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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Hey everybody! Rayza and Aurora gave us a plug in their latest installment of "VGDJ'," the new ocr podcast.

    Have a listen:


    w00t w00t

    This has just brought to my attention something of importance...no one knows how to pronounce my screenname. And that, my friends, cannot go unattended.

    So pronounce it like you're saying the words "cladow shroud", except without the "r" or the second "d". Thar yar.

    Otherwise, cool.


    First rule of radio show hosts: they can, and probably will slaughter most names. :P

  2. Randall van der Woning]The drug fad that swept England is making its way to Hong Kong.

    The new high is called Foke: Fake Coke — a powder that looks like cocaine but is a placebo. People spend HK$62 per gram for the alleged glamour of cutting lines to snort at parties.

    Those in the know say it sells for a lot more in Hong Kong. It’ll fit right in with the fake Rolexes and knock-off Prada handbags.

    Ooooh. Well, in Rexy's case, it all makes sense! :P

  3. If anybody I talked to during the last check-in has made any progress and reads this (or if I haven't talked to you yet), please check in with me and update me on what you're doing. If I don't hear from you, you'll be on the list of people for round two check-ins. This will be a check for EVERYONE, not just a small group or a part of the list of those involved, like it was last time. That way I can even out the list and check with everyone each time it's check-in time.

    I know that probably made absolutely no sense, but I know what I said, so that's all that matters. :P

    There's also some potentially big big BIG news coming up, so stay tuned!

  4. I think maybe try doing something like this, since I always end up doing this anyway to almost anything I download:

    Song Title: Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos - Harmageddon

    Artist: EvilHorde

    So you end up with this: EvilHorde - Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos - Harmageddon. Just so it's easier to identify in peoples' playlists.

  5. I talk to Eric most every day. Currently trying to get him to stop procrastinating, :P. He has some ideas for the song, though.

    I'm still amazed nobody has stepped up and officially claimed a second song; a lot of people were talking about it before, but I didn't want to do anything before they made it official. Anyone? Anyone?

  6. Not a problem, Arcana. I'm not expecting WIPs from everybody at this point; just a quick status update. ;)

    Hmmm, odd. I wonder if all of ne0-net got hacked. :lol: Oh well. New website is at http://talesproject.kylejcrb.com anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. Hopefully the new one is safe, though... (EDIT: This is weird. The rest of my old site is still there! I guess telling people you've moved makes it susceptible to hackers.)

    As for everything else; I've said it time and time again. THE CURRENT TRACK LIST IS LOCKED. The ONLY way you're going to get any extra songs onto the project at this point is by being signed up for something already on the list (which is also full), and by taking advantage of the extra song rule outlined in the first post (and on pages 14 and 26). Also, there will be absolutely no changes to the first and last tracks of each part of the project; the intro and ending themes are FINAL. That is all.

  7. I'm going to be starting round 2 of check-ins and status updates (with those who signed up for the project more recently) here very soon. These people will be receiving some form of contact from me within the next few days:


    Norrin Radd


    Bladiator and GrayLightning

    Unless you can get to me first, that is. :P

  8. I've heard several developmental stages of this song by PriZm and liked the progress he's made on this, however, it's strange that after he submitted this, it's like he disappeared from the face of the earth? Anyone know where he went, I've tried e-mailing him and such to no avail. Did he change aliases?

    He's been posting regularly in WIP and I've been keeping in contact with him for the Summoning of Spirits project. He's around.

  9. Well, I intend on making the second WIP due date on September 1st, and then working down incrementally from there (two weeks, then maybe several one week dates...Not sure about three weeks yet, but we'll see how people are progressing), as songs are completed. So you have time after this date. There's no rush, but if you can complete the songs, that's great!

  10. Alternate track selection is now OPEN! For reference, here are the rules for alternate tracks and how they work. I'm expecting a pretty big change for the direction of this project.

    Lea and I just discussed this, and I think it's something that could make the people who want to do a track not listed on the project right now happy. What we've come up with is this: If you have already claimed or are planning to claim ONE song (those who currently have two tracks selected are exempt from this) for this project, then, once the track list is completely filled and all of the current tracks are claimed, we will allow you to choose ONE extra song not currently listed to remix for the project. If you decide that you can't do the extra track, it will be removed completely, with no chance of getting picked up by anybody else. This rule will go not go into effect until all of the main tracks listed are claimed by at least one person; reason being that we want to get what currently have filled up first, before we start adding things. Hopefully this might convince some of you to try and get some other people on board to fill up the list. Also, you must guarantee that you will ABSOLUTELY finish both of the tracks.

    We're not trying to declare open season on the entire soundtracks of both of these games. This is just a compromise we have decided to make for those who wanted to do something that's not currently listed. One of our goals with this project is to still keep it maintainable and reasonable. We don't want to get overly ambitious.

    As I explained in the first post of this thread, more than one person is able to claim a song. The song that ultimately makes it onto the project, out of the multiple remixes of the same track, will be decided on by myself and Lea. If our opinions either conflict or we agree that both of the remixes are good, we will put forth a voting procedure in which the people who are involved with the project will decide which version of the song will be on the final product (the voting is the likely scenario). In the case of a person who has claimed both a track currently listed and an alternate unlisted track going up against someone else; the alternate track will still be put on the project, regardless of the outcome of the coordinator/voter decision on the listed track.

    Post here or tell me in a PM what alternate track you'd like to remix, if any. Here we go!

  11. I've noticed that Aurora's voice was like, twice as loud as Rayza's in this podcast. ;) I had to turn it up to hear Rayza's Comments on Stuff over Aurora's Voice of Energy!

    Thanks for mentioning my site, too. :)

    Yeh this week Aurora had her mic volume up louder than usual PLUS I didn't get to compress it properly before I had the big PC crash of '05.. All she had was the rough cut which I send to her early so she can get started on the show notes. It was actually Aurora that edited the whole show so congrats to her for putting it together at all. Hopefully I can recover something from this cuz theres a bunch of music due for school plus that Jim Powers mix I started and was liking, then bad tings a gwan :( :(

    Hopefully 006 will get us back on track and smooth sailing forever..

    Edit: Also check out our "The Pengina Song" at http://olremix.paletteswap.com/remixes/?id=90


    Regarding the ending: Are you trying to not-so subliminally tell us all something, Rayza? :P

  12. It won't take six months if Lea keeps it up with her righteous and well-deserved whip cracking! Vacation?

    Vacations are for the weak!


    Hey, you better watch out, because I'm the one who's been doing the whip cracking around here. Not that Lea isn't perfectly capable, but y'know... :P

  13. The bits of It Can Waver that show up throughout Final Destination will be in PriZm's mix; I believe that PriZm has been in contact with Christian Pacaud (who's doing It Can Waver), and from what I can tell, they're going to see if they can tie them together, and connect them in some way. Don't quote me on that, though, since I can't speak for PriZm or Christian. :P

    As far as dialogue, I'll just turn off the music, and play through and record the entire fight. PriZ can pick and choose from there what he wants to use.

  14. Wow...You guys post a lot. Okay, not really. It only took me like, 10 minutes to catch up! Slackers.

    Alright! Let me get up to date here:

    Dhsu: When do you and pixietricks plan on leaving, when are you coming back, and how fast can you work? :P

    Actually, I trust you, since I wanted pixie on the project in some way, shape, or form from the very start, and Dhsu was one of the people who was on my mind when I was going through VGMix, looking for potential recruits. I think an extension in your case would be okay; perhaps you can PM me with some ideas you have or whatever, and that can count towards a "WIP" for the time being.

    Soraya: Now do you understand why I said 6 months or more? :P

    PriZm: I can record the entire final battle scene for you, though there tends to be some pops throughout recorded audio on my PC, for some reason.

    As far as American voice samples: Yup. It's all I've got. :P Their voices aren't THAT bad, though. Sometimes Colette sounds like she's reading from a script, instead of making it natural, but overall, none of the voices are that terrible (and some are REALLY good).

    Master Link: I will do my best.

    EDIT: Oh yeah; alternate track selection will open soon, for those who are curious. I'm thinkin' within the next day or so.

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