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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I'm revamping the tracklist order on the website and making several changes and updates to the site itself. Hopefully these updates will be up this afternoon, after I get home from work.

    Please send your WIPs to me ASAP! There's only two weeks left, and I really want to receive WIPs from everyone, otherwise Lea and I may have to take drastic measures and remove you from the project (of course, there are a few exceptions). Don't let that happen!

  2. How much bandwidth can we expect to use up if we're to be mirrors for this? (didn't read the thread)

    The month the Doom project came out, I aaaaalmost exceeded my total bandwidth (I have a 60 gig alottment, and it ran up to 56 gigs), so you can expect to use quite a bit. Of course, keep in mind that I'm mirroring not only the Doom project, but the Kirby project as well, and hosting personal files and other things I need to host. I'm likely going to bump up my alottment soon, since my space also has to be used for my own project.

  3. On the front page: "XMark & pixietricks - Sylphis" Whaaaaa? I haven't heard anything from XMark, like, ever! Are you sure we're supposed to be collabing? He hasn't contacted me...


    Hmmm... I guess I should have him talk to you. He is writing the song with your vocals in mind, and has left space in it for you to do your own thing, but I guess I shouldn't just assume that he's been talking to you or anything. :P I'll let him know, and hopefully it can be made truly official.


    Here we are once again; another due date, come and gone. Impressive work all around, folks! We're slowly but surely making progress, with most of the music taking shape and sounding very nice. In case you haven't been paying attention, we have a few new additions to the project: Sixto, who will be taking on the track The Second Act - AkumajoBelmont, who's going to be arranging Arche's theme - and analoq, who's tackling Last Battle Decision. All three of them will be providing their talents and making this the best project that we can possibly make it. Welcome aboard, gentlemen! I'll be discussing your songs and due dates with you soon.

    In other news, the next WIP due date: October 5th. I'll say it again: OCTOBER FIFTH. FIVE-TH. OF OCTOBER. That's roughly 3 and a half weeks. Why so little time? Most of the songs are either finalized as far as composition, or quickly making progress to a finished composition. Three weeks should be plenty of time for most of you to get something together. Three minutes of material, to be exact (unless your song is just short by nature), or a near-finalized composition are the requirements. I've also decided that anyone who has not sent me ANY form of a WIP (those still under Planning and Post-Planning, not including the new musicians) WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. We're lookin' to speed things up, folks, so get crackin'! ;)

    Remember, the next WIP due date is OCTOBER 5TH. Let's see some progress!



  5. Update - September 12th, 2005

    I'm delegating some administrative positions to help me manage this massive project:

    Shael Riley: Project Director. That's me.

    Aethurius: Production Manager. He makes sure all the songs are consistent in root square volume and overall production quality. He is also responsible for re-dividing each cut in DJ Sammy G's continuos mix into individual mp3s that can be played as one uninterupted club mix or selected individually as stand-alone tracks. He is the last person to touch the project before its public release.

    DJ Sammy G: Tracklist Coordinator. He fades, scratches or transforms the transitions between each track on the album and determines the order of tracks on the album, as though he were performing a real club set.

    Chris "Flik" Serani: Art Director: He's chooses what's goses on the album cover and insert.

    We are immensely important, rivaling the clout of even the Judges' Panal.

    Oh, Shael. :lol:

    I'm amazed this project hasn't garnered more attention, but it seems to be growing ever so slowly. Looks good so far, guys!

  6. Yeah, a few people kinda missed the due date. BUT, there won't be removals for tardiness this time. Maybe next time, though. :P Expect a longer post (with the new due date) sometime later. In the meantime, I'll accept whatever WIPs come my way.

    All I'll say about the due date right now is this: You'd probably be better off preparing your WIPs RIGHT NOW, because you won't be getting much time. :P More to come!

  7. Hey Kyle. Sorry I've been slow with getting this project going. I'm working on it right now, and trust me, it will be good.

    No worries, my man. I know you'll rock this project as it's never been rocked before. I'm lookin' forward to getting my face blown off. ;)

    Go play badly in Halo or something. XD

    I prefer Unreal Tournament myself. ;P

  8. Here are the people that need to send me a WIP of at least one of their songs (if they signed up for multiple songs) by September 12th, 11:59 PM (their local time), or at least send me a PM or contact me in some way by that time:


    CC Ricers


    Please talk to me ASAP, if I haven't spoken to you already.

  9. That'll be great, Usa. Tracks are slowly getting close to finished! :)

    The due date is TOMORROW, folks! There's still quite a few people that I haven't received anything from, so please get something to me ASAP! Remember, we will be looking at the songs and making cuts on this due date as well, so turn in your best work!

  10. EDIT: As I said before, KWarp is taking control of this project for a while. I am going to take a break from worrying too much about it for all of September. As gray recommended, my heart shouldn't handle/worry about such stress. Listen to what KWarp has to say and don't dispute it. If there is something you don't like, bring it up to me.

    If you're worrying about this project enough for it to be causing your heart to explode, you're definitely worrying way too much. :P Just relax for a bit, and don't worry yourself to death! These things take time, and killing yourself wouldn't be good for the project. Take it easy, and don't try to rush through it; the project will finish itself if you just keep nudging it along, little by little. It may take a long time, but who said the greatest things in the world happened overnight? ;)

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