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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I think I got something nice for this one, hopefully my stressful schedule will allow me to finish it
  2. Damn, I know this, albeit in my memory it's a bit faster
  3. Ohhhhh! Star Ocean, and a battle music nontheless... Great
  4. Ok, sorry for the double post. Ok, today I bought Komplete in a music store, I got it for 20 € less (679) and it was the last one they had in stock
  5. I just recevied my first batch of money from my freelance job and now Komplete is on sale... I'm sooo tempted.
  6. I'm still working on something, I just don't know if it will be something useful
  7. I meant that it can't be a PRC source, actually I tried to do one already
  8. Oh damn, I know that. It's the same with my favorite from Mega Man II (GB), Needle Man, I can't seem to get it remixed in a good way. I have never really played MM7, I think I played it once, but this was more than 10 years ago. My favorite tune is Shade Man's theme (and I f***in love bats), "unfortunately" there's already a OCR remix covering it
  9. I have some kind of idea, and I think I'll try the same genre again (I might have found a genre for me )
  10. Wow, third place in the end, even if it seemed to be really close. Congrats to Sir_NutS, you deserve it, and I'm really looking forward to your source
  11. If you manage this, I will die laughing, possibly literally
  12. Ok, submitted my entry. It became something of an electronic downtempo like mix.
  13. I never enter those to win, but to get better as well, so I can only agree and I will do my best And yes, the source was really well picked, it really is fun to remix it, you can get so much out of it
  14. I will, at least if I can get a bit farther than now (I'm a bit stuck)
  15. I have a WIP as well in a more spacy trancy way, but damn how shall I compete against that???
  16. Wow, this will be great. I never really listened to the FFIII OST, I just had 3 pieces from it, Eternal Wind, Go Above the Clouds and The Crystal Tower. Unfortunately they aren't taken yet, so I don't know yet what I can look forward to. In time
  17. Bump. In my first and only playthrough of Star Ocean on the SNES, I got a Tri-Emblem for every character.
  18. I didn't know this song, but it's so awesome. It would make a great dubstep remix I think
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