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Everything posted by UnveiledOsiris

  1. It's been almost a year since I last logged in (not to say that I haven't been on daily ), but I wanted to express my LOVE for this remix. The Zelda series has always been close to my heart, and (most recently) inspired me to attempt to learn the piano. Majora's Mask was the very first Zelda title that I played, so it has earned itself a special little corner of nostalgia for me. Now, before this turns into a rant/life story, I just want to say that you have done a great job with this mix, and I wish more artists would pay attention to this game's music!
  2. Lockjaw's Locker is "the" song of DKC2 for me. Whenever I think of that game, this song comes to mind. Now it's achieved an afterlife, brought back from the dead by Hemophiliac with all the foreboding and suspense that one can only imagine that the original would have realized had technology allowed it. Easily one of my favorite tunes from Serious Monkey Business.
  3. I am so, so glad that you decided to submit this. Over the past week or so, I've been thinking "Man, wouldn't I love to hear a great Dragon Roost remix", and then this popped up in my RSS, ad voila! Insta-fave! Please continue to post the awesome that I've come to expect from you
  4. can't...stop...listening... Seriously, this was also one of my first games, and was definitely the first video game that I was actively aware of the music for, so congrats to you good remixers for bringing this music back to me, albeit with a lot more pep and general goodness. In return, I offer you this time mage
  5. sorry it took me so long to respond...we were having some internet issues lol. As for my musical background, I used to play bass for several years, and I have some previous experience in drums (something I'm hoping to pick back up on once I can find a nice cheap set ). I'll be learning to play piano in less than a month too! As far as musical theory is concerned, I have absolutely no knowledge of it, though I'll be looking into that once I get back to school and have more free time. Overall, it's going to be a while before anyone here gets to hear anything that I've worked on, as I'm experimenting with FL at the moment to try and get a better feel for it, not to mention my sudden ambition for learning new instruments. I'll try to keep everyone updated though =)
  6. wow, here's a pack of nostalgia thrown on my face, followed by attack dogs. awesome remix
  7. so I was about to go to sleep when I stumbled upon this mix...and I HAD to wait to hear the entire thing before rolling over and succumbing to sleep. I even had on some nice headphones, so I got to enjoy that popping bass...good tune =)
  8. Thanks for the tips, I'm sure they'll be pretty damn useful =)
  9. oh, where do you download new sound files from? I was looking for a good flute in FL and couldn't find one that suits the job.
  10. Thanks for the advice Rozovian. I'm still trying to figure out how to work with FL, but I'm starting to get a better understanding for it. With time and patience, maybe I can make something worth listening to =)
  11. So heres the deal: I want to get into Remixing. Yes I realize that this isn't something that I'm going to pick up overnight. I was just hoping for tips as far as what programs are good, if there are any sites around that give good tutorials so I can get a good feel for said programs and that kinda thing. I already have FL Studio 9, but I hear that it's only good for techno. Any advice is more than welcome =)
  12. Pretty good for a debut piece. This track is indeed very "fragile" sounding as Ella Guro put it, almost as though a reflection of hard earned peace that could break with the slightest pressure. At any rate, I enjoyed listening to it. Good job Iggy
  13. DarkeSword, you never fail to amaze me with your work This song has a very nice atmosphere about it. Keep up the good work
  14. These songs are from the final fight of the game, as well as the credits immediately after. Both are wonderful songs, and I'm requesting that either of them be Remixed, of both of them if someone gets struck by inspiration Links:
  15. I really love what you've done with the source. Admittedly, I never really cared much for the source, but if it had been like this in the game, I would have spent a lot more time around fairy fountains and the like
  16. absolutely wonderful! I actually got this game last year, I saw it and remembered it from the good ole days. The music from this game always stuck out in my mind as being awesome, and you just brought it into full clarity. Bravo, and happy birthday =)
  17. thanks for the birthday wishes! ...im responding almost a month after the fact, I know :D

  18. honestly, the "frantic" parts remind me of cheesy action movie music. HOWEVER, I can only assume that you are trying to incorporate the strangeness, and insanity of Majora in this piece. If that is what you're trying to do, perhaps try expressing that in a mellow intro before really letting the chaos out, kinda like how it was in the game. put in some hard work and I'm sure that this will become an excellent song.
  19. Do I know any fancy musical terms? Nope. Do I know a good remix when I hear it? Yep, and this is one of them. I absolutely LOVE this song. Beautiful harmonies, wonderful atmosphere. The lyrics are a bit corny, but the Remixers made it work. Good job to everyone who contributed to this, keep em coming and if nothing else, I'll keep on listening
  20. This has always been on of my favorite songs from the Zelda series (not quite as good as Gerudo Valley of course ) albeit such a short one, so it's good to see that remixer's are taking notice. This mix feels very easy to listen to, as well as entertaining. I prefer this mix over Link to the Mask (no offense). This leaves me hopeful that there will be more wonderful remixes such as this from what I feel to be a greatly overlooked Zelda game.
  21. Love love LOVED this remix. It is a very solid piece and I feel that the techno/trance was integrated perfectly, sending you from tranquil mode to fight mode. In fact, in that sense it's very much like CT itself: one second all's well. Next second, you're off to save the world from Lavos. Very well done.
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