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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I seriously hope that the Fire starter won't become another Fire/Fighting type... And I don't like the frog, I hope its evolutions will be better, because normally I choose a Water starter
  2. Damn, I hate it, when I get an inspiration that late. I've done a really unpolished last minute submission...
  3. 1. Not completely finished but close. 2. Check. I just finished my first freelancing job 3. Check, I'm not yet there, but I'm good on my way. 3. Dunno if I should check this, but I think I've been getting better throughout the year. 4. Didn't even come close.
  4. Wow. I really like the original, and this is really great, I don't know anything that's wrong
  5. No, you're not, I think MMII's Air Man is much better (Needle Man as well, btw ) And MMV's soundtrack kicks ass.
  6. @timaeus222: I lowered the main master by 3dB because I felt it was to loud otherwise. But I think you may be right about the bass. @Skolar: It was strange, yes, but I think I did better than when I'm not ill BTW, if anyone could tell me what genre that is and what I should call it instead (it doesn't sound very nightmarish) I changed some things https://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/xs-feverish-nightmare-v3
  7. Hmm, I've never played through Terranigma but it's one of my girlfriend's favorite games. Perhaps I'll try it
  8. Damn... I'm really thinking about entering this one, just because of my Needle Man theme of MM II...
  9. Ok, now I'm gonna shamelessly bump myself. https://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/xs-feverish-nightmare-v2
  10. Thanks. I never expected any positive comments about this when I woke up this morning and realized how lightheaded my fever had made me
  11. Well, today I was ill and had nothing else to do and if you try to make music when you're feverish something like this comes out of it https://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/xs-feverish-nightmare
  12. I knew something at my party was missing Should have done the same
  13. I think I have an idea for this, but I need to think about it again, when I'm sober:tomatoface:
  14. Wow, my own birthday thread on OCR, thanks for all the wishes guys
  15. I'm thinking about signing up as a novice, but I'm not sure yet if my schedule will allow it
  16. The first track on my new headphones This is so sick (but in a good way)
  17. Wow, first post in weeks I'm so excited who takes on Century of the Patriarch, it's my favorite (I tried myself on that some time ago, but didn't get far )
  18. I would have never even guessed that source
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