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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Welcome, Charlie's Angel! It's always good to add to OCRemix's family, especially when it's... family? Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun, lol. But truly, welcome. Hope to see you around.
  2. "Turns out she was in another castle."
  3. Hummina hummina hummina POW! Well done. Love it.
  4. They still did an amazing job of doing justice to it, for a sight-read piece. Very nice.
  5. w00t! Go Jovette! Also:
  6. Welcome to the community, Sleepy Dream! It's good to have you here. And to be quite honest, I couldn't tell in the slightest that you weren't a native-born English speaker... and I spend a large portion of my time fixing people's grammar, so that should tell you something. So I wouldn't worry too much!
  7. Agreed. Mmm... suppose, seeing as how I have decent amounts of free time on my hands every so often, I should see if I can hunt down some new avatars too.
  8. Mmm... question, out of curiosity. Are you planning on keeping the piano as the only instrument, or were you going put some others in there? And if so, what were you looking at possibly adding?
  9. I'd always try to find someone to give you a live recording before resorting to synthing it - there's just something you can't replicate with a synth in a human's interpretation/rendition, on any instrument. And there's some really good guitarists in the OCRemix community; you could probably talk one of them into doing it for you. But yeah. Definitely like what you've got going on with the remix so far - looking forward to where you take it!
  10. Likewise - Graylightning, DiggiDis, VampireHunterDan, and djpretzel all have songs that have met with my parents' approval. Aside from that, they're not much for videogames - they barely tolerated me playing games when I was a child, even.
  11. Seconded fully. It sort of tricked me as to the direction you were going to go with your remix, and while I normally hate it when people try to trick me (or on rare occasion succeed), I definitely enjoyed being tricked this time! I also thought you did a really great job expanding on the source, using enough of it to keep me hooked and wanting more while at the same time showcasing your own material. Great stuff.
  12. That's pretty good too!
  13. God, I'm not even sure anymore... it's been years, although - similarly to you - I didn't join until a month and a half ago. Mmm... wait, I think it's coming back to me. I think I did a Google search for "Tifa's Theme," that took me to the VotL website, where I was mightily impressed by the music and one or two of the music videos on there. I followed the link on back to OCRemix from there, if I recall right.
  14. I'd suggest is putting a link to your YouTube channel in your first post to save potential future partners the work of doing the looking for your mixes.
  15. Based on this thread, I'm guessing you're actually a little bit on the late side. Also, as I stated in the other thread, "Will to Fight" is definitely the one from that soundtrack that I'd be rooting for being remixed, as well.
  16. ^ Also, a rather humorous take on it, vis a vis Jon Stewart and the Daily Show.
  17. Legally, I think they still are entitled to them, even if fired. Not sure though. Still, Activision, you've officially shot yourself in the face as far as the gaming community is concerned.
  18. Lol, nah, it's okay, man - I'm just glad you've turned your attentions to the game. Although I definitely think there is a potential gold mine in the various battle themes scattered throughout the game's landscape, even if it's not that particular one... which, come to think of it, there really is a surprising number of different battle themes in LoD.
  19. What about the battle music for the lost Wingly city? I can't look now because I'm in class, but when I get home and can get ahold of my earphones I'll look it up and link it to you. You know, the ruins that the Wingly elder teleports you to so you can retrieve the dragon blocking staff from? I actually thought about requesting that music, too, but I figured I'd rather see if anyone snapped up my three favorites first.
  20. SO exciting! Yay kate!
  21. Heck yes, HoboKa!
  22. Found this thread while digging through old threads, and I'd like to renew the request for our talented remixers on the site to turn their attention to the soundtrack to Legend of Dragoon. In particular, to my three favorite pieces: Requiem, played for Lavitz's death scene and again when the party meets him in the Dead City; Twilight of Rose, which is basically Rose's theme and is played during scenes that reveal her past; and Reminiscence. In particular, I've always thought it'd be interesting to work the latter two into a remix together, since both really apply primarily to Rose's storyline and experiences.
  23. I am, or had you not noticed my sig?
  24. Okay, now that's just frickin' wrong.
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