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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I've been keeping in contact with many of the remixers on the project, and I'm extremely pleased with how well we're coming along. Keep up the great work, folks, and don't forget to give some feedback for the WIPs up over in the forums! :) I'm going to be talking to some of you soon, so if you're any of these people, you have something to *coughcough* look forward to... :P


    Nick Tam

    CC Ricers

    Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. Yet. ;) Contact me first if I don't contact you after awhile.

  2. You know, I was thinking aboot joining this a while back... & now I wanna join... but everything seems takn... oh well... I love elipses... keep up the good work!

    A song or two may open up at any time, so I'll definitely keep you in mind if that does happen. ;) Thanks for the support, everyone!

    Also, has anyone heard from CC Ricers lately? I sent him a PM about two weeks ago, and I don't think he's even read it yet, and I don't think I've seen him on MSN, either. Maybe I missed something about him leaving for awhile or something...

  3. yeah sorry about that Kyle, again, I couldn't upload it yesterday because as you can see Here Hurricane Dennis Passed really close to my country yesterday, causing lotsa rain, wind and thunderstorms, which in turn caused several blackouts impeding me from using my pc to finish the song.

    Don't worry, the song is almost finished. I spoke with Luiza and she might provide the final touches I want for it.

    Well, dang. I didn't realize you had a hurricane go through there. Of course, I was just being sarcastic about "needing" your song right now; I just want to hear it. ;) Take your time!

  4. The Law of the Battle - Claimed by: TEH SUPA COLLAB BROTHAZ: PriZm+housethegrate+Ashane+Christian Pacaud+KungFuChicken! (LOCKED)

    Whoa... I've never seen a quintuple collab before.

    A rockin' shredfest with a few rhymes thrown in for good measure (courtesy of KFC). Yup, that track is gonna be nuts. :D

  5. Here's the big news that's been at least a week in the making:

    Three of the current gods of guitar in the VG remix community, PriZm, housethegrate, and Ashane, are to collaborate on The Law of the Battle. As if this project wasn't metal enough already...

    my boom shick will sound out of place? :S

    anyways I'm almost done here...

    No way. There's plenty of boom shick to accompany yours. I hope.

  6. Here's the big news that's been at least a week in the making:

    Three of the current Gods of Guitar (there's quite a few these days :P) in the VG remix community, PriZm, housethegrate, and Ashane, are to collaborate on The Law of the Battle. As if this project wasn't metal enough already...

  7. I was just thinking, the Judges should probably be given access to the WIP forum so that they can assess the progress of the project as it goes on. ^^ (You know, for the big move to Site Projects down the line.)

    DarkeSword is the guy who assesses projects to see if they are worthy of being put into Site Projects (I put in my case for the project last night, in fact, so it might be moving soon), and since he's already a remixer on the project anyway, he will of course be getting access.

  8. Oh, I know you won't quit, Rexy. I'd have to hurt you, because your song is too good. :P

    I was just explaining why I'm trying to get all of this stuff done so quickly (with having remixer profiles at this stage in the project, and etc. etc.). :P I'm working on adding some new updates right now to the pages right now, by the way.

    And yes, I am now back.

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