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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Yeah, a few songs on the site had strict encoding done to fit the file size limit. The one I can think of off the top of my head is "The Trial In Concert" from Spekkosaurus (which I believe I do have a high-quality version of), but I'm sure there are others.
  2. I really hope you actually did rap. Please don't disappoint me, Hale!
  3. No problem, always glad to help fellow projects and provide my services. If you can't find the section in the sea of forum sections, here's an easier link: http://kngi.org/forum/index.php?c=15 Make sure not to confuse it with Bahamut's Darkness & Light project.
  4. Wouldn't a blue track no longer be a Work In Progress?
  5. http://namida.com/kaminarimon/hes/
  6. I've never played this game, but I just watched the Still Gaming review of it, and that opening track rocked my face off. The rest of the soundtrack seems to be equally awesome as well, so I thought I'd toss it out here. The soundtrack is available at the HES Music Archive and can be played with Chipamp. The track featured in the SG review is track #03.
  7. Hadn't had the chance to give the WIP to Walan. It's all fixed now.
  8. October 26th. That was going to be the final date, but we're currently having a few setbacks...
  9. I thought they had. Just submitted under different random names.
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=30136 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29950 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29892
  11. NGI #123 is finally out! To prove that NGI is NOT dead, KyleJCrb and Liontamer have returned with a jam-packed show! This time, the guys confirm the pronunciation of Live A Live while subsequently slaughtering the names of songs, remixers, and composers, as well as coining new terms, dropping the details on PAX ‘09, and laying down the hate on a number of games. Check out this exciting new episode! http://kngi.org/p=1014
  12. I think I just heard Luke have an orgasm over the mention of Dream Theater.
  13. Larry and I recorded a new episode yesterday, and it'll be out in a day or two. We're always accepting bumpers/idents, so if you haven't sent us one yet, email a recording to podcast@kngi.org, leave a Skype voicemail at Skype user kylejcrb, or call 1-763-431-5121.
  14. Haha. Honestly, I wasn't even really expecting bLiNd to hit the deadline since he came on so late, and I was perfectly fine with that. But I won't complain, so long as he doesn't kill himself with exhaustion.
  15. Tell that man to sleep. You don't need to drive him THAT hard for this project, really!
  16. Lately he doesn't check any threads. Blame his new job. LT: Correct!
  17. If I uploaded a rar or zip of the tracks, would that help? It honestly probably wouldn't be that much faster than the torrents, though.
  18. This archive is better than Akumus (he said so himself). There is a 7z file there that has all soundtracks available.
  19. I'm fairly sure I was first made aware of the site at some point in 2001, but didn't really start getting into it until 2002, after the changeover to the much-loved blue/purple site design. I didn't really start following the forums until 2003.
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