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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Mmm. Well, it always helped me to associate the notes with the point in the melody that it comes at - like, note where the only quarter note A#s are in relation to the rest of the notes, etc. It sometimes helps to hum it, too, if you're given a few seconds to study it before having to play it. Wish I could be more helpful, but sight reading was just about the only musical skill that came completely naturally to me.
  2. Great piece. I really loved the... uh... I honestly don't know what the hell it was, so I'll call it the "Slinky snapping" noise heard in the background all throughout; it really gave it the "Sparkle" for me. The instrumentation was really good, and solid, throughout as well. Definitely downloading this!
  3. Good for you! I wish I could do the same, but aside from abhorrent French Horn skills and drawing skills that are almost as bad, the only thing I really know how to do is write.
  4. Haha, well, I've always been a bit of a completion freak, so I'd go and do all the sidequests, which gave me an extra 2-3 levels and made the last battle really easy. But he was still fun to fight.

  5. Wow. I would've liked to have seen this made longer, personally. It's got some good stuff, at least in my untrained opinion.
  6. Well, thank you for the welcome! :-) And I always enjoyed fighting Melbu Frahma, too - that's partially why I picked him.

  7. Seconded. And happy birthday!
  8. doulifee is my newest hero!
  9. I, for one, will not be swayed by this electronic god. We must fight him! My brothers, let us rise up in revolution and... wait, never mind, I just made a kickass Terra+jazz+orchestral elements remix. The Remixanator has my fealty.
  10. I don't know if I'd quite call it "movie soundtrack," but it's definitely a fun and enjoyable piece - great stuff!
  11. Great take on the source tune - I loved it. I think the only the suggestion I had was what Emunator said about the drums - some felt a bit out of place.
  12. The inclusion of "Twinkle, twinkle little star" was a brilliant masterstroke. Also: I lol'd so hard at this that the people in the computer lab threw stuff at me.
  13. Agreed, wholeheartedly. This is definitely on my "Favorites" playlist, as is Full of Hope. Great instrumentality.
  14. Two albums, actually. But they're all Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 7. (Although hopefully there'll be a FF9 album sometime soonish too! ). As for individual tracks, there's only a few from FF8 on here. I'd like to see "Lunatic Pandora" remixed as well. Or "The Oath" would also be good.
  15. Wow. Let me start off by saying that what you've got here is really good, at least to my untrained ears - I could easily see this working well in a wide variety of video game genres. I'm going to partially disagree with Gario while partially agreeing, at least as far as the drums go - I wouldn't completely remove them, since they seem to lead into your section around 2:30 (yes, yes, Gario, I know, you said you only had the first minute ) pretty well. But I would suggest maybe a gradual build of the drums instead - maybe start them out quieter and then build to the level you desire for the point mid-song. I'm sure everyone else will disagree with me on that, though. Oh, and I do agree with him on the guitars. Mmm... not much more I can say beyond that. Good luck - I definitely like what you've got so far.
  16. I suppose you could make a case that the Pokemon series has their own in-game radio stations, or at least the Silver/Gold/Crystal subseries does (I haven't played past that in the series). There's... 4? in the Johto region, and 3 in Kanto? Or 3 in Johto, 4 in Kanto. Whichever. EDIT: Or were you looking for radio stations with music not original to the game? If so, I apologize.
  17. "YEAH." Holy sh*t. I simultaneously feel uplifted and drugged up at the same time. Amazing stuff.
  18. Fair enough. Will there be 10-gallon hats issued instead?
  19. Question for Fishy: Will there be support badges for those of us wishing to tout the project?
  20. "Will to Fight" did it for me. Agreed, though, the soundtrack was pretty sweet. I still like some of the older FF soundtracks better though. Even if that makes me a bad person.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzFooLMKYn0 What can I say? It's a track with great potential, in my opinion; one of my favorite from a game whose music is regularly overlooked. I'd love to see what anyone could do with this - electronica, orchestra, trance, whatever. I leave it to the far more capable hands of you remixers.
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