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Jax Mandrake

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Everything posted by Jax Mandrake

  1. We can't deny this truth. Sometimes you are really enjoying a game of whatever style. Suddenly, a point comes up that screws up all the fun you were having. There are several reasons this may happen. Most often, in my experience, is that the game you were enjoying has insensibly changed to another style. The change can be so frustrating that you give up playing the game entirely, or you somehow power through and hope that the real game goes on, and you pray that you never have to do it again. You may even reach the point that if you do get through it and finish the game, you swear off ever playing that particular game again in your natural life. I'll give two examples from recent memory. I will not deny that I loved The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. There were two instances in LoZ:SS that *bleep*ed me off to no end. The first was when Link loses all of his items in the volcano, and all of a sudden it's a stealth sequence. I'm no good at this kind of crap, so I dread when it happens. Worse, though, are the Silent Realms, for a similar reason. You've been given the first half of the game to get used to the motion controls and swordfighting and all that, and then you take it away and make me dodge ghosts with no way to defend itself? I call that a douche move, Nintendo. The other is from a game that, due mainly to , I've decided to try playing through again: . I hadn't played it in several years because I got to one point, couldn't get past it, and gave up. I do recall having some fun for as long as I had played, so I thought Jon was too harsh on it for the same reason so many others are so harsh on Star Fox Adventures: it was a Zelda clone with Fox's name on it and nobody wanted that.Anyway, I just got back to the point where I last gave up. The LightFoot village has two challenges that I dislike, but that happens just before my worst part: the Krazoa Test of Fear. I simply CANNOT win this *series of bleeps*. I may give it a few more tries, but if I smash my WaveBird, I'm never playing SFA again. I turn it over to you, dear friends. Have you similar experiences?
  2. I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but I'll happily spread the word. I've found some recent fresh YouTube addictions: JonTron, Peanutbuttergamer, and The Completionist. The last put up a new video this morning, the first of a new series called Here Comes A New Challenger. He plays a music-based shooter called Symphony, which looks rather cool. The most interesting part: the music he chose was all from OverClocked ReMix, and he was happy to promote. He has excellent taste. See for yourselves.
  3. Would ya'll believe I'm not too familiar with Sonic stages? *Flame shield online.* I've just never been into the games. That's why I'm looking for your input. As far as a definition, I guess I should provide. I'm talking about a part of a game where the environs take on a wintry theme of some sort, and usually (but not always) involves a change to the gameplay such as loss of traction on some surfaces or vision-impairing weather.
  4. Pretty much. If I were assembling these lists on my own, eleven entries from each would be stages from the various Mega Man games and the others would probably be Freezeezy Peak and Hailfire Peaks.
  5. Okay, it's a bit of a *bump* but I have a purpose. It's to ask for your help. I've written two more Top 12 lists and I want to write more, but I need suggestions. One I'm planning now is actually two: Top 12 Best/Worst Ice Stages. However, I'm far from up-to-date and I don't necessarily want to go all retro. Therefore, I want your input. Tell me what you think are the best and worst ice stages, levels, or areas from any game you've played. Note that I am not talking about full games based on ice, like Ice Climber or snowmobile racing. I'll go into further detail in the video when the list is done. When I've got plenty of suggestions, I'll put the most popular mentions together and then ask you to vote on the best and the worst of them.
  6. It took me long enough, I suppose, but I finally got my ugly mug on YouTube. For those who are leery, it's just a two-part Top 10 list that got a little larger than originally planned. There are plenty of people on the internets who have made top tens, and without a doubt, some of them have done a better job... but oh well, I figured I should start somewhere. Enjoy! And please, watch both parts before you throw flames in my direction.
  7. Amnesia: The Dark Descent made number 3 on JonTron's 6 Scary Things In Video Games from Novembre 2010. I haven't tried it yet, as I'm not a fan of fright, but still... Givz them ur maaaaaaaanies.
  8. Perhaps something along this level... http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00881/
  9. I suspect you're already looking into the DQ and FF series so I won't bother with needless repetition. I will, however, recommend both of the Super NES Lufia games (Estpolis if you're looking for Super Famicom carts). That's all for now until I recall more, or others flood the thread with similar recommendations.
  10. I did a couple of quick searches and couldn't find much, so I open it to ya'll. Does anyone know of an archive site or similar with a few metric tons of sound effects from video games, mostly NES/Super NES? I am planning to use them in various videos I am making, and I do not have sufficient technical savvy to extract them from the games.
  11. First (and maybe only) to say Mystery Science Theater 3000. Robot roll call! Also to second the o.g. Dr Who.
  12. I have way too many big moments that would take walls of text to describe. I mentioned in a forgotten thread that one of my big moments of pride (which will never be repeated) is beating all three final bosses in Ninja Gaiden without dying. Perhaps the one big moment in my gaming history for which I continuously kick my own ass is this: I had a huge collection of Transformers action figures that I had gathered in the late 80's and 1990, and I sold them off to a former friend for the money to buy a Super NES. Granted, I got to play a ton of the best games of that generation as a result, but I still miss my old figures... particularly Fortress Maximus. BTW, Malaki, I'd like to know what you mean by 'current generation and beyond.' Are you anticipating some awesome moments in gaming? Personally, I am. If I can figure out how, I intend to make some videos, one of which is a Top 10 list that will blow your minds off. (Hyperbole is not my strong suit.)
  13. FFVII Casta Del Sol vs. Santana's Oye Como Va, anyone? (Too lazy to link.) Roo from the Clan of the Gray Wolf went into some detail on this subject in a review of EarthBound (as previously referenced), and then made this video expanding on that tangent: http://www.clanofthegraywolf.com/16-bit-gems/extra-1
  14. I guess I fail to understand what "on-disc DLC" is supposed to be. To me, it means something like Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition's inclusion of the extra characters and other bonuses on the disc. Or, perhaps, stuff like the Dreamcast Collection and the Capcom Digital Collection: packages which consist primarily/exclusively of content that was previously available on download services. EDIT: I don't yet have MKKE so I do not know if it is like that, or if it's instead like the Borderlands GotYE where you get the extra content by redeeming included codes. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will flame the f*** out of me. Flame Shield ON! Anyway, one of the biggest reasons people get upset over an idea like this is envy. It's a disgusting business practice because someone else thought of it first. Flame Shield ENHANCE!!
  15. I usually do not make resolutions because I am terrible at keeping them, but as long as there's a thread for it, I'll fire away. In no particular order: Get one or two of my books published. Release a new comedy CD. Figure out how to sell my first comedy CD. Refuse to vote for any of the Republican garden gnomes. Survive the zombie apocalypse. If anyone wants to offer suggestions on the first three points, feel free.
  16. I pray for your sake that this comment was saturated beyond recognition with sarcasm.
  17. (Lack of) Original Thought I spend a lot of time thinking these days. There isn't much else to occupy my time or mind. What thinking I do is not my own. There is plenty to stimulate reaction, but rarely is that reaction more than a tired joke, and that joke was often written or spoken by someone else. I am a semi-sentient cross-reference of humour. (Debate amongst yourselves the truth of this statement.) What emerges from my mouth, whether or not my brain has seen fit to deem it appropriate, would, had it been typed, be accompanied by the name of somebody who thought of it before me. Sometimes I do not know the reference's origin, though it is clear that it is not my own thought I express. Once in a while I think of something that I want to believe is original, and perhaps it is, but I do not pretend that I really am that clever. I find my eyes rolling deep into my skull in response to one of the myriad television ads obviously designed to enthrall the stupid, which I refer to as "dummercials." (This is an example of my attempt at original thought, which I cling to because someone else already came up with "badvertisements.") I realize quickly that any sarcastic comment I could cough up is just a poorly-modified quip from the likes of Dennis Miller or George Carlin. Strangely, I'm rarely clever enough to keep my mouth shut.
  18. It would appear that nobody is feeling particularly poetic lately... I wrote a new verse for an old Frank Zappa song, but I don't know if it would qualify for submission (or whether I shouldn't try to assemble a band and get it recorded).
  19. I've been using FCE Ultra and ZSNES. The only problem I have had with ZSNES is that I couldn't get the BS Zelda games to run on it for love or money. SNES9x fixed that. I'm happy.
  20. I might as well ask just out of cat-slaughtering curiosity (apologies to any cats who might be reading) - how can I be sure? I downloaded it from the developers' official website... On a similar subject, for those who emulate, what in your opinions are currently the best ems for NES, Super NES, TurboGrafX and Sega systems? (If this is a touchy/forbidden question, feel free to ignore me and please limit flames and trolling to a minimum.)
  21. I needed to bump this in case I don't get a reply from the devs. I just downloaded MAME 1.44 and ran the self-extracting exe, in an attempt to get it up and running for my own entertainment... but I seem to be lacking any executable file. I even ran a search on my entire computer for mame.exe and came up with absolutely nothing. Any help?
  22. On the same video, I need a refresher... what is the game shown from 0:26 to 0:31? I know I've played it and as I recall it was a lot of frustrating fun, but the name just will not come to me.
  23. I'm sure a topic like this has already found its way onto this forum countless times, but I'm too lazy to look for it. I was reading an article on NintendoLife regarding some of the more memorable games and moments from said games as they relate to the horror theme. The article mentioned many favourites including the Castlevania and Resident Evil series, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, Eternal Darkness, Maniac Mansion, and makes passing references to Silent Hill and others that haven't been on Nintendo's systems (it is a Nintendo-centric site, after all). Surprisingly, one writer mentioned a bit from Goldeneye 007 that he found scary, and that got me to thinking... Are there moments in certain games that get your blood moving in the creepy/spooky/eerie/"OMGLETSGETOUTTAHERE" vein, even if the rest of the game is not necessarily a horror genre title? I'm not talking a "By Grid this game is Superman 64 horrible" type of feeling, but one that raises goosebumps in games you enjoy. I'll provide a couple of examples. First, for me, is the GFS Valhalla from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The area gives me a kind of Dead Space vibe, and even though I love the game, I tend to tense up a touch when I explore the Valhalla (which I always leave until after I've collected every item from the four planets). The other example from me is the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned expansion for Borderlands. Maybe it's the colour palette or the hordes of undead, but I think Gearbox nailed the atmosphere. Feel free to share.
  24. Those ensuing "discussions" were precisely the reason I haven't until this time said anything about my own Mega Man idea: I am putting together scripts and screenplays for a Mega Man movie series I'd like to do. It's nowhere near presentable and probably won't be for some time, but I knew that had I said anything I would have gotten much the same reaction, even if I informed people that I was doing this strictly for my personal entertainment.
  25. I doubt I'd ever give one, but I think I might like to get one... certainly beats the hell out of a rat's ass.
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