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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I tried 3/4 once, but I didn't really get anywhere, but I like 3/4 as a time signature
  2. Ok, whatever my entry will sound like, I already have a title (I'm more creative with those than with my music) Blackjack and Jesters
  3. I don't see them as cheating, ok, I use more patterns than loops, but it's essentially the same. But honestly, I can't program patterns for jack, that's something I still need to learn
  4. That would be nice, but it wouldn't be fair. If there's no real competition on the other hand, it would be ok
  5. Ahh!!! Chrono Cross . Just in time when I'm in the middle of a competition... But I like Chrono Cross
  6. This time, I think I will come up with something, at least I hope Actually I'm not familiar with your theme, but I like it (I just watched the youtube vid ) Edit: Oh, somehow that theme begs for a trip-hop or hip-hop mix
  7. Ok, that's difficult. I'd say it was Mega Man for the Game Boy, but I'm not sure chronologically. The one that really got me hooked was Secret of Mana
  8. Oh yeah friend safari, there are some Pokemon I need from there as well (like Galvantula). Gotta add people sometimes
  9. Damn, I won't make it, I had too much to do the last few days and my internet is down as well, I'm currently sitting at my parents' house, but I don't have my mixing equipment here.
  10. So, now I own a 3DS XL as well and my friend code is: 4484-9189-6943 I can't add anyone yet, because it has to recharge first
  11. So my girlfriend got me Y for my birthday and and I played the whole evening. It's really cool
  12. If you need someone with Guitar Rig, I own it too, btw
  13. In which format? Mp3 or wav? And I can't guarantee a tasty pidgeon
  14. I'm 95% where I want my WIP to stand right now, I just want to do some minor adjustments, to deliver my best work (relatively speaking), but since I can't right now, I wanted to ask first
  15. Hmm, I didn't think I had to go PGP on that, but ok. Since I'm in Berlin next week, I'll personally deliver a printed out waveform and a floating point matrix to the French Embassy
  16. Please be quiet, these shy creatures are easily scared and only make music while feeling unwatched
  17. Ok, another question, because I'm new to this whole "getting a track on an album" thing, I'm nearly done with a rough sketch, so who should I mail it to? In which format? Do you need a timeframe yet or should I wait for approval? Sorry for bothering you
  18. Another early novemberian (ok, I just coined this). Happy Birthday to you, man!
  19. Ok, this thread is a bit old, but I didn't want to start a new one, at least not without real need. Since I know my way around SuperCollider and I own Komplete, I recently started learning Reaktor in a more professional and low-level fashion. So I wanted to revive this thread for exchanging experience or instruments/ensembles, of course depending on the number of Reaktor users.
  20. Hehe, I lol'ed. So Ivan is in the Light bracket. Perhaps we'll have a rematch of our MMX compo of Magma Dragoon vs Storm Owl Edit: Forget it, I should learn to read... But a match against Sir_Nuts would be really interesting, not only because of his theme but because of his style as well
  21. Well, with me trying to get into the Bad Ass 3 album, a FF character battle in front of me and a lot of stuff to do to get my real life back together, I can't promise anything. And I'm not afraid to die!!!!
  22. Oh... The only track from FFX I really like and it was an important tune for me a long time ago... Perhaps if I can manage to find some time, I might take it on
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