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Everything posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. I like what you have so far. The guitar tone is clean and it's a nice straightforward cover :] For remixing, I would suggest maybe after going through one verse in a cover, maybe you can start mixing it up. Maybe do some soloing over the modes of the tune, or borrow one of the mini-themes and do something with that. Also maybe you could throw in a few more instruments into the mix for texture. I'd like to point you over to "Walk on Water" by Housethegrate, another sonic remix with some great guitar, maybe you can get some ideas. Good luck with the mix
  2. So I decided to try and remix the Library tune from Mickey's Ultimate Challenge. It always sounded like a sea chanty melody to me for some reason. Let me know what you think, I'd love some feedback Source - Starting at 1:00My remix WIP - http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1157
  3. This is a good start, nothing really bad pops out and it's a nice listen. The only criticism I have is that the arrangement seems really conservative. You should probably do a little bit more with the source and mix it up. Maybe mix the instruments up as well. The whole remix kinda blends together into this mesh and it's hard to distinguish one part of the mix with another. So go a little crazy and do some more to remix the tune. Other than that so far so good, good luck with this WIP
  4. In my opinion the intro part from 0:00 to 0:35 is a little too long and sporadic, it sounds like you just took the sources and glitched it up a bit. If that part was maybe 3 times shorter it might work. It gets better at :36 when the synths come in though. Not sure what else to say since there's only about a minute done but good luck with this WIP.
  5. (Posted up the newer link. Added a proper ending and changed a lot of the sounds and a few bits of arrangement, so it's about 95% done now.)
  6. So I decided to give this a listen cuz I didn't want to see a 0 reply float away. The source for this is "Mission 4" for anyone else who doesn't know the source. First off, I do like this as an enhancement of the original. It's a nice listen and very true to the source. however that's the main problem, it's way too conservative. For it to truly be a remix there's probably gonna have to be a little more in the risk-taking department. (That means a lot coming from me trust me ) Slow down some spots, speed up some spots, throw in some fun filters or effects, etc. Do more with the melody lines rather than just copy them. Also, I like that you took the tempo slower but it loses some of the energy of the original so you have to make up for that with style The main glaring problem to me is the drums. They sound nice but they don't change throughout the entire song. Mix it up a little. I really like the transition at 0:11 - 0:12 but that piano sample also gets old quick in the mix. Maybe switch the piano sample with a bass synth or another sample at that transition or another. The last big thing is that guitar..ish sound at 1:46, that's gotta be changed, it just sounds out of place and is a bit too quiet to be a lead sound. And there was that sweet sounding stuff happening right before it that it's kind of a let down when that sound comes in. Anyways those are my two cents, take my advice with a grain of salt cuz I'm nowhere near expert-level. Hope this mix turns out awesome
  7. So I decided to mix together Ninja Gaiden's (A Decision) tune with the title theme for American Gladiators on the SNES because they both share the same progression, Aka: that downward I Vii Vi V. I've got about 4 mins of it finished so it's I've basically got all of my ideas in the this mix. Any and all feedback and constructive crit is appreciated! let me know what you think. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1155 <--- Remix Sources: (At :22)
  8. Updated the mix, a lot of new changes added, some things removed and I have a proper ending now. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1117
  9. I was gonna post about how warm and fuzzy this mix made me feel but I was beaten to the punch. But I can definitely say that this was my favorite track from the album and I lovez it so much.
  10. Wow! That's like, the most feedback I've gotten for anything musical ever. Thanks a ton Dr. Mokram I'll definitely take your advice and run with it, expect to see a new and improved version of this mix in the coming days. I've got a lot of stuff to improve.
  11. If you want to put a guitar solo in it somewhere, perhaps we could collab BJK? :3
  12. Hey, what's up all? So I decided to try and create a much needed gunstar heroes remix. It's not complete yet, but I've got a good chunk of it done, and I decided to post it to the WIP forum for some feedback. If you have any suggestions/ideas let me know so I can make this mix as awesome as I can. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33280
  13. (I submitted this, so there's nothing to see here anymore. :3)
  14. So I'm planning on submitting this on the first on January, kicking off my 1 mix a month plan. I'm pretty much finished with this mix, but I want to make sure that everything is in good shape and nothing is too wack. So if you have any feedback/crit to give please do (Edit: Nevermind. I submitted it. :3)
  15. Haha, I'm also working on a remix of this same song. It needs some love. :] It's a little hard to judge since you don't have the lyrics in yet. What I hear sounds good for the most part though. I'd suggest that whatever parts don't have vocals, really kick it up a notch and do some good breakdowns to transition between verses or something. It all kind of blends together so maybe you could throw in some variation here and there so it doesn't get repetitive. The detuned opening is pretty nice, maybe have something transition the intro to the part at :12 I'm not a pro though so take my words with a grain of salt
  16. I love this mix! It has renewed my interest in the Hydrocity theme Very good stuff indeed.
  17. Awesome job on this. This one became an instant favorite for me. The feel of this mix is great, definitely not what I was expecting. I hope you keep making awesome mixes.
  18. So this is my mostly done remix of the candy stage (4-4) from World of illusion. I've titled my mix "Alakazab." I wanted to run it by you guys and get some crits and feedback before I decide to submit it. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=alakazabWIP.mp3 <--- Link Any feedback is appreciated!
  19. So this is a 99% done remix of "The cove" from Puggsy. I just want to run it by you guys and see if it sounds legit enough before I submit it. :] Source: My Mix : http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=852 Any feedback appreciated thanks.
  20. Overall I liked it Lemmings tunes are always awesome. My constructive criticism: Good: Fits the lemmings tone nicely, has a nice vibe and feel. Transitions are done very well. Might need work: The underlying synth in the begninng and throughout is a bit loud and drowns out some of the cooler stuff I hear in the background. It also gets a little repetitive without much new happening, you might want to spice it up a bit. But yea, keep up the good work! I love me some lemmings
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