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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Charles McDougle III
  • Location
    Riverdale, MD
  • Occupation
    Rapper / Producer of Wreck The System


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Kontakt, Massive, Reaktor
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. I feel bad I missed the last round (lost track of the comp and had a lot going on that week), but I'm so glad I got the opportunity to jam with you guys! And HEAR ALL THIS GREAT MUSIC THAT CAME OUT OF IT.
  2. Cam3 Flight of the Peacock (Cyber Peacock in Observatory Hall [X]) Disco is NOT Dead, Disco is a Giant Metal Seahorse (Toxic Seahorse in Observatory Hall [X]) Brewing Beerliever (Blizzard Buffalo in Observatory Hall [X]) Dopplergangers
  3. Cam3 Palace Of The Beast (Slash Beast in Sigma Palace [X8]) Chiral (Spiral Pegacion in Sigma Palace [X8]) Straight Outta RAGE (Flame Stag in Sigma Palace X8) Dopplergangers
  4. So jealous of Round 6's theme. I admit I really wasn't on my A-game last week, but it is what it is. Hope to tweak my track in the future.
  5. Cam3 - Dopplergangers (Don't Wanna) Hurt You (Gravity Beetle in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Caffeine Shoveling Hunter Turtloids (Rainy Turtloid in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Laser Power (Shield Sheldon in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2])
  6. Cam3 - Dopplergangers Arsonist (Flame Mammoth in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Tropical Relaxation Method (Cyber Peacock in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  7. Cam3 - Dopplergangers Rolling (Frost Walrus) - Eino Kesketalo Electric Moves & Cephalopod Grooves (Volt Kraken) - SuperiorX Firefly (Shining Hotarunicus) - Sir_Nuts
  8. YAAAAAS!!! NEON TIGER!! Btw Darke, think I can get a sig with the name "Cam3"?
  9. Kinda nervous, but I've been waiting for an event like this :] Here are my picks: Neon Tiger (X3) Blizzard Buffalo (X3) Spark Mandrill (X) Split Mushroom (X4) Slash Beast (X4)
  10. Hey OC, long time no see! I've been at work with this requested remix of Karin Kanzuki's theme from SF Alpha 3 (Simple Rating). I tried updating the original song using the more energetic, techno-infused direction of the Street Fighter IV soundtrack as my basis. At the same time, I also used interpolations of the GBA arrangement to flesh out the theme more. Lemme know what you think! Note: This is more of an arrangement than a remix, so it's more faithful to the original sound in this case... Original Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2YP4x6x74Q GBA Version: My Version: And here are the download links: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/469336 http://soundcloud.com/cam3mix/street-fighter-alpha-3-karins
  11. Yeah it does start sounded a bit repetitive after awhile. I'm glad you approve of the concept though. Any tips on how I can humanize the instruments a little more though? I didn't think of how artificial they sounded at first...
  12. Well I feel where most of y'all are coming from. The fact is I envisioned this as more of an arrangement than a full-on remix, explaining the immediate intro and lack of change. Although I wanted to go for a harder, techno sound than the more tranquil original. I felt that it's been done too many times and I wanted to emphasize the rollercoaster elements of the Zone. But yeah, I do intend to pepper more variety into the song, as well as integrate the counter melody better. I honestly didn't think the transition was THAT bad at first, but I'll definitely revisit that and tweak it as necessary. Thanks for the feedback though!
  13. Original Version: My Rendition: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/382680 (MP3) (video)Back on the Sonic remixes, this is my spin (as requested) on the Star Light Zone, remembered for its dreamy soundscapes and rollercoaster level designs. Hope you guys enjoy my little update
  14. Original Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LxAGq-6V3Y My Rendition: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/357588 Did this arrangement a while ago. Lemme know what you guys think!
  15. Original Version: My Rendition: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/396381 A classic Zelda melody remixed with a Celtic twist. Lemme know what you all think!
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