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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. UPDATE Well, the first WIP due date has officially past. What a showing it was, too. Only one person who wasn't granted exemption has failed to turn anything in (I won't mention any names *coughAshanecoughcough* ) and the work so far? Holy shit you guys are gonna make this thing ROCK! Awesome work coming out of all remixers involved. Things are moving along quite rapidly, as well, so keep up the good work! The next due date will give the remixers a little less time to work, but most of you should still have plenty of time to get an update to me. I want to hear from EVERYONE, even those who have finished your compositions and are just waiting to record parts on live instruments or whatever. Please get a new, updated WIP to me or Lea (though I think most all of you have been talking to me) by September 12th. Again, the next due date is September 12th. That's all!
  2. Hey Rayza & Aurora; don't forget to bug me sometime this week about an interview. I'm probably pretty boring and not as desirable of an interviewee as say, djpretzel, but I'd still like to come on and talk about a certain project...
  3. Somewhere, a Wingless is crying...
  4. Now that you mentioned that, the "OMGPIXPLZKTHX" will never cease!
  5. Looks pretty good, but I'm thinkin' you should probably move down the tracklist boxes, so they're not covering the DOOM logo. It's worth a try, anyway.
  6. UPDATE Tired of idling on slow, boring forums? Come idle in slow, boring chatrooms instead! Come in and discuss the project, or whatever we happen to be discussing. The chat is open to anyone, so stop on by! If you have an IRC client, such as Trillian or mIRC, here's how to get there: Channel: #talesproject Server: irc.esper.net Port: 6667 If you don't have an IRC client, or don't want to bother with downloading one, you can visit the chatroom via this web portal: http://www.kylejcrb.com/talesproject/chat/ I also recommend that when you get there that you register your username, like so: /nickserv register *yourusername* *yourpassword* Every time you join the chat, it will bug you about identifying yourself, so just pop this in (if you don't, you'll get kicked off): /nickserv identify *yourpassword* And that's it. Hope to see you there! Also, ONE DAY LEFT!
  7. Huh, a website having an orgasmic explosion...Probably wanna stay off the receiving end of that one! And trust me; Lea will cry, too. You'll make both of us cry. You don't want to make both of us cry, do you? Please, think of the children! You'll make them cry, too! ONE AND A HALF DAYS LEFT!
  8. Hmmm...Well, the death of OCR might be kind of a bad thing, so I guess it's time to kick off the awesome remixers and replace them with sub-par n00bs...
  9. Judgement Day? Not quite. That'll be project release day.
  10. That's fine, Joker. What you have right now sounds great, especially on such short notice. Keep it up!
  11. THREE DAYS LEFT! You have until 11:59 PM on Monday (based on your local time, so you'll have all day Monday to work) to submit me a WIP. If I'm not around on AIM or MSN, either send me a PM with a link to your file hosted somewhere on the web, or email the file as an attachment to talesproject@gmail.com. Remember that I'd still like to hear WIPs from those that have already submitted one too, so if you've made progress, let me know.
  12. I listened to the full tour audio (what was it, like an hour and half?) and laughed my ass off. Then again, I had Lea help explain some of the things to me, and seeing the pitures kinda helped too. It's great that you guys could get out on the road; I've always wanted to broadcast from like, a gaming convention or something. Maybe someday...
  13. Put me down as an MP3 web mirror, yo.
  14. You've done the impossible; you've made TO happy. Consider your cover a work of art.
  15. Don't worry, Arek; I only had a handful of WIPs with a month left, too. I guarantee that (especially if you keep after your remixers about it) you'll get the majority of them within the last two weeks before the due date.
  16. OMG TRI-RI-RI-RIPLE POST! Cross-posted from the project forums:
  17. OGNOES CRONO SYMFONIC?! MOER LIEK TALES METAL!!!!111oneone That reminds me: Rayza, we should try the Skype interview thing again. I'm thinking it would work better if it were a 3-way call (you, me, and Aurora), because I'm pretty sure the dropped calls are a bandwidth issue, and spreading out the bandwidth tends to make it work better. It's worth a try, anyway.
  18. And also remember that "Dark Side" is two words.
  19. Then just go here: http://www.kylejcrb.com/mirrors/OCRToronto/
  20. UPDATE One week away from the due date! I'm expecting a WIP from most of you, since I've been trying to keep in contact with you guys, so don't disappoint me!
  21. I just want to urge all of the project remixers who are currently not registered and regularly checking the project forums to please do so. There are a few important announcements and some discussion there that you're missing out on. It's not absolutely imperative, but it is strongly recommended that you take a look and register so you can participate in the discussion of the project.
  22. Soraya, out of curiousity, are you playing guitar for your own tracks?
  23. My goal is to get a WIP from everyone (who's not exempt right now), and we're only 12 songs away from that goal. Keep sending me those WIPs, folks!
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