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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. Interesting remix you've got going here. It sounds as though it was arranged to be part of a Mega Man game.

    Yeah, I am totally getting a Mega Man vibe here. :)!!

    The best part was at 1:12. Whatever you do with this song, you have GOT to keep that section in there. Transition into it differently if you want, but I think that section is awesome.

    Jeez, that kinda makes me wanna try my hand at a Chemical Plant Zone remix now...:tomatoface:

  2. Thanks Species! I've still been recording episodes but I haven't quite had a chance to fix up and upload shows 3 & 4 for various stupid reasons. I'm hoping to fix them up and upload them within the next few days.

    Also, I've been informed and noticed myself that there is a discrepancy between the volume when I'm speaking and the volume of the songs. I'll see what I can do about that. The radio station studio gives me an OOOOOOLD soundboard with old VU meters to work with so I'm trying to fix it.

    On a side note, I'm planning on playing some songs from the Retro City Rampage soundtrack this week :mrgreen: Name a request here and I'll do my best to play it this week! :)!!

    EDIT: I FINALLY have shows 3 & 4 up. Show number 4 was a vile little bastard that forced me to use FL Studio's extended memory option just to open the uncompressed WAV recording. Then again, at about 128 minutes, it IS the longest show yet.

  3. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Yeah man, the first one had some incredible work on it. I'm suddenly a massive yogurtbox fan. They finally made me appreciate FM chiptunes enough to give the SEGA credit where it's due AND to want to make some on my own now...

    And holy shit, zircon? You composed a bitchin' soundtrack for your game... man, I didn't know you had all those styles in you. Nice work :D

    Oh MAN, I hear ya. Tree of Knowledge is an awesome soundtrack for a game that never existed.

    The Return All Robots! OST was awesome as well. Even the cover art is awesome. XD

    Slightly off-topic: Ectogemia (and any other fellow oldskool FM freaks), you might like Sonicesque, "an album of original songs in the style of the classic Genesis-era Sonic games" using the VOPM VST (which incidentally may or may not help you out with making chiptunes :] ).

  4. Zircon worded it a lot better than me: "Your vision is to have the remixes stick to the mood or 'feel' of the source tune, even if they change the musical style/genre, so if it's a dark, spooky track, you would want the remix to be dark and spooky, though people could accomplish that with orchestral, metal, electronic..."

    Yup, I was hoping this was what you meant. :] As for the layout of the first post, it looks MUCH better. Good job.

    This semester has been nuts. As a result, I have not gotten around to spread the word about this yet. However, I will have some time this weekend to get caught up on that stuff. In addition, the next meetings for the two video game clubs I'm involved in at my university are tomorrow and I'll definitely mention this to them.

    I can probably squeeze a quick plug into VGM Scramble as well. :)!!

  5. Ark Hive? what is that.

    Now I get to relive the crappy intro to the show XD Seriously though, THANK YOU. I'm working on getting a podcast up so everyone can download shows and listen whenever they like, but thanks again for doing this for the first show. :mrgreen:

    EDIT: Wow, actually listening to the show personally is making me notice areas for improvement that I didn't initially pick up on. I wouldn't have noticed this stuff until at least the next show.:)!!

  6. That reminds me of the Sailor Mouth episode of Spongebob:

    Patrick: Uh, hey! I think I know what that means. That's one of those sentence enhancers.

    SpongeBob: Sentence enhancers?

    Patrick: You use them when you want to talk fancy. You just sprinkle it on anything you say, and Wham-O! You've got yourself a spicy sentence sandwich!


    On a serious note, I'm psyched for this. Provided my BK track is in a good position by then, I'm totally in 8-), crappy entries or not. :tomatoface:

  7. I always find it interesting when a game uses variations on a certain theme throughout the game. Particularly, I think variations on the same battle theme are AWESOME. I'll use Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald as an example. As you'll notice, the battle music starts as being relatively care-free (Pokemon battle) and slowly transitions over the course of the game to more serious stuff (so to speak :P). Once you reach the FINAL, insanely tense battle with the champion of the Elite Four, the music changes to reflect the HOLY-SHIT-this-is-the-final-battle-and-then-I'm-the-most-badass-player-in-Hoenn-not-counting-my-IRL-friends-that-still-might-be-able-to-kick-my-ass feeling. :)!!

  8. You used exactly 0 of the ideas suggested in this thread.

    They were cool but exactly zero of them had that perfect feel. I did like them, though.

    volterock, I'm not planning on uploading any of the commercial songs (partially due to the fact that this is run through a major university that frowns upon file sharing like this) BUT I will list out every song on the Facebook page after each show. For the commercial songs, I may or may not track down where to buy them. For the free ones, I'll link to where you can get them.

  9. sig07_final.png

    Listen via kuteradio.org OR the TuneIn Radio app (search for KUTE)

    Best way to stay updated with the show? Keep an eye on the Facebook page!


    Podcast info: (effective from Show #5 onwards)

    During the first hour, I will play all sorts of VGM, free or otherwise. This music will stay on the airwaves. The podcast will only consist of the second half of the show which will contain either music that is freely available to begin with or music from artists I have directly contacted that are cool with me putting their stuff in the podcast. While this does reduce the length of the podcast, it also ensures I won't have any legal issues down the road. :smile:

    Show info:

    I've recently become a DJ for my university's student internet radio station. Taking my obsession with games and music into consideration, I've naturally decided to make a video game music radio show. Wait a minute, I'm pretty sure I've heard this somewhere before:

    Since lists are so awesome, let's make another one! Why on EARTH would you want to listen to my radio show?

    • OSTs / OSVs
    • Remixes from across the internet (including stuff that people typically don't look for / know about)
    • ReMixes (with proper attribution, of course)
    • Covers (XOC, Minibosses, Bad Dudes, etc.)
    • New stuff (Super Meat Boy, etc.)
    • Old stuff (although I'm not sure if I want to go further back than the 8-bit era)
    • Everything between (Paper Mario: TTYD, Lego Island, F-Zero GX, Pokemon Sapphire / Ruby, etc.)
    • Obscure stuff (ever heard of a Russian role-playing combat racing game called Vangers? Listen to my first show!)
    • Selected DDR and ITG tracks
    • More music, less talk!

    This thread was originally just for naming the show until this genius one popped up out of nowhere. :mrgreen:

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