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Posts posted by KyleJCrb

  1. All right, since it's 5 AM, I'm bored as hell, and I can't sleep anymore, I went and updated almost every profile. Links to peoples' arrangements on the major remix sites are now functional, and some of the more recent information I received has been added. Yay, or something.

  2. Hunt through the last few pages of the thread. There's some WIPs around.

    Oh, and for the curious, the VG music community's resident live instrument contest, the Dwelling of Duels, featured an arrangement from Tales of Symphonia this month. It was a joke entry, since it's pretty rough, and far from finished, but Crimson plans on completing it eventually. Check it out here, and check out the rest of the entries, too!

    EDIT: Updated the link to the song to the newer version.

  3. I like the atmosphere of this project. It has a calm aura.

    But enough with the hippie talk, I was working on my mix yesterday but was too tired to render a demo so I went to sleep. I might give out a new wip soon for you all, with more chilly goodness ^_^

    You don't need to sleep, man. Just feel your inner energy flowing around you, and replenish you soul with the absolute calmness!

    I'm gonna go take a nap now.

    And yay! You switched Celcius for Arche. My turn. :P

  4. And people are already making a ton of progress on their remixes, too. I expected the other two projects here (SDB and SSF2, SSF2 in particular) to take off and be a lot more popular than this one... Quite frankly, I'm surprised, and glad that it's working out so well.

    I know I probably haven't said it enough, but thanks to everyone for really taking this project beyond what I expected. Interestingly enough, I started this project expecting the usual things to happen; a lot of people dropping out, flame war on page 30, arguments all over the place, drama, and all that stuff that usually comes along with projects. Incredibly, all of that has been almost non-existant, so we're all doing a great job. :)

  5. There's not a lot here in terms of a melody, so I might incorporate bits from "Unicorn", which uses a variation of the melody from Martel.

    Interestingly, Unicorn was actually originally on the list of possible tracks before Martel's theme was. I guess I should've brought up the similarities before...

    Oh, and you probably noticed this, but Martel's theme isn't the last song anymore. ;)


    I'm working on profiles for everyone involved with the project, which will all eventually look something like that page (ignoring the broken images and links, of course. Those will be fixed). If you have one available, I'll need a picture of you, and I'll also need your real name, birthdate, current location, web site (if you have one), and where to find your other arrangements. The Biography section is optional, but strongly recommended.

    For those that have already done this in the PMs I've sent out, no need to worry about it here. Also, if you don't want to make this information public on this forum (I don't know why not; it's going to be on the site :P) PM me with it. Thanks!

  7. It's not a problem. Things happen to come up, and sometimes they're uncontrollable. I went into this project with that in mind, so I'm well aware that people would run into more important things, and they wouldn't be able to finish. I'm perfectly fine with that, so don't let it get to you. ;)

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