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Posts posted by alfredofreak

  1. This is something you can practice! :)

    This is true, but most of the time my other interests (like gaming and coding and not failing to get my CS degree) usually get in the way of important music stuff (like actually developing my ear and actually using a keyboard instead of manually tweaking hell if I know what in the piano roll). Therefore, I am forced to use MIDIs for now. >_>

  2. The reason we don't have any is because there is a Paper Mario album in the works; Flat Notes. Go check out the thread here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31725

    Flat Notes covers just the original Paper Mario. That album will be awesome when it comes out, but we definitely need more coverage on the other two games in the meantime. I'm most familiar with TTYD so lemme drop a few more epic tracks:

    Macho Grubba: http://youtu.be/RFKrhiKrbHo

    X-Naut Fortress: http://youtu.be/WvF3uPr5dUg

    Lord Crump / Magnus Von Grapple: http://youtu.be/DA_5D3itRug

    Rougeport Sewers: http://youtu.be/HqobTr9Ro0s


    There are plenty more, but these ones sound the most remixable.

  3. After this round, PRC starts with PRC209 in the usual style. The winner of this round may select the source. One important change, a MID of the source must be included.

    The winner also may select a source without a MID file. But in that case, he or she must select a second source with a MID file, because rounds without a MID are almost always rounds with <2 songs. In that case, remixing the source without a MID will be awarded with one bonus point.

    Bingo! Aside from school and life getting in the way, I only participate if there is a MIDI simply because I don't have a musical ear capable of picking out all of the notes.

    Like Obtuse mentioned, there will still be times where the source just doesn't interest enough people. However, I definitely think having MIDI files required will make that less likely to happen.

  4. Everyone else has been silent on whether or not they're still submitting something. The only final I have to take for school is on Wednesday and then I can get back to work on my entry, which will be submitted.

    If anyone wants to remix a song with a source that has been covered already, it's fine for this round, especially when it's an almost 10 year old OC-Remix. But please don't come up with sources with already has 10+ remixes (like Ice Cap, MM3 Intro, MM2 Wily Stage etc.).

    But I encourage not remixed songs.

    Seriously, there are a LOT of gems out there that haven't been touched. Pick your favorite game with awesome music that hasn't been touched and see if you can find a MIDI. If not, just pick another obscure, unmixed song.

  5. Yeah, this is a bit sad. I think PRC has brought the most new music out of me these past couple of years. Even though I can't participate nearly as much as I'd like, it's very important to me..

    The concept of the compo is at the same time exciting, and very challenging. DjMokram has good insight.

    Don't forget though, that the past season had one of the biggest rounds ever (unless I'm mistaken), UNATCO from Deus Ex. That was a load of fun.

    Extending this one over the holiday season sounds like nice idea. Even I should find the time to participate. Plus it's a free round, no one can complain they couldn't find anything to work on. :D Also, it's like a little break at the same time.


    Yes, PLEASE extend it! I need motivation to turn this WIP into something I actually am cool with posting in Workshop :P but seriously, lots of people on here are in finals mode right now and extending it will allow them to participate.

  6. This is by far the most obscure game soundtrack I have ever come across!

    Vangers: One for the Road is a game released in 1998 by Russian game developer K-D Lab. No, I hadn't heard of it either before yesterday. After managing to find a few YouTube videos of gameplay footage, I found one with a very catchy song. The rest of the soundtrack* is pretty catchy as well but that one is by far the one I find most interesting. It's track four, the theme for Necross.

    The obvious problem, at least for music n00bs like myself, is that such an obscure game doesn't have any midi files of any sort. If anyone can either find a MIDI for that song, figure out if it is possible to extract the sequence data from the game, or make one just by listening to it, that would be awesome :] (yes, it's a tall order, but I'm assuming this post is probably going to be ignored anyway :P)

    *: this is not the official download for the soundtrack, but the official download has a glitch in the Necross theme DX

  7. Hi guys! Seeing as I'm probably not the only DDR / ITG player on the forums, I figured I'd post this for my fellow arrow-smashers. A friend of mine named Robby runs a site called Beatgamer dedicated to rhythm games. Quote from the site:

    Beatgamer is a brand new website which focuses exclusively on music games and the communities that they build. This site and it’s forums were originally intended to be a regional message board for the Intermountain West and surrounding areas (Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Nevada) but registration is open to players all over the world.

    Beatgamer’s main focus is our message board. We are definitely not the place to get late-breaking music game news, mostly because we don’t have a dedicated news staff. However, we do try to post some news articles and opinion pieces on the front page (most of our news stories will be late, though).


    Since we’re so new, there really isn’t a lot of content here at the moment. We hope to add more content such as arcade machine listings, player guides, charts and much more. If you have some feedback or recommendations for us, please message omgmkat on the message board.

    This site could turn into something awesome, but the forums have fallen kinda dead as of late. I really want to bring them back! If you're in the rhythm game community (or want to be) and you live around here (or even if you don't), join the forums! The required registration code for October is "banzai2011" (no quotes).

    Even though I don't run any part of the site, I want to see if I can also attract people interested in developing rhythm games (or at least testing new ones out). This is mostly because I have an idea I want to start developing. A dude can at least dream, right? :P

    Anyway, for those about to join, I salute you. :)!!</painfully lame AC/DC reference that I refuse to remove>

  8. Prob would not be buying music or have the same childhood if not or him :cry:

    As weird as it is to think about it, the entire path of my life (and countless others) was set in motion by Steve Jobs.

    My grandparents on my mom's side met at Apple in the early days. My grandfather's employee number was 256 and my grandmother's (a year later) was 644. They loved working at Apple so much that their wedding reception was at Apple, in a Apple building, with all Apple employees.

    I was born before my mom turned 20 so we were living at my grandparent's house for a while. In that time, I became fascinated with my grandfather's computers. I remember one time in particular where one minute I had downloaded a game and a few minutes later there was a virus on the computer. I was hooked, for better or worse xD

    When I was in third grade, my grandfather gave me his old IBM machine. That was the first computer I ever owned, and this would be the computer on which I would (still in third grade, mind you) learn HTML and write my very first website at the ripe age of EIGHT.

    Nowadays, I cringe at the idea of actual web programming and avoid HTML whenever possible, but I am studying computer science and going into video game development.

    This is a route that probably would not have been as fun to go down had I not had my amazing grandfather with his computers, who in turn would not have been there in the first place if he didn't work at Apple, which in turn would not have been possible if it wasn't for Steve Jobs.

    Thanks Steve. You have not only shaped my entire life, but you have given two of the most important people in my life the best job of their lives that they still miss to this very day. R.I.P.

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