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Posts posted by KyleJCrb


    Tomorrow (Wedneday), I'm leaving on vacation for one week (which means I'll be back next Wednesday night). In that time, the project will be in Lea's hands, so any and all correspondence should be directed towards her. I don't know if I'll have a chance to check in, as internet access where I'll be is limited. I'll try and check in at least once, though, and if I see you giving Lea problems, there will be hell to pay. :P She also has my cell phone number/email address, so in the case of project emergencies or unanswerable questions, I'll still be able to be contacted. You're all still stuck with me until about 10:30 AM west coast time until tomorrow though, so don't break out the parades and parties just yet. ;)

    WIPs should either be posted to the project forums, sent to Kureejii Lea by PM, or sent to talesproject@gmail.com, NOT to me. If you send your WIP to me while I'm gone, the list will likely not be updated and you won't receive feedback, so please make sure you send it to the correct person.

    And that's it! I'll be glad to finally get away from you all for awhile! :P (No actually, I kinda hate to just leave like this. But I'll be back!)


    We're quickly approaching the due date yet again, which means it's time for quick status checks.

    It is imperative that I hear from these people, otherwise they may potentially be removed from the project:


    Eric Dude


    Master Link




    CC Ricers

    Mythril Nazgul


    Nick Tam

    If you're on this list and I haven't contacted you yet, please contact me as soon as possible with a status update (or a new WIP) of the song/s you're working on. Failure to do so may result in project removal.

    Also, Lea and I have been looking at the WIPs submitted to us previously, and we have some potential cuts in mind. We're looking at making sure every song on this project is of high quality (preferably at least to OCRs standards, foregoing the 6 meg rule), and some aren't exactly hitting the mark. Removal based on quality and work ethic will take place on the second due date. Most of you are doing very well so far, however, and have nothing to worry about. ;) Over and out.

  3. I got a car. My first car. It's used ('98) but it's awesome. I like driving it.

    Anyway, get that artwork in. The music is coming along ATM, and we'll be getting the mastering done, as well as finalizing the other stuff, then get some filespace for mirrors.

    BTW, anybody want to put themselves down for mirroring the project? That would help a LOT. Thanks.


    *raises hand* Always willing to help.

  4. This song is cursed, it makes you turn bald from frustration.

    Joke aside, it seems no one who've tried Ice Cap has tried something out of techno-ish genre. If it can give someone ideas for it, why not try a more rock styled approach?

    You must've missed Hadyn's take on it from awhile back. :P

  5. Yeah, I know it seems like things are a little slow right now, but I'm working on getting more updates from people. And also, let's just say that there will be a few cool surprises in store as you're listening to this project on its release. ;)

    Also, I'm thinking of a potential site redesign, but my knowledge outside of HTML is fairly limited. I'll be looking at options soon.

  6. Update!

    Darkesword ditched metaknight song for mt dedede


    Awwwww, can't you people just wait...now I can't do my surprise special move anymore.... waaaah :cry:

    OK, I will still show it to the public now... just wanted to make good ol' Arek happy with this little surprise attack when I heard the DeDeDe mix was open again... not that anyone cares about it anymore...

    I'm keeping that, regardless if it gets on the project or not. I love Dedede's theme. :)

  7. Well, after a somewhat extended absense, I've finally returned. For those wondering what happened, it seemed that my cable modem fried on Thursday night, we couldn't fix it, and it took until yesterday before a cable technician could get out here and find the problem. We finally replaced the modem today, and I'm back in business. Short update since I'm being pulled away to watch a movie, but it's good to be back. Keep workin'!


    Quoted and fixed for emphasis. As an artist releasing music on the internet, you should never, ever delete your project files for any composition, remix or otherwise. It's the only proof you really have that the song was made by you.

    I'm sure in this particular case though, we're talking about lossless encodes. :P

    Good point. And yes, we're talking lossless encodes, and perhaps a little something in the post-production/engineering department. But we shell sea about that one. :P

  9. Sweet.. Also the messages will start on 014 since we've already recorded 013 and killed a boar. Thanks again Les..

    A boar you say...

    What kind of show are you guys doing here? Maybe I just heard it the wrong way, you wouldn't kill poor defenseless animals would you?

    Of course he would, especially when he's hungry.

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