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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I've also looked for something like this, before I got my MIDI controller, but there are none, at least not via USB. Why? Because Android isn't supposed to communicate via USB, exvept for debugging. You could write an app which needs a correspondend on a PC which could fetch the debug messages and translate them into MIDI commands. But this would be really dirty and of course everyone who would like to use this would have to install the Android SDK, because of the debug bridge. tl;dr No.
  2. Ok, than it was really just the surroundings and not the mic itself, perhaps you should record in a smaller room because of the reverb. Well, I'm just a noob myself, I haven't got any approved remix on this side, but in my opinion you should learn how to mix vocals. There's this concept of "ducking" which puts the background music slightly behind the instrumentals. I haven't used much vocals yet, only UTAU just once, because I for myself can't sing. My girlfriend can, but I have no mic (yet) to use her voice for a vocal track.

  3. I know the original tune, so I listened in. First of all, I like your voice, you really sing quite well (but you should think about buying a better mic for recording). But I didn't really like the lyrics, I expected something more serious for this song.
  4. Well, yes that's true, but somehow this mix had a mind of its own. Why? Because I didn't intend to do a remix of this piece, at least not this way, it was planned to be a dubstep experiment. When I listened to A.COE's 'Quicksander', my brain had this line of thought: Sonic -> Genesis -> PSG \ PSG Wobble Bass Dubstep -> Wobble / Even if I don't really like dubstep that much, I wanted to try it out. But this didn't work as planned, I can't seem to get a nice irregular wobble. Anyways, I changed the octaves and some other things of one ProtoPSG preset and suddenly I had a wonderful pad sound, and suddenly I had a trance mix on my hands... Personally I like this one best of everything I have done until now. tl;dr Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU92aql5mD8 My (finished) try: http://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/my-hometown-on-algol-ii-v9 Feedback always appreciated
  5. Then I think I'll rent it first to try it out. But if I like the story, I don't care that much for the dub anymore, at least as long as it's not unbearable (Grandia 2 again, even if the dub had some high points, but the original japanese version of course is much better)
  6. I'm still thinking about buying XIII as a Classic for Xbox360. I didn't buy it when it was released, because I didn't fall for the hype, but after everything I've heard about XIII-2 I'm reconsidering. It's not that I don't like linear games, e.g. I really liked Grandia 2 which is linear as hell. Can anybody tell me how good or bad the dubbing is, I'm so tired of listening to bad english voice dubs especially when I've no chance of switching to the original japanese voices?
  7. Trauermärsche is plural, I think what you mean is "Trauermarsch"
  8. Since it seems to be easier to get feedback for remixes of more known sources (apperently no one knows Rudra no Hihou ) and I'm recently on a Castlevania trip, I wanted to try out Simon's Theme from Super Castlevania IV, so I did today. Feedback always appreciated Origial: http://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/simon
  9. Oh, I should have known, that, when I'm deleting my recent posts, my post gets pushed down...
  10. So, I'm using this one: It's a bit small, but I don't have much space. You could always get the 49 key version if it fits you better. But recommendations are difficult, because you have to find the one you can work with. You should really head to a shop and test play some different controllers
  11. Could anyone please post the direct youtube links for non Propellerhead forum users?
  12. MIDI is just note data and no sound. So you have to run it into your laptop and into the virtual instrument you are currently playing. There are more difficult setups like different MIDI Channels for different instruments, which you should consider, when you want to play live. So no to my question to you: What kind do you need. You only said something about the numbers of keys. But do you need additional controls like drum pads or knobs? I like the ones from AKAI, they really have good keys (at least for me as a keyboarder). If you come from a piano background I would suggest you go to a store and try some controllers out. You need keys which don't feel arkward for you.
  13. Actually I don't really like dubstep, but this tune is really catchy. In my opinion the bass could be a bit lower, but this might be a "sideeffect" of me currently wearing my in-ears
  14. Hey guys, either I'm too dumb to google correctly or I have overseen something. I have an AKAI MPK25 with knobs, so I wanted to use them for automation, because I don't like drawing things when I can't listen to what extent I'm changing the sound. But when I record the MIDI Events it only gets recorded for the length of the pattern, but I want to record it for an arbitrary length on an automation track. But I can't seem to get it done. I hope it was clear what I was asking, and hopefully someone can answer my questions.
  15. No, as far as I know, it doesn't. You have to publish changes of a program or a new program with source code parts from another ojne, which is licansed under the GPL, under the GPL as well. But when you recreate the workings of the algorithm in your own code you would not violate it. I think the code falls under the GPL, not the algorithm itself. But I would have to read about this once more, because I'm not 100% sure. @Moseph: You would need to reroute the midi input from the DAW over a midi out port to din and then you would need to catch the audio from din back into the DAW. Tricky but possible. I think if you have a standalone exe, you wouldn't even need a VST Wrapper.
  16. Different approach, same problem. You would have to recode by hand, otherwise you would violate the GPL and you would have to rewrite much of the code to accomodate it to the SDK. It's not impossible, but it's complicated. And doing something like this is nothing for the faint of heart, because of the hard realtime problems you face when programming audio related things. I'm a computer science major and I would need quite some time to analyze the code and rewrite it (actually I would try it, if I had enough time on my hands)
  17. The source is in C++, the only possibilty to recreate that kind of sound, would be to recode the algorithms "by hand" meaning with the same algorithm with your own code. And this code woukd have to be written and adapted for the VST SDK I haven't worked with SynthEdit yet, but I don't think it is possible to recreate those sounds in SE
  18. It has an interesting sound to it, so I looked into the source code for a few minutes. Porting doesn't really seem to be to difficult, but that would only result in a stand-alone .exe file. But integrating it into a VST is more or less impossible, not because of the code, which can be connected with the VST SDK with a lot of work, but because of legal problems. The license for VST development clashes with the GPL. BTW, I have only seen Zebra in zircon's tutorials, but can't it do something similar
  19. I listened to this track just yesterday and thought about how to remix this one, because it's also my favorite track of SML2
  20. Haha, I thought exactly the same thing, when I first read about this
  21. I know First Evolution I got it as well, but I never liked it as much as the original (I own an original japanese cartbridge), but I think the music isn't so different between the two versions
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