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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. If you're anything like me than you probably have a huge thing for airships that may very well have been started by one of the early proponents of these senseless flying monstrosities, Teddy Ruxpin.



    Much like Teddy Ruxpin, Guns of Icarus Online features airships but unlike Teddy Ruxpin, these airships are 2,000 ton murder machines strapped with guns, flamethrowers,  mortars and everything else you would need for effective rage therapy.



    Guns of Icarus Online was a kickstarter backed indie developed game by the NY based studio Muse Games back in 2012.  If you're tired of playing shooters where you are constantly headshotted before you can react and frequently find yourself fantasizing about thwacking an engine with a hammer so that the pilot can maintain a tight turning radius while your being shot out of the sky by up to 3 other ships then GoI is most likely the game for you.  

    The more I play this game the more addicted I get to it and when you have a full team that works well (enough) together Guns of Icarus is some of the most fun you can have.  It is not a game of instant gratification however as the community has dwindled lately to the point where it takes a good 5-10 minutes to get into a game.  The average is about 200 players playing at any given time but everyone who does play is extremely cool and won't berate you constantly for doing something stupid like rebuilding a turning engine with a mallet.  That's not to say that there is no screaming among the players in this game.  If both the balloon and the hull are down then you can expect a fair amount of panicked yelling-at-the-engineers as your ship continues it's descent to certain death.  BUT! it's all in good fun and never gets personal.  

    The folks over at Muse Games are getting ready to release an expansion to Guns of Icarus online that adds PvE elements to the game as well as new armaments to equip on your ships. The game is a lot of fun and one of the more unique combat experiences coming from the indie development scene.  If you don't have it then you should definitely consider getting it for the meager $10 entry fee.  If you have it then send me your Steam ID and let's get an OCR Crew going!


    OCR GoI Players

    1. Garpocalypse
    2. Native Jovian
  2. Just heard about this a few minutes ago.  I was a big into Megadeth back in the day and will definitely be mourning probably the second best drummer the band ever had.   Menza and Friedman always played extremely well together and made some of megadeth's most successful albums.  For the record,  I was always ticked that Mustaine never seemed to want to get the guy back in though and went with Degrasso and opted to talk $%!# about Nick whenever he could but dave and co. have definitely fallen a long way since those days.  

  3. 8 hours ago, Cole Train said:

    Would anyone else want to see a Jet Set Radio movie (live action or animated) or is that somehow just me?
    That idea has been hovering around in my head for a long while.

    closest thing would be to watch Air Gear and pretend it's JSR... even though honestly, it's not that close.   But yea that seems like an idea that should have happened by now.



    If anything Sega seems to be extremely late to almost everything now.  They are JUST starting to consider releasing remasters Shenmue 1 and 2 after how many years of fans screaming for it AND watching other older IP's get remasters ad nauseum.


  4. Just now, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    This is a great recommendation, Gar!

    Really? I haven't been having any problems with the Ghost In The Shell Game. Speaking of, you should add me up on Steam and we can play if you want!

    I only just got the game a few days ago so I don't really know what problems the game has had or how it's supposed to be.  I guess there was a stuttering problem that they tried to fix but all i know is the game plays around 10-15 fps for me and i'm running windows 7 with 32gb of ram and the GTX 750 Ti.  It plays so bad that, metaphorically speaking,my eyes will start to bleed midway through a round.  

    Hitting a consistent 60fps with other games on high though.  


  5. Seems like it has been ages since i last entered a compo and this one seems interesting. I'm in. 

    Hero Bracket: (would be preferred)

    1 [“Final Fantasy Tactics” -RamzaTheme of Ramza” - “Hero”].

    2 [“Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core” - ZackThe Price of Freedom” - “Hero”].

    3 [“Wild Arms” - Rudy "Theme of Rudy” - “Hero”].

    Will update with youtube links. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Ghetto Lee Lewis said:

    wow, theSE GAmeS havE really GreAt music.  I'm surpriSed they haven't gotten Way moRe Love by now.

    Agreed.  Thinking about starting up something this week for it.  

    BUT! after closely reading your statement. I also agree that there should be a Sega Swirl callout as may have been subliminally imposed.

    well played sir.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thin Crust said:

    But the problem is I know how to cheat the system. I can beat the game at minimum level with stats maxed out. All you need to do is max out your SeeD level allowing you to buy 30 tents which allow you to convert to 300 curagas that you can junction to your HP. Then convert Diabolos card into 100 black holes which you can concert into demi spells which are amazing for junctioning to strength. Convert Quistis' card into 3 Samantha Souls which can be converted into 60 triples apiece which is amazing for junctioning to both magic and speed. After that, junction Diabolos Encounter-none ability and you only need to fight bosses the rest of the game. And since the game's enemies scale to your level, they will all be weak while your party is severely overpowered. So no challenge there. I guess that since you need to play through the game a few times to be able to figure all this out, it can get a pass though.

    holy crap ...i feel like i need to try this on my next run through.  

  8. So it looks like that thing SEGA was talking about for awhile finally launched on Steam.  At first I was going to give it a pass but after watching this video about this hub that actually imitates a SEGA fanatic's bedroom in the 90's complete with dank room, crap TV and elaborate cartridge insertion simulations it's looking more like a must buy! Is this the form that nostalgia gaming is going to take in the future?  With this VR obsessed culture it certainly seems probable.


     You can pick up all 59 games for about 21 bucks until May 1st.  



  9. A good way to tackle that is to load your kick into 2 audio tracks and split the freqs out with a multiband in order to get more control between the lows and the highs.

    To do this load up a multiband on one of the 2 identical kick tracks and solo the subs and the bass and then mute the lower mids, mids, upper mids and highs. Then make an exact duplicate of the plugin on the second kick track and mute the subs and the bass so you only hear the lower mids, mids upper mids and highs.  Once you send both to the same aux you now have the kick you already had but with a fader for the lows, a fader for the highs and the bus fader letting you change the volume of the entire kick.  This trick also works EXTREMELY well on basses.  

    One thing you'll want to be careful of is any make up gain that may be set by default.  2 of my multibands were set with a +2.5 db gain for each band out of the box so to speak. It's not going to ruin your mix if there is a slight boost there by any means but you can keep your volumes consistent by making sure there is no makeup gain set by default. 

    As far as EQ'ing of kicks go that is largely dependent on the style you are trying to do. 


  10. On 4/23/2016 at 11:39 PM, The Coop said:

    Sooooooooo what's going on with this? Is it dead?

    I'd really prefer it not to be but due to a general lack of interest it's definitely on hiatus at the moment. For the last deadline i received updates from two of the remixers that were listed to be on the project and still have not received replies, updates or any "what's going on with this album"s from the more than that.  It was also extremely difficult to find remixers who were willing to produce work up to the standards of OCRemix to take the remaining half of the album. Efforts outside of OCRemix to recruit for the album were largely met with a ton of negativity towards the community here which was a rather extreme downer and something I really didn't want to put up with.  

    Over the fall I had to do some restructuring in my personal life which did sap some of the momentum that should have been there for this project and I do apologize for that. Now that things are more stable than they were, I'm still perfectly willing to head the album and get it completed as long as we can be sure that committed people who want to see this album through as much as i do are on it. 


  11. Assuming it's as good of a performance as you can get,99% of the time it's the track you are paying the most attention to being too loud. Start with it being below the level of the instrumental to where it you can barely hear it then tick it up a few db at a time until it sounds right. you'll want to look up typical EQ cuts for guitars and start from there to shave off unwanted sound. A little delay and reverb will help too and then see if you can get away with a little more over the master to help it blend further.  Just to be clear we're talking nigh inaudible levels of blending reverb as a final step but if can get everything else tight you may not even need it.  

    Depending on where the vocals were you may want to make a slight dip in the instrumental with an EQ in the upper mids to make some room for whatever freqs your guitar is hot in. (to find it look at the peaks on a frequency analyzer on your guitar track) Dip it on the instrumental -3 db but certainly no more than 5 and that little nudge should help.  

  12. 10 hours ago, GSO said:

    having 16 GB of RAM and an i7 processor would I be okay running CCC Pro? as well as Komplete 9 Ultimate?

    I'd have to make the argument that CC Pro (Plus actually) is probably not worth the cost.  The only difference is getting platinum/diamond versions of the Hollywood series EWQLSO and Choirs which means you get to pay double in order to vary the reverb for the patches.  I've never used the Hollywood series but having platinum versions of both hollywood and EWQLSO is probably more orchestra than anyone would need. If you make a living filmscoring or doing professional trailers then maybe it would be worth it but that's still a pretty big maybe. You may want to look into buying EWQLSO platinum then go with the standard CC plan instead of going with the pro pricing plan as that would be much cheaper in the long run and if CC blanks out in the future you still have the full version of one of the best orchestra libraries ever made.  

    My beef with EW is that a lot of their libraries are tailored to have a specific sound and aren't in depth samplings of the instruments they have even though they give you the impression that's what you are getting. This is probably most evident with the Ministry of Rock series and The Dark Side.  The new version of play seems to work well with my new studio pc and EW is FINALLY making the jump to going ilok-less.  With the CC you have the option of installing the licenses on your computer so hopefully everything else will be included at some point. But yea I share everyone's hatred of the iLok.  

  13. 13 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    That's pretty much where a game loses me these days - when it starts to feel like work rather than entertainment. Or when you have to find the ambition within you to force yourself to play it.

    Like, I was playing System Shock 2 recently and got about halfway through and I'm just so tired of Shodan's stupid "fetch or fix this for me" quests and I have no idea where to find the next thing I need and I just find myself saying "Do it yourself" and turning the game off.

    It seems to be the case in modern game design that the game should be "enjoyable" throughout and the player should never be inconvenienced or made to feel uncomfortable one way or another.  Even if they are performing a task they have already done 1000 times over.  The games that engage the player the most have sections that are absolute torture to play with the sole comfort of playing through that part of the game being simply to move beyond it. the labyrinth zone in the first sonic the hedgehog, the nibelheim mountains in FF7,  The catacombs in the first Resident Evil. ALL of Dark Souls.  In fact Dark Souls has been able to capitalize off of this the most because so few games challenge the player in such a polarizing way. I still cringe when i even think of the name Undeadburg. If games are going to be respected as an art then they need to elicit a variety of emotions from the player and not just pander to their feelings of gratification.

    Though in all honesty i think we are seeing the end player pandering with games like Dark Souls, FTL and PVP games with a sharp learning curve like War Thunder having the success that they have had.

  14. I think Star Ocean 2 fits this pretty well. The game starts off really slow, the characters are pretty flat and poorly voiced, The combat system is fun but just as brainless as anything else, you think you've seen everything in this game before ...and then you hit the end of disc one and all hell breaks loose.  It takes the player from thinking "it's an ok game" to EXTREME EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT TO EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER.  

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