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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I know, whining won't help, but I'm so frustrated that I didn't find the idea for my mix earlier. Now I changed a lot of things, and it sounds better (but not suited for the competition, because I dropped the Storm Owl part)
  2. Actually I was playing UT99 the last few weeks, so this might have been an inspiration. Since I'll get elimininated anyways, I'll have time to polish things up the next few weeks
  3. I didn't know the band until now. WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THEM???
  4. I've done this in a few hours on Saturday, I couldn't do anything cohesive before, I only sent it in to have sent something in, even if I will lose with that
  5. I think this is my track that's missing, somehow it wasn't sent, because my Sent box is empty
  6. Submitted... Could have been better, but at least I managed to get something together at all
  7. Well, I think I'm done... I wanted to do something with a really hard bass, but I struggled the whole week. And now on one day I made a downtempo track which I like... Strange things are happening
  8. Well I don't remeber much except -beating the black Rabite in SD3 -playing through MMX2 in about 3 hours with all secrets found on my own -Having a 17000+ record in the Twilight City stunt course of Wave Race which I never managed to break again Not really impressive, I know
  9. I won't, I'm not one to give up easily, but thanks non the less
  10. The Zero bracket. Nice... Zero's my favorite. Let's see who I will face (hopefully not Willrock or I'm really done...)
  11. I have only tried it once, and I didn't like the keys, but according to some reviews it's not very reliably and prone to breaking
  12. Thank you for this image.... (OMG, he will remember when I submit, I will never reach the gates )
  13. What's this about, can anyone enlighten me, I'm not here long enough
  14. Whenever I see someone packing a car, the Tetris theme plays in my head
  15. Ouch, how could I forget that one (or at least the Chrono Cross Version of it)
  16. It happens to me a lot. I can't count how often, but it's the worst when I listen to Aria de mezzo caraterre from FF6
  17. I currently play X8 after X7 won't run on my PC... Except for those two I played every game multiple times
  18. I'd bet I will be knocked out. But hey, I got myself a fire-breathing dragon
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