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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Being that I can't make a mix this week (road trip heck yeah), I request that someone name a song "A New Concept In Music Remixing". Please? :3

    I suck at music and I don't have a ton of time to do stuff right now but DAMMIT, FL STUDIO NEEDS SOME LOVE. If I end up whipping out a mix, I may have a title similar to that one (but probably not verbatim).

  2. Podcast #8 is up, podcast #9 won't be up until after finals next Tuesday, and next week's show (5/4) is up in the air due to scheduling conflicts.

    This summer, I'm hoping to get the podcast hosted at a few well-known places but that means I have to fix up the podcast to be 100% stuff I'm actually allowed to play. If you know of any legally free video game tracks, albums, chiptunes, and / or even little jingles I can use to save myself some searching time (or if you have your own music that you'd like me to play on the show), please let me know. PM, Facebook, email (vgmscramble at gmail), etc. I'm not picky. :)!!

  3. ...consider before then to be a deadline for finding someone to help you.

    As of yet, I haven't made any progress and today marks exactly two weeks until my last final is done. Therefore, I must withdraw from this project. Rusty Bucket Bay is now open to anyone interested in remixing it.

    I kinda have a tendency to take on way too many projects. While I'll still be watching this thread for a bit, I'm overall taking a break from OCR for a while to figure out just what the hell to keep doing and what to stop doing in my life (OCR's on the keep list no matter what, but I might need to bump it down a ways).

  4. O_O if this actually happens and they make it as good as pre-Thomas-the-Train Tom, I will freakin' scream like a schoolgirl. Toonami was AMAZING.

    EDIT: perhaps I'll play some Deep Space Bass tracks on this week's show to celebrate this possibility :mrgreen:

  5. Short version: I need someone to help me with my track.

    Long version:

    I would still very much like to contribute to this project, but I need to face the fact that I don't have enough musical knowledge to make an arrangement anywhere close to OCR quality. I've got more than enough resources to teach myself what I need to know, but music education is one of the lower priorities in my life for a while.

    That being said, while I can't contribute much to the melodic arrangement, I'd love to offer anything else I can do to anyone willing to collaborate with me on Rusty Bucket Bay. This includes stuff like drum programming and possibly mixing / mastering if you're willing to let me give it a shot.

    For those curious if I've had any ideas so far, I've only come up with the (what feels like) impossible task of capturing the sound of the Knife Party remix of Unison. :tomatoface: However, I'm open to more logical takes on the theme.

    Let me know if you're interested!

  6. Just be prepared. I'm very serious about getting this OCR-approved, so to the best of my ability (and I am getting together something of a QC panel for this), I'm going to try and make sure almost all tracks are close to OCR-quality. Close, at or above. At is where you should be aiming.

    This will definitely be quite the musical exercise for me, but I can work with that :]

  7. Thanks again Species!

    I'm currently uploading my recording of episode 5 but I've decided to change up my show a bit. Since I love VGM Scramble and I want to keep it going as long as possible, I naturally want to avoid any potential legal issues with distributing my podcast. That is why I have decided that my show is now going to be split in half.

    During the first hour, I will play all sorts of VGM as usual, free or otherwise. This music will stay on the airwaves without going into the podcast. From this point on, the podcast will only consist of the second half of the show which will contain either music that is freely available to begin with or music from artists I have directly contacted that are cool with me putting their stuff in the podcast.

    This does shorten the podcast down to one hour but it also ensures I won't have any legal issues down the road. :smile:

    EDIT: My recording of show 5 is now uploaded.

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