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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. I definitely like where you're going with this, it's definitely got some great potential. I actually didn't mind the organ, it gave it a sort of "in my time of darkness" feel, which was how I always associated this point in Beatrix's/Steiner's story emotionally. Maybe back down the volume of the organ a little bit, I guess, to avoid it being too sinister-y like Archangel commented. I do agree with Rozovian, though - there definitely seems to be a bit of a fight between the bells and the piano. You might also consider bringing the strings out more, separating them better from the piano. I love what you've done with it so far. I'll be watching for updates to see where you take it!
  2. This is some great stuff. Seriously, love what you're doing with it. Also, I too would like to chime in and say that a KH project would be amazing... except there are so many other projects already underway that I also want to see get done, too, lol....
  3. I live just outside of St. Louis. If I have enough liquid cash, I'll definitely go.
  4. Agreed. It sounded pretty freakin' sweet.
  5. I've got to give love to my favorite FF9 track and say I'm excited the most about what could be coming in the form of the "You're not alone!" remix; I absolutely love that track. But there's a ton of others I can't wait to hear. Hell, who am I kidding? I'm excited about the entire project.
  6. Wow. What you've got here is extremely good. I'll be very surprised if they reject it. Great work, man.
  7. Yeah, I actually did too - not gonna lie. I think I started swearing at Sephiroth too, if I recall correctly, lol. You have a valid point about angering Nintendo, though, DJ, and the licensing issue with Sony. I hadn't thought of it from that angle. I wonder if that's what's partially been behind their hesitance to do this in the past, because I know it's been discussed by them many times.
  8. Well, that's why you make it a challenge for yourself and allow yourself only one magic attack every, say, five rounds, or limit yourself only to weaker magic. But yeah. Agreed.
  9. Honestly, I'd love to see it remade just for the sake of graphics. Make it with FFXIII-level graphics? Hell yeah! I do think they'd have to overhaul the gameplay slightly, too, though, which I have mixed feelings about. Then again, it's a large piece of nostalgia for me, so that might be why I'm so hesitant to let them touch the gameplay; graphics are one thing - and I wouldn't even want the graphic-storytelling aspect of it to change that much, just the quality of them - and gameplay is a whole other.
  10. Yeah, so, I'm new here, although I've been an avid listener for a while and have spread word of this site to many of my friends, most of whom now listen to the music from here, too. So. Keep up the great work, and I'll be around!
  11. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am at seeing that a FFIX remix project is underway. Its soundtrack is my favorite in the series... well, tied with VII's, anyway. I'll be waiting with baited breath - and headphones - to listen to what is produced.
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