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Everything posted by alfredofreak

  1. This post is 100% on topic. Amen. I still haven't come up with something good. I've been messing around with electronic music off and on for around five years and there was an extended period of time where I thought that it was simply impossible for me to make anything even remotely good. Within the last few months, I've decided that the only way I'm going to get better at electronic music is if I actually start making it, no matter how shitty it sounds when I start. I recently entered my first compo that I actually followed through with and came up with this piece of crap. tl;dr, eilios is right. Electronic music is very difficult to make.
  2. Umm, oops. Did I miss something somewhere? Because I'm pretty sure the first post says Maybe I wasn't paying too much attention to the "official" ThaSauce countdown...ah well. Thanks to a major screw-up on a school project courtesy of my teammate, I've started work today trying to gain some points back on it. I wouldn't have time tonight to work as much as I'd like to on my mix anyway. >_<
  3. Still going. This is the last week before I'm off for spring break so classes are being more of a pain in the ass than usual. I'll have something. It might just be subbed with 10 minutes left to the deadline.
  4. Sweet. What I came up with wasn't half bad, considering I decided to jump into my first OHC with 30 minutes left in the composition stage. xD
  5. That is indeed the source. Also, here is a MIDI of the song (minus the two-chord pad intro) for anyone else that is interested.
  6. Definitely something to add to my list of ideas. I'll mess around with it for a bit over the next day or so, but we'll see if I get stuck after that (as I usually tend to do).
  7. How goes Break by Break? :D

  8. Thanks for the workflow info, everyone. I definitely have a better idea for how to tackle this month's ORC.
  9. Interesting. If I can figure out how to easily copy stuff from one piano roll to another (or something much easier), then I should be set. Unlike last month. EDIT: The awesome FL Studio workflow thread has given me some very useful ideas. :]
  10. Heheheh. xD My source of choice was Acacia Streets. I knew a few days ago that I probably wouldn't get it done, but I didn't think I would forget to submit my "song" altogether. I realized I had forgot about the compo at about midnight MST last night, so I decided to upload it once I woke up. Morning has rolled around (a bit too quickly), so this is what I managed to come up with: a 41 second drum "loop" based off of neblix's processed dnb kit. It isn't so much a loop as it is a few different drum patterns thrown together, but it seemed like an ok start. I did manage to get a cool 6/4 DNBish beat going, though. Next month, I should be able to come up with something a bit more complete.
  11. I hardly believe the initial drum loop I managed to come with does this thing proper justice. Then again, it is in 6/4 time.
  12. I'm still sticking with my 6/4 dnb idea, but I'm making slow progress. Aside from the given time issue of being a CS student, I'm very new to FL Studio (I bought it back in December during the discount). I'm still attempting to get some semblance of a logical workflow going for manipulating MIDI like this. Right now, the only thing I can guarantee 100% is an interesting beat.
  13. My personal favorite cover of this song was done by The Adventures of Duane and Brando. Their version is essentially the same source but with rapping over the top and extra drum beats right on top of the original ones. It definitely isn't worthy enough to be called a remix, but it's an interesting cover version. A remix idea for this song just popped into my head, but it is in a different genre. Since I sure as hell can't do this style right now, I'd love to see an OCR-sanctioned rap remix of this. xD P.S. All of their stuff (except their eight-part Earthbound epic) has a similar sound. If you're interested, this is an official download for all of their music. They split up due to artistic differences and put up all of their music for free as a result.
  14. Screw it, I'm too lazy to wait for this one to get accepted. This one is going on my iPod NOW! Seriously, nice job. Gets me pumped for The Missingno Tracks. OM NOM
  15. Sweet. This is great because 6/4 dnb is kinda tricky, especially for a dnb nub like myself.
  16. w00t for misspelling my name! xD I've got the very, very rough structure of the song figured out, but I think I've spent a bit too much time on the drums. Time to copy and paste...
  17. Lesson of the day: read the list of competitions before asking if a competition exists. JH Sounds and Dyne, thank you! =]
  18. Being the good forum n00b I am, I decided to look a bit before asking this question. As far as I can tell, there was one weekend compo held by starla back in 2008, but I haven't found anything else. Would anyone be willing to host a weekend compo? Say, every Friday or Saturday night? I can squeeze ORC in once a month, but my weekday schedule is pretty packed and I'd love to get even more music experience. I'm sure this is a lot to ask. If this isn't possible, I'll take my and stick with ORC. =]
  19. (ignore the double post) Well, that was quick! Granted, I'm just beginning, but so far I'm liking the sound of your kit in my ORC 138 entry. Yes, that's right. There is less than a week left in the compo and I'm starting it right NOW. =]
  20. JerryTerry, I feel your pain. I'm currently a second-year CS student. To make matters worse, I have this crazy delusion (starting last month) that I can participate in Ludum Dare each month as well. BUT. Looking at my current classes and everything else in my life right now, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to magically get some extra time at some point. Therefore, I am making a excessively late New Year's resolution to make time for hobby game programming and music stuff at least once a week. Back in December, I think, I had the crazy delusion of attempting to participate in a JHCompo. Even though I was finishing up an assignment at the time and I was only able to listen instead of contribute, I am still very interested in creating music, regardless of my current abilities (or rather lack thereof). Regardless of what assignments I have to work on, I WILL schedule things accordingly to get good grades, take care of whatever life stuff needs to be taken care of, and spend a bit of time on music. I will have something submitted for ORC 138, regardless of the fact that I am pretty much a complete beginner at music. (In the entirely likely event that I am the only one to submit anything, I'll punt the original submission to someone else.)
  21. Sweet. Definitely holding on to these. I'll be sure to leave a note to credit you if I use your kit. =]
  22. WOW. This one is pretty damn good already. I eagerly await the final product. =]
  23. Image-Line shop To celebrate hitting 50,000 subscribers on their Facebook page, Image-Line is offering all three versions of FL Studio, Sakura, and Sawer for 50% off until December 30th. I'm going to snatch up the Signature Bundle for $150 as soon as possible.
  24. As the first reply to your first post ever, 1) welcome =D and 2) search for "his world techno" on YouTube. That should tide you over until someone gives it the proper treatment over here. *hint to remixers more experienced than myself*
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