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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I find your lack of activity disturbing.

    Okay, so there's not really any inactivity, but progress has slowed down a bit. A few WIPs here and there, some status updates, the usual; I'm still looking forward to hearing stuff from you guys, so send it along or post it over in the WIP boards at the forums!

  2. I doubt DJP will post any type of blurb on the front page about unfinished projects, partially because it would be unfair to other projects that aren't complete, and partially because...well, the project's not complete yet. :P

    The best thing you can do is contact as many remixers as you can think of that you feel are qualified to provide work for the project. I mean, don't hesitate to send out a literal shitload of PMs, emails, IMs, or whatever it takes to get people to join. That's how I did it.

  3. To post my stuff in the right section:

    I hated this :(. Most of these are basically goth metal remixes, which stinks because Doom (if you ask me) never was scary and never will. Doom is more action than horror, no matter what new versions that are completely different come out. The ones that aren't goth metal are frustrating electronica that sounds nothing like the original version. I understand that remixes are supposed to be different but really, when you can't even tell a song is from the game, you've failed. Heck, the E2M2 remix sounded more like a song from Metroid Prime. The only remixes I liked at all were the E3M3 one and the E2M8 one. The rest were either very mediocre or horribly confused as to what game this was.

    You lose, authors of The Dark Side of Phobos.

    And for some additional comments based on the 4 words I've seen skimming over this: I'm a fan of Doom, but I thought this remix did no justice whatsoever. Sorry if this sounds trollish but I just felt you needed to know that this wasn't a step in the right direction.

    Also you guys put a year of effort into this? 0_o.

    Remember that the entire point of most of these projects (and of remixes in general) is to not necessarily capture the feeling of the original songs, but to reinterpret and recreate a brand new feeling for the music. Of course, songs that do capture the spirit of the original are great too, but not all remixes and remix projects are about that. I'm sorry you're not able to appreciate it, but hey; your loss. I'll keep listening to these awesome tunes. :P


    A very simple announcement, and hopefully should be common sense to most of you:


    Your Reason/FrtuiyLoops/whatever files, or even your raw instrument recordings. Do not delete ANY of them, even after you get your song completed. I say this because there are things that might have to be adjusted/changed in the future, and the your work files might be necessary to do this.

    Just a reminder! ;)

  5. Yep yep yep. Definitely worth it.


    -The Dark Side of Phobos: Awesome. What can I say? Convincing, powerful, evocative orchestral. A great namesake piece.

    -The Glass Moon: Very entrancing song, this one is. Just a lot of really good ideas, all combined to form an amazing work of musakz.

    -Aria of the Damned: Oh, pixietricks, how you make me glad...that you were on my project first. But your talents are not wasted here, and they enhance an already Doom-esque piece into a truly, terrifyingly beautiful ensemble.

    -The Leaning Tower of Babel: Incredible intro. Like capturing the thrum of the project itself and putting it into a single sonic form. By far the most danceable, lively piece herein.

    Other honorable mentions for great pieces: Infiltrator, Jade Spawn, Mystery Meat, and ElectroCute Bunny. Excellent work, everybody...this is the best project yet.


    P.S. However, soon to be surpassed...click below...


    He's right. You should click below.


  6. It's 3 in the morning, I'm sick as a dog, and I can't get to sleep. Ugh.

    But anyway, I've thought about this, and I am going to set the first WIP deadline for Monday, September 12th. That's exactly five weeks from now, and more than enough time for anyone who said maybe to either drop the project or provide a WIP.

    Whether or not I will drop anyone from the project on that date, I'm not sure. I'll give it more thought tomorrow (or today, whatever.)

    First Claado steals my first WIP due date, and now you steal my second one! Make up your own due dates, project coordinators! :P

  7. I hate to be a jerk here but I think we've waited more then our fair share. I mean it HAS been finished for a while now.

    Would you like some more cheese with that whine?

    I highly doubt Mythril is purposely making you all suffer so much while waiting for the release of this; he's probably doing things like finalizing parts of the website, setting up all the mirrors, and making sure the torrent will be seeded well when the project is ready to go. Would you rather the project get released now and then have something malfunction that prevents you from downloading it and tacks on another couple days of waiting for the release, or would you like to be able to grab it without a problem in a couple hours? :P

    Don't push it; you've been waiting this long, and I think you can wait a little while longer.

  8. While I'd be interested in a Doom 2 and Final Doom Remixing project, I think I'd speak for most people in saying let's concentrate on this one first. No need to rush straight into another one. Let's enjoy the release of DSoP and then consider it later on.

    Didn't they decide that most of the Doom 2 tracks aren't available for remixing, being that they're based on real songs? Or was that policy never really decided?

    Half of the songs in the first Doom rip off something from popular metal songs, so that really shouldn't make much of a difference.

  9. Well, the HostingOnNet servers appear to be back, but the website is not functional yet. I seriously hope they made a backup, as my newest forum backup is somewhat out of date...

    EDIT: For those who weren't aware, I am a deeply religious person, and I run a church on the side. Just check KyleJCrb.com for yourself and see (and decide if I'm being sarcastic or not :P).

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