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Magnetic Ether

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Posts posted by Magnetic Ether

  1. I believe Facebook, Reddit and Google are also planning the same thing.

    No Wikipedia, Facebook or Google...That's going to be chaos XD.

    Hopefully it'll be worth it.

    Edit: Is there any documentation from any of these sites? I'd like to read what they have to say about it as well.

  2. Interesting take on this.

    Obviously, the tin whistle needs a LOT of work to be a part of this track. There were many points where it was either off sync with the song, or stuck out like a sore thumb. Better mixing and a re-recording of the whistle may improve this.

    Also, there were some points where it was clear the guitar was not natural. I don't have a fix for this, sorry. :(

    Could anyone else comment on this? This sounds like a promising track!

    Yeah, I'm only just learning to play the whistle, so I'm not all that great at it yet. Hopefully it'll sound better when I get a better take (And when I figure out how to mix it better. I have no idea how folk artists make it sound so good recorded :S).

    As for the guitar, it's still just a soundfont. The final track will definitely include live guitar.

    Thanks for listening!

  3. First of all: this is beautiful. Fantastic playing and really enjoyable to listen to :)

    I have to agree with evory about the counter melodies though. Although you have 5 instruments playing, most of the time it feels like several less than that. I think adding in some counter-melodies might help make the track more interesting (I think most of it is perfectly fine actually, but specifically 0:56 to 1:57 could use a bit more flair).

    Overall though I think you did a great job!

  4. To be honest, I can really appreciate what people are saying here.

    The system seems really weak. What if a mixer hasn't contributed anything since 2003? Does that still give them credibility even though the site standards have changed considerably since then?

    Conversely, As Bonkers stated, there are some people who already have songs passed by the judges that just haven't been posted yet.

    Why not do something in between? Give posted mixers a direct claim and give everyone else a short period of time to get you their 50% WIP (A week or so)? Seems to me like that would fix most of the problems.

  5. As a big fan of Folk Metal, I'll say that yeah. This sounds quite good.

    When you move into the Dream on the Shore of Another World however, I feel like it loses some of the originals feeling.

    I may just be the harmonies of the violin and flute/whatevs it is.

    Either way, I really enjoyed it.

    Hey man, thanks.

    I know what you mean about losing the original's feeling, but I found it kind of unavoidable. The original is really slow and dark, but this piece kind of had to be a lot more upbeat.

    The only problem I can see arising is that if you're gonna follow the melody for vocals... be wary.

    I prefer when I write vocals, to find a new melody line to add some variation to the source and make it my own.

    Some things are well suited to following the melody line however, catchy parts can become Choruses.

    Hope this helps. I can't wait to see what you get in the end. ;-)

    Good point. It can definitely be a problem. I'm pretty sure it'll work in this case since the vocals will be growls and not exactly following the melody, but I'll keep that in mind. Some of the lyrics are still in flux, so it's possible that I might re-write some of them.

  6. Thanks for the feedback :).

    It's interesting that you say that...do you think the whistle needs to be louder? It's possible that the part will stand out more when it's done live, but I don't know.

    Also, I probably should have made my plans for the vocals more clear. I was thinking

    (The whole song is along the lines of Eluveitie actually XD), so they wouldn't really be harmonizing.
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