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Everything posted by DrewGourley

  1. My sincerest apologies for "Ear Rape"...
  2. Threw $20 into the pot!
  3. Will do, I'll pm you the URL Yeah, where is it?
  4. If anybody on the server wants some shots of their creations in that maxed-out graphics mod and full HD, just let me know, I can snap some shots for ya!
  5. Guys, this thing is fantastic. Great song, great composition, POWERFUL lyrics. 100% perfect. Can't say how much I love this.
  6. Any news on this? I'm waiting with bated breath, quite excited!
  7. Meanwhile, at the Gourley Cave... STATIONARY SEAT BOOGIE COMMENCE
  8. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! RB!
  9. It's actually pretty well written, but I think whatever scanner they used to bring it into digital text form just missed on some of the letters - which may have you thinking it is herky-jerky.
  10. No, the album isn't a compilation of existing OC Remixes from the past. All tracks included on the 5 discs were specifically made by request for this album. A Final Fantasy album wouldn't retroactively go back and add a bunch of old mixposts to bulk up the track count.
  11. Yeah those characters are all scans or otherwise of official Capcom art from the games. The typography and layout is mine, though. Then I used an after-effects camera to put them in a 3D space and set the lens aperture to give it some depth blur.
  12. Just in case anybody is missing it, in the other thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=848990&postcount=11
  13. Stevo are you a magnet for random HATE RAGE or something? It seems like you get a beatdown every time you're involved on an album. LOL! FUCK YOU FOR DOING THINGS!
  14. http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-Axl.jpg http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-Mega.jpg http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-Zero.jpg http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-Sigma.jpg http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-Vile.jpg http://drewgourley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/MR-1080-X.jpg
  15. Yeah baby! I LOVE how gritty this is, really captures the feel of a boss theme but simultaneously works as a bad-ass club tune, I would stand this up against any of the great EDM artists out there any day. Great stuff as usual from bLiNd!
  16. Somebody want to pony up the cash for this? http://www.buyrealfans.com/ P.S. I AM JOKING DON'T DO THIS
  17. Show your hate for the campaign by un-liking the facebook pa... PFFFFFFT! LOL AMLOST MADE IT THROUGH THAT ONE!
  18. Simple: The more FB likes the more news feeds your music will show up in. Simpler: The more FB likes the larger your audience. Result: The larger the audience the greater your impact. Conclusion: This effort is good.
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