypse!

    awesome! just need some clips of various yelps over however many takes you care to do.  

    If anyone else who is on the project has a mic and wants to join in then your welcome to do so!  I'm trying to get everyone on the album possible to perform for this track!

  13. Just to clarify, I really don't need much "help" with this idea I have.  I think it would be awesome to get everyone involved on the album to do some background gang vocals. A mega collaboration of sorts to complete the ambience of what I'm going for.  If no one is up for the idea I have some work arounds.

  14. 12 hours ago, ragnahawk said:

     I wanted to point out how there's only two people following the suggestions sub-forum. 2. You can see it in the top right corner. You have to click it to make it work.




    We have a "suggestions" sub forum?!

    12 hours ago, ragnahawk said:


    So yeah. That's pretty much it. What did you expect? A step by step tutorial?

    Well that's kind of what we have here isn't it?  but since I wasn't expecting to be instructed on how to follow a thread I can definitely say your guide exceeded my expectations.  

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