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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Yes, Hoha is good. EDIT: Looks like the newly-posted Dual Dragons did a cover called "The Fight We Can't Avoid" (very bottom of the page) from WA1, so they're fans. Ask 'em!
  2. Time to go scouting at DoD! Oh wait, that's just what I would do. Guitar wankery for the win.
  3. Sleep deprivation: The ultimate way of making remixes. I'm thinking of setting a new WIP due date for December 31st.
  4. Sole Signal is pretty badass. Unfortunately, this change came up long after Larry and I recorded the newest episode (released just today) of our podcast where we played "Time to Brawl", so whoops. We'll be sure to mention it the next time we're able to. I was at least able to correctly reflect the change in the shownotes.
  5. You can use the forum now, Monobrow. It moved here.
  6. Hiatus? What hiatus? Kyle & Larry are back to give you a dose of great game music. On this episode, the duo talk weather, surf rock, Captain Lou Albano, and of course, games and game music. Album reviews return to NGI, and the guys take an in-depth look at Metroid Metal’s newest release, Varia Suite. http://tr.im/ELkL
  7. People always forget about my project... There's actually five finished tracks, two that are practically finished (just need wavs) and the rest coming along nicely. Won't be done before DKC2 probably, but it's pulling ahead of others.
  8. Pfft, double-boxing is for lightweights. This is how you do it.
  9. If you're doing this in MMORPGs, I hope you run around in public areas yelling "FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS".
  10. Almost always females (unless I have no choice, of course). I've tried using male characters in say, City of Heroes for example, and I always get bored with them. It's not necessarily always the visual appeal either; I'm just more interested in a female who can kick ass. Or I'm just unknowingly gay, and a pervert. Don't care though, either way.
  11. This is rad. Your solos starting at 2:15 are just awesome.
  12. Well, OA has dropped Team England due to disinterest, but in his place steps DoD competitor Hoha! Welcome aboard, man!
  13. I get the feeling that k-wix is going to go with the same naming scheme he went with for his Cave Story project and just call this one "Mega Man 9 ReMix Project".
  14. Seriously, I just realized that there are NO After Burner remixes here. What the hell, dudes? I know there's remixes out there, but OCR seriously needs some more SEGA action. After Burner Final Take Off http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/Lost_In_Translation/After_Burner_II
  15. Bahamut, you are probably going to die after making that statement.
  16. There are tons of metal Touhou remixes in the doujin scene. Unfortunately I can't specify any particular ones because I'm not familiar with Touhou remixes much at all, but they are out there. Also, there is one Touhou remix here at OCR.
  17. No, I think they planned on releasing it as a spanned .rar archive across 400 3.5in floppy disks. Seriously, has any OCR album release NOT had a torrent thus far?
  18. Will do, after I get home from work in about 4 and a half hours. No time right now.
  19. Hmm, maybe I should get Walan to change the topic to remove that due date...
  20. I have forums and will be glad to set you up. They are Project Hangout Central these days.
  21. Mega Man 7 - Most of the soundtrack is amazing. Dead Moon (TG-16) - Stage 1 (track #03), especially. Good stuff.
  22. Awesome. Here's hoping this can get off the ground again. Good luck, Katie!
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